Thursday, May 23, 2024

They May Deny Hell but they are Lying, they Know it is a Real Place

This morning a dear sister and I were chatting and the subject came up of those who think hell is just another fun place to be, sort of a party hearty den without any rules. I related to her something that happened at a fair my husband and I were working with our ice cream business. Here is the story:
A wicked old man at a fair we were working with our Ice Cream business told my husband all about his wicked exploits over the years. All the women he used and the drunken parties he attended were fodder for boasting. He counted himself as having lived a good life because he did what he wanted without restraint.
My husband agonized over hearing all this foolishness then he asked the man where he thought he would go when he died, the man said; "Heaven or hell doesn't matter I have friends in both places" was his answer.
Then he asked my husband where my husband thought the man would go when he died. My husband said, "Clearly you are going to hell." The man walked off fast and angry. My husband was about to give him the gospel message when he got a customer and had to turn away for a moment. When he returned to resume the conversation with the man he saw him hobbling off with his cane as fast as a limping man could go with gusto and anger.
That man was at the fair all week working somewhere else, each day he would come by mumbling something in anger at my husband as he passed.
So if this man who was angry, didn't believe in hell or thought he had friends in both places, why would he be angry that my husband told him he was going to hell? The truth is the man knew hell was a bad place and believed in it or he wouldn't have any reason to be angry and he lied because he said that he didn't care where he went.
People lie all the time, they defy God in their refusal to believe in Christ and deliberately pretend to embrace what God said was evil or death to anyone who followed that path.
In other words, they don't really believe what they say, they are only in defiance of God and know it. This is why God said there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in hell.
Luke 13:27-28 "27 And he will answer, ‘I tell you, I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you evildoers.’ 28 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves are thrown out.
There will be weeping because of the darkness and pain but the gnashing of teeth will be because of the anger against God that He put them there.
Even in hell, the wicked do not repent, they continue to hate God.
How utterly irrational is it to hate the One Who can throw someone into hell with no escape!!!!! This is just how wicked and stubborn people are, they will not let go of their sin and anger even in a place like hell.
Psalm 112:10
"The wicked man will see and be grieved; he will gnash his teeth and waste away; the desires of the wicked will perish."
Matthew 25:30
And throw that worthless servant into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'"
Hell is real and those who fake indifference to it know it is real but are so stubborn they reject the truth on purpose to aggravate God further, as though they can aggravate God. Just like the narcissist deliberately rejects the believers and the truth for no other reason than to cause them distress.
But believers are not distressed by the rejection of an evil person, the evil person is deeply distressed and wants to project their own mess onto others.
The devil has twisted the minds of those who rebel against God, Who provided a way of escape from hell. That way being so easy and joyful is seen as a burden to them. Think about it, it is a burden to the wicked to be kind and loving, because it means they would have to submit to God and others. This is complete insanity to reject paradise, love, comfort and amazing companionship of our Lord and His children merely to follow what will destroy them.
I have seen this in my life, those who hang desperately to their own will that takes them to hell when salvation in Christ would be so easy and bring such amazing love. It is "ragingly insane" and "completely irrational." Just as it was for the angel Lucifer to rebel against God after seeing Him, knowing Him and being the most accomplished and beautiful angel in heaven to think he could go against God when it was God Who created him.
Sin is desirable to the wicked heart but it is irrational and senseless.
Brothers and Sisters, never feel bad when a wicked person hates you, in fact, rejoice that a wicked person hates you.
I am reminded of an Andy Griffith episode when Opey said to his father; "why would I want a criminal to like me?"
Something to think about and thank the Lord that He saved us out of our own foolishness and brought us into His kingdom. Hallelujah!!!!

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