Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Christian Adventure

What a great story!!!! Preaching on the bus, left back pack, prayed, chased the bus in a taxi while preaching to the cab drive, bad in tact untouched with all goods still in it. LOL Someone couldn't make this stuff up.
Love it Dawn, the Christian life is very exciting!!! Even with the opposition there is adventure and solutions. Hallelujah!
Dawn Martin hardly hear myself speak. We totally forgot about my bag which was on the floor and had my credit cards in and other stuff. As we got off the bus I realized I hadn't got my bag! The first thing I did was pray. My friend started looking for a taxi to chase the bus yet didn't think of stopping to pray. God's word tells us in Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the Kingdom of God then everything will be added to you." We prayed then found a taxi. We jumped into a taxi and the driver chased the bus for several miles and he kept taking short cuts! It was thrilling!I think even the taxi driver enjoyed the chase! The taxi driver got to hear the Gospel in such unusual circumstances! We got my bag back, all intact!. Glory to God our prayers were answered! In ALL circumstances pray BEFORE doing anything in EVERY situation you face in life. Please pray this taxi driver gets saved!

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