Friday, February 16, 2024

Reaching the World for Christ!

Why do we not see more Christians writing about Jesus Christ on Facebook?
I see this medium as a way to encourage other believers in their walk and to share the gospel with the lost.
Is it possible that most who say they are Christians have no interest in encouraging one another to walk in holiness nor do they care that others hear the gospel.
I am thankful for all those believers who are using the internet and social media to encourage one another and to share the gospel. There is no greater way to spread the Good News than the internet, God has provided it for these end times to be able to reach every home in every town in every country of the world right before He comes to take home His church.
We can sit in our chairs in our homes and reach the entire world for Christ. It is a miracle that only God could have orchestrated.
We don't even have to be well enough to travel long distances, we can write at times and rest at other times right from our own homes. I say "go for it" brothers and sisters!!!!
I remember many years ago an older lady who was using radio from her garage to speak to believers around the world while giving the gospel to the lost. She was on fire for Christ but could not travel, she did have a microphone and a little office in the back of their garage where she gave Bible lessons and shared the gospel to the world back in the day when radio was all that was available.
This lovely lady had to get donations to pay for radio time and it was expensive. She was only allotted a particular slot once a week or once a day for half an hour.
Now we can ALL do this from our computers every day. I cannot think of anything more exciting than this!!!!
We don't have to worry about being at the computer at a particular time because we have access 24/7. We can speak to people in another day, they will be in our tomorrow and we are in their yesterday while communicating together in chat.
I will never stop being amazed at what God has done in this matter of the internet.

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