Friday, September 13, 2024

Politics the Devil's Workshop

I watched the debate between the two presidential candidates, now, how can I get an hour and a half of my life back?
Sadly both candidates presented as baffoonish elementary school children, with very little content and lots of snark as well as lacking in professionalism in their deliveries. This country is going down no matter who wins the election.
I ran away from a narcissistic family just like these candidates, lack of respect, rude remarks that add nothing and rejection of anyone who would call them out on their ill-manored comments. Where is the dignity, gentleness, kindness and self-control.............just not there.
If this is all we have to choose from we may get a few things we want but the example that is set is one of "beat the other guy before he beats me" mentality.
These two were terrible examples for the people to follow in decorum, in fact, they sort of demonstrate the tenor of the majority of the population of this country, "get them before they get me", without substance.
By the way, the one candidate everyone thinks is against abortion is hedging his bets by sending the matter back to the states. In my opinion a president who is truly pro-life would execute an "emancipation proclamation" for the unborn the way Lincoln did for the blacks in 1863 when he wiped out the Dred Scott decision that declared that blacks were not persons but property.
The unborn are seen as property without humanity to those who are for the killing of the innocent while still in their mother's womb even through the ninth month. There is a huge correlation between the Dred Scott decision and the Roe v Wade decision that came down from the courts in 1973.
Getting back to the subject of leadership in our country, if we have eyes to see we can see the spin on everything that sounds good but tossing us a bone to make it look like something is happening.
Narcissists are easily offended and don't tend to think very deeply, their focus is on winning no matter how foolish they sound.
There is an old saying "More is caught than taught", meaning whatever the leaders exhibit will be the flow of the country in interactions with one another.
I watched this foolishness to see if anything good was going to come out of this mess, it was, once again, confirming my belief that this country has been turned over to the devil and is not coming back.
The clues were all there if someone has the discernment that neither one of these candidates can be trusted to lead this country in a God-honoring way. If all the country cares about is maintaining their freedoms, the price of things and anything else their heart desires then God is no longer in the equation in the minds of nearly everyone except a few of the godly remnant who can distinguish between godliness and foolishness.
I said this the first time Trump ran, that he knew there was a block of people who had given up voting and that it was the Christians. He set out to court them through the use of their own verbiage, pretending to be a Christian and even claiming to be for all their causes. It worked the first time but as time went on we could see the tricks he used to woo that voting block to think he is just like them.
I am not satisfied with getting a few crumbs hoping that more of the bread will come. I want this country to repent and turn to Christ, that is the only way it will be turned around, but we know this will not happen because we most people in this country who say they are Christians have never been born again so they will vote conservatively but have little interest in obeying and pleasing God.
Politics will not save this country, no one man will save this country and conservatism will not save this country, only repentance, wholesale and complete would save this country.
As long as "Christians" are looking to the government or leaders they are in disobedience to Christ. We are not on this earth to save a country, we are here to bring the salvation message to those who are headed for hell.
Christians in churches are looking to their pastors instead of to Christ. The day the church stops looking for leaders to be their spirituality for them is the day they will be able to seek Christ and the day their eyes will be opened to what is important.
The gospel, living through the Holy Spirit and willing to lose our lives for Him is the life God commanded for us.
Psalm 146:3 in the Bible says, "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help"
God said it!!!!
Just saying!!!!!!!

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