Monday, July 15, 2024

No One is Superior to Anyone Else

I know many "Christians" who act worse than people I know who are unsaved. They seem to think their "cultural Christianity" makes them superior to others. If we think we are superior then we still have pride., the very thing that caused the devil to get thrown out of heaven.
Those who are harsh with people because they believe they have done very well for themselves have not trusted in Christ but in their own idea of themselves.
When we know what Christ saved us out of and that we couldn't be good enough on our own we do not sport pride but we are bold and determined to help others with the truth.
We cannot walk with Christ in humility if we have a high opinion of ourselves and we cannot help those who think highly of themselves.
It is only in knowing we had nothing to offer God that we can submit to Christ. Submitting to Christ means we will take all that He wrote in His Word the Bible seriously as they were meant to be and that is as commands. They are not suggestions that we can ignore.
We cannot save ourselves by obeying God's commands, we obey them because He changed us into a new creation and we love Him and all His commands.
If we are not asking God for wisdom with the desire to obey what He tells us then we are pretending, making up our own form of religion to feel good about ourselves.
No one who still has pride about their own goodness will not be saved.
Our faith is not in ourselves but in Christ Who is the only One Who is perfect righteousness.
Acts 20:21
"21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ."
Trusting in ourselves will take us to hell, but trusting in Christ, believing Him that we cannot be good enough is the only way He will save us and continue to work in us until He takes us home.
God will not save anyone who uses Him to appear special. He will only save those who know they are incapable of earning their way to heaven and want to be changed by Him into a new creation.
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

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