Friday, August 9, 2019

No One Is Compatible in Marriage

No one is compatible in marriage, LOL!!!! We are dealing with two different genders that do not think alike often. We are dealing with two people each raised in a different environment and we are dealing with cultural pressures to act certain ways.

We learn from marriage how to give and how to take gracefully. It takes practice and emotional and spiritual exercise to do a marriage. With God's help we all improve and are better at the end than we were at the beginning.

Marriage is a boot camp to learn how to seek God in trials. I am convinced our life on earth is boot camp for the bigger job of ruling in the Millennium. I cannot accept that we went through this life only to set aside everything we learned when we move into the 1000 year reign.

If people would just stop looking at marriage as a means to happiness they would be much better off and n one would divorce because they would see their trials as an exercise to perform better.

So stop trying to be happy and seek Christ to be emotionally and spiritually successful, this is practice for a later time.

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