Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Disobedience

In most countries of the world the believing women in the gatherings wear the dead covering as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11. It is the Western countries, Europe and the United States that no longer practice the covering. Just a few decades ago all women wore some sort of covering, in my mothers day it was a hat, before that it was a scarf. Now in the United States the only gatherings that use the coverings in obedience to 1 Corinthians are the fringe groups such as Mennonites, Quakers, the Plymouth Brethren and a few others. Mostly all the Protestant churches are not teaching on the purpose or meaning of the covering.

Notice something very important, those countries that have abandoned the use of the covering are the rebellious and apostate western cultures. Feminism has made women contemptuous toward a Biblical covering, even those who do not consider themselves "feminist" think that it is a strange practice. This is just how far we have come from the Biblical standards of the Bible.

We cannot judge a woman as unsaved for not obeying the practice of the head covering, but we should teach it so that women are aware that it is an command of God and that it is not a cultural practice for "back in that day." Our culture has become very rebellious, even the ones who are staunch about obeying their husbands, will not obey God in this matter of the covering.

The following youtube site is very good in explaining that God still teaches in His Word that a woman is to be covered when she prays and prophesies in the worship gathering. Those who have been trained in liberal seminaries have been taught wrongly on this matter, completely negating the very commands of God. This should not surprise us since they have done this same thing with the teachings of Christ on divorce and remarriage. The apostate church has done away with the covering as a symbol for the woman just as they have done away with the proper teachings about the covenant marriage and the sin of divorce and remarriage. When the apostate church softens the message of God's commands in one area, there is always a progression to other areas. Disobedience against God's Word is always progressive when the people do not admit and confess their sin.

Follow the Link to Learn more:

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