Friday, April 24, 2009

Sin is Sin and Sin is Sin

As I pondered today the sin everywhere in the world and the sin in the church, I was struck with the reality of the words of Jesus Christ when He said, "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 5:19. "But I say that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart....Matthew 5:28
Recently, it has been brought to my attention that many believers have a view of sin that tends to categorize different sins as being greater or lesser than other sins. Some sins are more easily forgiven than others, so we think. Perhaps we are reading the scripture which describes greater punishments in hell and greater rewards in heaven. As I prayed about this, the Lord illuminated my thoughts with a dose of sense. I was reminded that the thief on the cross who spoke for Jesus Christ was not rewarded with salvation for his deeds, he had no deeds. He was rewarded with salvation for trusting in Christ alone. The other criminal on the other cross beside Jesus Christ was not condemned because of his deeds but because he rejected Christ. The Lord looked into the heart of each man and gave him what he deserved based on his heart condition, not his deeds.
When Christ said that if we have lustful thoughts, it is the same as committing the act of adultery. He was telling us that the sin is actually in the heart, the acts come and cause devastation, but the heart was sinful before the act was commit ed.
When the Lord rebuked Israel as an adulterous generation, He was not only referring to the rampant immorality but also to the hearts of the people who became dedicated to false gods. Is it not possible that selfishness is also adultery in the heart because we are the main object of our own affections above God and others. Those who retain a measure of arrogance, thinking that they have "arrived" are trying in their flesh to be humble, we are actually walking with a swagger in our hearts. It is a Spiritually discerned condition, those who witness it without the use of the eyes of the Holy Spirit, will not see it and will become infected with it themselves.
Many believers who think that they have risen above those "big" sins may be committing them in their heart as they judge others for not having as great a spirituality as themselves. I believe this is the reason we have "click-i-ness" in the church and snobbery in the family of God. When we harbor attitudes of superiority in our hearts we break every commandment. Yes we should rebuke sin and restore others as they repent, but once the repentance is complete we must proceed as though the sin was never commited in the first place. This is the beginning of restoration for the sinner.
Every believer has modern disobedience's in their life and are blinded to them. It is evident every day. Each of us has a responsibility to examine ourselves each day to see "if there be any wicked way" in us that we may grow in our walk with the Lord.
Blessings to you all.