Saturday, January 20, 2018

Which is More Harsh Telling Truth or Doing Evil

Society as a whole has become completely self absorbed with few exceptions.

This is the reason that couples in marriage are destroying families and children, they do not have God's principles as their standards.

When "anything goes" mankind reverts back to total selfishness. Whatever "feels" good is practiced rather than what actually "is" good. These selfish and determined child like adults are so bent on their own way that they will even bludgeon anyone who challenges them to think less selfishly.

Pretending is a common occurrence, even more than rational thinking. Probably because rational thinking leads to sacrifice. Sacrificing self will for the sake of the greater good brings much reward, but selfishness brings devastation, nothing of value is accomplished when we forgo our rational thinking in favor of what is not real, that is emotional responses not based on reality.

When we think rationally about what is best for ourselves and others, we will not be paying attention to our emotions much.

Our emotions are often not based on reality but rather faulty perceptions of how something made us feel.

Yes it feels bad to have to use a needle to take the sliver out of a child's hand, but avoid taking it out because we don't like to make someone cry, brings a worse problem, the problem of infection.

It makes us feel bad sometimes when someone corrects or rebukes us, but that does not make the correction or rebuke wrong, it just means it hurt a little. If one ignores their feelings and uses rational thinking about a correction or rebuke they might grow and learn from what someone said to them.

Those who become angry when corrected, rebuked or instructed, are people who never grow past infancy in their emotions.

This is what has happened in divorce and remarriage, people bail out of their responsibility for temporary feelings of euphoria only to find the next relationship is no better, even perhaps worse than the first one. When we must face problems in marriage or other circumstances, we figure out solutions, sadly too many people would rather give up the growth spurt to enjoy temporary relieved feelings. Usually the feelings are not relieved until they can exact revenge on the one who shared the depth of the problem.

Our country has killed millions of babies in our country because the parents didn't "feel" happy, the babies were an interference to their life of pleasure. Even though the mother and father were the ones who conceived the baby, they take no responsibility or empathy in raising her. So the baby is punished with a monstrous form of torture in order to perpetuate the "happiness" of the couple.

If any court of law punished an innocent child for being an inconvenience to their parents, with a sentence of death, our culture would be outraged and yet this is exactly what is happening in the abortion clinics. The parents don't like to be held accountable for their own actions, so the response of their irresponsibility is to murder the innocent baby.

Some would call this sick thinking and so do I, but it is really evil selfishness to the core.

When a society begins to base nearly every decision on how they feel, that is when the society begins to deteriorate and then fall.

It is feelings that motivate parents to murder their babies, it is feelings that motivate couples to divorce while devastating their children with feelings of abandonment.

Parents now days have little concern for the well being of their children, they see them as property to be used, abused and discarded at will if they become inconvenient.

This sounds harsh because it is harsh to do these things, but guess what, the parents who do these things will call us harsh for saying they are harsh. You judge, which one is harsh, the one who tells them it is sin to kill babies and end families, or the one who actually does these things.

If it is harsh to say these things, isn't it much harsher to actually do them?

Think about it!

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