Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Real Symbolism of the Head Covering

The head covering on the woman is an expression of the woman symbolically as the church and the lack of covering on the man is symbolic of Christ.

The covering and the non-covering in the gender roles are pictures of Christ and His church. It has nothing to do with the submission wife to the husband. The wife walks along with her husband as her leader but she is not under him, she is under Christ.

No one should ever take the place of Christ in the believer's life, whether it be man or woman. The man leads by example and teaching not as an authority over.

To be the authority over someone else the man would be taking the place of the Holy Spirit.

A woman is the helpmate to her husband. Her job is to encourage him to keep going when He obeys Christ and to redirect him when he falters from the calling. She is his helper in all Spiritual matters.

Women are to submit to their husbands as we all are to submit to others in general, but only if those we submit to are obeying Christ. We are never required to submit to anyone who is telling us to disobey Christ.

A woman will stand before God one day alone. She will never be able to say "but Lord, my husband told me to sin." She will be accountable for her own sin and her own choices, obeying God or disobeying God.

As believers, we ought to be honoring and deferring to one another. We must evaluate what God is calling us to do and submit to others as God leads. And, at times we might have to resist submitting when God is not calling us to do what others are asking.

Acts 5:29
"But Peter and the apostles answered and said, We must obey God rather than men."

1 John 5:3 - "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome."

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