Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Be Confident in Declining What God has not Commanded

If someone becomes angry because we declined an offer we know that the offer came with a hook. Never feel bad about having reasonable boundaries that you live by.
There will always be those who think you have insulted them by saying "no thank you" to their desire for us to do something. When we experience this we know the motive was not pure and the offer was not for our good but only theirs.
I am happy to be on board with someone when God is telling me to do it, however, I am not pleased with pressure to do things God never told me to do.
Never feel guilty if you have to say no to someone else's agenda.
God will tell us what He wants when He wants it, people are not our bosses, only Christ is our Authority, when He speaks we know it.
When the Holy Spirit speaks to us there is no doubt and no pressure needed from others. Others may suggest things to us that we pray about but their pressure should never be the reason we do something.
Acts 5:29
"29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."
Those who do not support our decision to hear from God cannot be our companions. They will expect us to do their bidding rather than seek Christ in us.
Peer pressure to honor cultural Christianity will always lead down a path of disobedience, don't go there, stay on the path God has for you even if no one else goes with you or supports you.
Mark 6:11
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that place, as a testimony against them.""
Keep your companions those who love God as you love Him and desire to obey Him as you desire to obey Him. Everyone else will be a distraction.

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