Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The King James Bible, Where Does It Stand

The controversy over translations of the Holy Bible continues. While I agree that the King James Bible is probably the best we can do these days, I have to say that there are elements of the "King James Bible" movement that need to be addressed.
A statement that was made to me recently was that, since we don't have the original languages of Bible days, such as the Greek and Hebrew, we should not be trying to go back to those languages to find answers to our questions about God's Word.
I differ with this on several fronts. The first one would be that the King James had to have been translated from the Greek and Hebrew in the beginning, else where would it have come from. Secondly, archaeologists have determined that the scrolls that have been found with the Bible on them, are very close if not identical to the modern Greek and Hebrew.
Lastly, the Holy Spirit has been speaking, almost shouting, to me that we have our misunderstandings about the meanings of the Word of God in modern times because we are not seeking the Lord with all our heart and mind. We are reading His Word and not understanding it because we are relying on our own modern human insight rather than on the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Our culture is steeped in Psychology; particularly self esteem, self worth, self, self and more self. Because of this we are inclined to read the words of the King James bible in light of our brainwashed condition,cultural bents and personal desires.
The only cure to these misunderstandings is constant prayer and vigilance in our walk with the Lord. Everything that we believe must be confronted with the question, "Lord please, you show me the truth, I want only truth from the Holy Spirit."
At this point in time I am inclined to believe that the King James bible is the best we have, but even it is not perfect. That the only perfect inspired Word of God is in the original languages.
By the way, we don't have the original clay tablets that came to the Jews from Moses with the Ten Commandments on them, but copies of God's laws have been preserved by God all this time and they can be relied on to be His Law.
The moral of the story is this...Seek God with all our hearts, lean not on our own understanding, and He will reveal all that we ask for. God also says that we do not receive because we do not ask. Let's not just read the Word to gain knowledge according to our culture, let's read it to seek the mind of Christ and to obey Him, with a passion to honor God.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Possible Reason To Build An Ark

Today we have been experiencing another of the Lord's wake up calls. All the little villages and larger towns up and down I-5 are under flood warnings. Several places along that corridore have been evacuated. Over on Westside highway people were being rescued by boats. The Cowlitz river there is right near that larger bridge near Rodger's office. His office is right in the flood plane and the worst rain is suppose to hit tonight along with 40 mile an hour winds. If that happens then many trees will fall due to saturated ground that can no longer hold them up. I have never seen anything like this. I felt compelled to call him and tell him to get his boomboom home right away. The entire state of Washington has been declared a disaster. Buildings are collapsing in Spokane because there is 17 feet of snow and the roofs can not handle it all. The land right on the other side of our backyard fense is flooded and growing. Rodger calls that lake Dan, the man that owns it is named Dan. Every year a puddle grows there, but now it is a lake. WOW!!!! The dogs know something is wrong, they wouldn't go out today at all until about 1 pm and then they wanted right back inside. Animals have a way of knowing when there is danger. Our warehouse now has a half an inch of water in it. The contents of the building are up on pallets and the freezers are on dollies, so there doesn't seem to be danger of damage to the things, that is, if the water doesn't rise higher during the night. Our daughter,Kathy called to update me on all that is going on in the news pertaining to this adventure. I told her if she sees a large boat passing by, with lots of animals on it, she should jump on board it might be another ark. We know it wouldn't be the whole world, but it is our world right now. I know that rain is good for the crops but to my feeble mind this seems like overkill. I told our neighbor that we can look on the bright side... we won't have to water our lawns today. Well, it has been too much snow, now too much water and what will be next might be our question? The answer is simple, whatever the Lord brings will be just right, even if we don't understand it. Now we can begin to pray for all those people who have been inconvienenced by this weather. We can pray that there is no loss of life, and that the community pull together in a spirit of selflessness. If we can all look to the Lord then our perspective will be eternal and whatever we go through will have meaning and purpose in spite of our inability to figure it all out. He is the Almighty and is in complete control.