Tuesday, November 30, 2010

8 Toxic Personalities to Avoid

8 Toxic Personalities to Avoid


  1. I have been studying two concepts in the last few years that have been prevelent in our culture in a dramatic way over the last fourty years. Ever since "self esteem" has been taught in the schools and in the homes, we have seen an increase in manipulation and narcissism. Christ taught that one of the elements of holiness is the absence of self awareness. This is opposite of what our selfish and ungodly culture is teaching. This article is not necessarily Christian, so it is best to get the solutions for these problems from Scriptures and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Blessings!

  2. •Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
    •Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
    •Has feelings of self-importance
    •Exaggerates achievements and talents
    •Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love and I would add, indulges in fantasy life styles from "the old days."
    •Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
    •Requires constant attention and admiration
    •Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
    •Has obsessive self-interest
    •Pursues mainly selfish goals
    Taken from an article entitled "Narcissistic Personaliyt Disorder"

  3. We have the power of Christ within us that helps us respond in a Christlike manner to those who are acting wickedly. The Lord can tell us every thing to do and He can make us everything to be, that is needed. Let's not allow the world or Satan to manipulate us into ungodly behavior, which is Satan's desire, to make us disobey God and become weak and cowardly as we live out our lives here for Christ. Christ has the victory, and He lives in us. Hallelujah!!!
