Monday, July 8, 2024

The Last Days Deceptions are Rampant and Prominent Now

Another false doctrine being taught in the seminaries and propagated in the church gatherings growing rapidly is that angels mated with human flesh, that is women.
To say that devils could impregnate a human woman is to assign to angels the same power God the Father had in impregnating Mary. It is a form of blasphemy.
Angels do not have a seed that can bond with the seed of a woman. Only God can create a seed from nothing. Devils are spirits and the human woman is flesh. God said "Each one after its own kind", which includes the different species of beings that are spiritual.
Demons do not have the human male equipment to do this to a woman. And, how would a woman even know it was happening if it was spiritual.
Next, I want to ask why would we assume a union of a spirit devil and a human woman would produce giants? Why would they not be spirit beings or tiny people spirit beings, or invisible beings?
The teaching of the devils mating with human women comes from the book of Enoch which contains much heresy. In that book, the giants were over 400 ft tall, which means a small human woman would have to give birth to a 140-pound baby if the baby grew at the normal rate of human babies. Of course, this is just silly.
The book of Enoch was rejected because of its other heresies as well as the angles and human mating idea. Sadly many notable scholars in these last days do take many of their beliefs from extra-Biblical writings as well as psychology.
There were giants in the land but there was no connection between the angels and the humans, it's merely a description of the people of the time.
I am convinced that the Men of God were godly men who took the daughters of men who were pagan women. God forbade godly men from taking pagan wives, it was against God Himself to do this.
This is just one example of the last days of deception and heresies that dominate modern church gatherings. It is astounding how popular a belief becomes when it is taken from paganism and how diminished principles becomes when it is from God's Word. This is a sign of the times, the end times in which false doctrine is popularized while truth is minimized.
2 Timothy 4:3
"3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"

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