Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mind Clutter

I don't allow "mind clutter" to dominate my life. Mind clutter is all those news articles about people we have never met and information we have no way of vetting. Even if we could vet them they serve no rational purpose in knowing about them.
I count these tidbits of gossip tantamount to knowing how many fleas reside on the back of a Tibetan Yak, in other words, useless information.
If it does not edify or warn us Biblically then we are free to ignore it.
Next time someone accuses you of having your head in the sand because you refuse to "be informed" about all the muck out in the world, remind them that the Apostles and Christ never promoted "tabloid news" as anything worthy of our attention.
Many things I am hearing now from Christians are on the level of those "Enquirer" news articles we used to mock at the grocery store checkout line, worthless, even less than worthless information that only serves to make people paranoid and gossip mongers.
God said these were the times of great deception and that even the elect will be fooled, He was right and it is happening right now as Christians feed continually on and are addicted to news they have no way of proving its validity.
1 Timothy 1:4
"Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do."

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