Saturday, August 10, 2019

Get a Bible Read it, Then Pray for the Understanding

In our region of the country it is getting harder to find Bibles now. The two Bible book stores that were in our town are now gone and the Walmart that used to have Bibles no longer do.

This all seems so strange to me since I grew up seeing Bibles in every department store and several Bible book stores in one city.

This is an indication of just how ungodly this culture has become.

I have several Bibles in my house that I have collected over the years from thrift stores and garage sales. I have also given out Bibles occasionally.

Now I my plan is to make a project of collecting them more deliberately now because of this shortage. Having them on hand to give away is a good idea.

This also makes me realize that there are now many homes that do not have Bibles in them. In my generation most families had a least a large family Bible but now there will be families who have no Bible at all.

Thankfully we still have the Gideons who are working hard to get Bibles in the hands of many. They set up at fairs and festivals giving out free Bibles, but we cannot leave this task to just them. We must all be working in these last days before the Lord returns.

We know we are no longer a Christian nation when Bibles begin to disappear from the shelves. Its not that government is disallowing the distribution, its that the people are no longer interested in having them, they just don't sell well anymore.

Amos 8:11-12 "11 Behold! The days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. 12 People will stagger from sea to sea and roam from north to east, seeking the word of the LORD, but they will not find it.…"

I am sure there are far more Bibles in the "Bible belt" of this country where there are far more churches, but even there we have a cultural Christianity in which many people have a Bible but don't read them until there is a disaster. Most people in the Southern part of our country who have Bibles don't know them very well.

Maybe we ought to have bumper stickers on our cars that say "Get a Bible, read it and then pray for Understanding."

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