Friday, September 13, 2024

Eyes that have been Opened can never be Closed Again

The Lord has been opening the eyes of my understanding for years about the rejection of Biblical truth in the churches today. It is astounding how leadership and governance have been perverted to equal the pattern of the Catholic Church with a hierarchy God never commanded or intended.
Recently my husband came across an article that described the "priesthood of believers" as written in the Bible showing the great deception of the modern church in their teachings about leaders in the gathering.
Here are some quotes from Cornerstone Magazine that clearly explain how God intended for the church to operate.
"In the Old Testament there was a two class system, the priests who offered the sacrifice and the people who brought the sacrifice. "
"In the New Testament, however, we see a completely different picture in the spiritual life of God’s people, the Church. Instead of the two-class system that existed in Israel, we see no distinction in spiritual worship and service among God’s people. Instead, all believers are entitled to access before the Lord in worship as well as the spiritual privilege to serve." Cornerstone
"What it means to us today is that there is nothing that bars anyone from coming into God’s presence when they come through faith in Christ and His finished work. Additionally, this means that a believer does not have to rely on the work of another person to represent them before God." Cornerstone
"It also means that service for the Lord is not the exclusive privilege of a separate class of people, but rather it is the privilege and responsibility of every believer in Christ. As 1 Peter 2:5 puts it, we are a “holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” This truth is written to all believers, not just to a separate class." Cornerstone
"The New Testament truth of the priesthood of all believers stands in direct contrast to present-day Christendom. By relegating these privileges to a certain class of people, Christendom reverts to an Old Testament model of clergy-laity distinctions and disregards this truth of access and service to be exercised by all believers. One part of Christendom emphasizes the need for a particular individual to represent the people, while another emphasizes the need for education and theological training to qualify such an individual for spiritual service." Cornerstone
"Not so! These distinctions have been put away in Christ. What was true in Israel before the events at Mount Sinai (Ex. 19:5-6) has been restored through the Lord’s finished work of redemption. There is now no “clergy-laity” distinction. If anything, it is not the “clergy” but the “laity” concept that is the problem today! Continuous access into the presence of God and service for the Lord through the spiritual gifts given to each one is the privilege and responsibility of every believer in Christ. It is not just the domain of a certain group of people (see Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:27). " Cornerstone
"The priesthood of all believers is a treasured truth of New Testament teaching. May each Christian fully understand their blessings and privileges in Christ and act on them in their daily walk with Him. Cornerstone
"There is no "clergy-laity" distinction in the Word of God, there are only priests."
When our eyes have been opened to the truth of the modern way of doing church as opposing God's mandate that all believers are priests and all believers have gifts and callings of the Holy Spirit, our eyes can never again unsee this principle.
May those who are seeking Christ stop fearing the hierarchy of men as dictated by men and begin enjoying their freedom in Christ to operate according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Hallelujah, when Christ sets us free we are free indeed!!!!

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