Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Are You Deceivable?

"When someone is living in unrighteousness, they are deceivable." Earthen Vessel

The reason we are seeing so many people in the church are acting irrationally and deceived by false doctrine and moving toward cultic belief is because they are proud in their hearts.

They make up their own doctrine based on what they like or what fits with the culture in order to fit in with the group they are with.

When we follow Christ we will not fit in anywhere it seems. We don't fit into most gatherings whether it be in the world or the church. We do not fit into most church gatherings because the world has taken over the church.

Unrighteousness need not be big bad sins everyone can see, it might be as subtle as seeming to be righteous on the outside while at the same time deeply prideful about how good one thinks they are, special, superior to others.

Pride was what made the devil used to entice Eve in the garden. He appealed to her desire to be special and superior. She was not satisfied with living in a perfect world, she wanted to be like god.

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