Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Church has Twisted Scripture through its use of Psychology Rather than Holy Spirit Wisdom from God's Word

Notice that narcissists will hold past forgiven sins against those who have turned their life around to follow Christ. They hate that someone is no longer walking sinfully because it shines a light on their own unforgiven sins that they refuse to admit they have.
God told us to confess our sins to Him and to others because this is the only way to be cleansed of them. Someone who will not admit and someone who forgives them without confession of the offender is an enabler.
People who chronically offend others and think it's alright to do so, will not change until there are consequences for unrepentance. God does not forgive those who will not repent and neither should we. This does not mean we hate them or that we do them any harm, it just means the relationship is not reconciled. It also does not mean we become bitter. It is the offender who refuses to admit their sin who is bitter.
Notice that the devil has lied to this generation convincing the church that we become bitter if we do not forgive an unrepentant soul who thinks their offenses are acceptable. And, the devil has convinced the church that we should show our compassion to the offender and pressure the offended to forgive unjustly. It is backward from what God says. Psychology has brain-washed a lot of people to think the opposite of what God teaches in His Word.
Now we are judging and disrespecting the victim of emotional and spiritual abuse while coddling the one who walks in rebellion, this leads a lot of church attendees to believe the mean one is the one who does not forgive unjustly the offender. While surrounding the offender with love and kindness further enabling them to continue in their sin of pride and refusal to stop their attacks.
Luke 17:2-4 "…2 It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. 3 Watch yourselves. If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. 4 Even if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times returns to say, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”…"
Notice God said "if he repents forgive him."
To be reconciled to God we must confess our sin to be forgiven and cleansed. If someone offends others they must confess their sin against them to be r3econciled to them. God expects us to operate the way He does.
1 John 1:9
"9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Note: God says "if we confess He is faithful to forgive."

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