Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Walking With A Perfect Heart
Perfect toward Him
By Jc Nathanael
“...I will walk within my house with a perfect heart”
(Psalm 101:2, NKJ)
TODAY’S WORD from Jc nathanael
This time of year, people often take time to reflect and set goals for the New Year. But have you ever set “perfection” as a goal on your list?
Now, that may seem a little strange or unobtainable to many, but really, in God’s eyes perfection isn’t about performance. In fact, it isn’t about behavior at all. What God is looking for is a heart that is perfect toward Him. Scripture says that man looks on the outside, but God looks at the heart. That means that He is more pleased with someone who has a heart toward Him who may mess up than He is with someone doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons.
The condition of your heart is extremely important to God. When you have a right heart, you are humble before Him. You seek His ways. You get up each day with a desire to please Him. You submit every area of your life to Him, and you are willing to make adjustments and receive correction so you can grow and come up higher.
As you prepare for the coming year, make knowing Him your number one priority. Yield yourself to Him and let Him shape your character. Serve Him with all your might and let your heart be perfect toward Him!
By Jc Nathanael
“...I will walk within my house with a perfect heart”
(Psalm 101:2, NKJ)
TODAY’S WORD from Jc nathanael
This time of year, people often take time to reflect and set goals for the New Year. But have you ever set “perfection” as a goal on your list?
Now, that may seem a little strange or unobtainable to many, but really, in God’s eyes perfection isn’t about performance. In fact, it isn’t about behavior at all. What God is looking for is a heart that is perfect toward Him. Scripture says that man looks on the outside, but God looks at the heart. That means that He is more pleased with someone who has a heart toward Him who may mess up than He is with someone doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons.
The condition of your heart is extremely important to God. When you have a right heart, you are humble before Him. You seek His ways. You get up each day with a desire to please Him. You submit every area of your life to Him, and you are willing to make adjustments and receive correction so you can grow and come up higher.
As you prepare for the coming year, make knowing Him your number one priority. Yield yourself to Him and let Him shape your character. Serve Him with all your might and let your heart be perfect toward Him!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Why We Know Santa Clause Is A False god!
A poem I would like to share, written by a friend.
Who has hair as white as snow and says "Ho Ho"?
Who is everywhere, in every store and mall,
Wearing his red suit and welcomes all?
Who is a carpenter that works with wood
And brings joy for boys and girls that are good?
Who knows when we are asleep and awake, oh for goodness sake?
Who in the clouds he rides with a blaze or spark in his eyes?
Who in a chimney or furnace doesn't burn,
And we stand in line to wait our turn?
Who checks a book or list of people good and bad,
if good we're not, oh how sad!
The poem is about Santa Clause, it is interesting to note that every trait mentioned here has a scripture verse from the Bible that describes God. Is it no wonder that some of us believe that Santa is a false god devised by Satan to deceive? I have been saying for years now that Santa was a false god and these points prove it. The little children of our country look to him every year for their gifts, not to Christ, and the parents of our land promote this just to see the happy faces of the children.
Lisha, in her studies came up with these verses that are proof of what we say about this false god that so many people think is just an innocent attempt at fun.
Revelation 1:14 and Daniel 7:9, speaking of the true God, says, "His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow.
Zechariah 2:6 (KJV) says of the One true God, "Ho Ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, Saith the Lord."
Proverbs 15:3 Speaking of the True God, "The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good."
Revelation 9:13 Speaking of the True God, "He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood."
Isaiah 63:2, Speaking of the True God, "Why are your garments red, like those of one treading the winepress?"
Matthew 11:28 Speaking of the True God, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Mark 6:3 "Isn't this the carpenter? (Speaking about our Lord Jesus Christ.)
Psalm 126:3 "The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy."
Psalm 126:3 "The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy."
Psalm 139:7-8 Speaking of the True God, "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there."
Deut. 33:26 Speaking of the True God says, "There is no one like the God of Jeshurun who rides on the heavens to help you on the clouds in His majesty."
Rev. 19:12 Speaking of the True God says, "His eyes are like blazing fire...."
Rev. 1:15 Speaking of the True God says, "His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace..."
Rev. 20:12 Speaking of the True God says, "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened."
Revelation 20:15 Speaking of the True God says, "If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he is thrown into the lake of fire.
Satan says in Isaiah 14:14 "I will be like the Most High" in his heart and he tries to tear us and Christ apart.
This message should be whole heartedly recieved to keep ourselves from being deceived. With another we have been sharing His story, but from now on it is my Lord Jesus who gets all the glory.
Written by Lisha McDonald
Monday, December 19, 2011
Chrislam: The Next Wave
The new wave coming at us with great force is one more piece of the puzzle and one more entry that completes the puzzle. This entity is called “Chrislam.” This may be one of the most frightening marriages since Billy Graham proclaimed Mother Theresa a godly woman. Mother Theresa worked hard all her life attempting to teach to the Indian people that we needed to work our way to heaven and that adding Christ to your existing religion will make you a better Hindu or whatever religion you wish to retain.
Jesus Christ made it clear in His Word that “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
There have been many clerics in the past, who have been promoting the idea of melding all religions into one, but they were hidden and worked covertly. The concept would have not been accepted in mainstream American churches as a widely taught concept, until now.
Now our culture and the world are ready, and very few believers (compared to the Christian population) raise an objection to this unholy alliance between Islam and Christianity. When we fuse these two entities together Christianity ceases to be Christianity, if fact those that promote it could not be saved or the Holy Spirit would warn them. The inklings from the Holy Spirit would be so strong there would be no need to even consider the question, there would be an automatic rejection of the idea.
Islam denies the deity of Christ, not to mention that the entire premise of the Islamic faith is based on a false moon god who has no son. If one were to read the Qur’an they would realize that it is a religion of war, torture and murder, while Christianity is based on self sacrifice, peace and love. Those who know the Qur’an and have come out of it will tell you that there is no concept of love in Islam.
The very foundations of Christianity are based on the premise that we are “desperately wicked” and are in need of a Savior. The Bible tells us that when we come to Christ desiring to be saved, He shows us that His love was so great that He gave up His life for us, in payment for the terrible debt that we owed. We have offended a Holy God and must repent, after which He saves us, cleanses and keeps us until He comes for us.
Jesus Christ made it clear in His Word that “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
There have been many clerics in the past, who have been promoting the idea of melding all religions into one, but they were hidden and worked covertly. The concept would have not been accepted in mainstream American churches as a widely taught concept, until now.
Now our culture and the world are ready, and very few believers (compared to the Christian population) raise an objection to this unholy alliance between Islam and Christianity. When we fuse these two entities together Christianity ceases to be Christianity, if fact those that promote it could not be saved or the Holy Spirit would warn them. The inklings from the Holy Spirit would be so strong there would be no need to even consider the question, there would be an automatic rejection of the idea.
Islam denies the deity of Christ, not to mention that the entire premise of the Islamic faith is based on a false moon god who has no son. If one were to read the Qur’an they would realize that it is a religion of war, torture and murder, while Christianity is based on self sacrifice, peace and love. Those who know the Qur’an and have come out of it will tell you that there is no concept of love in Islam.
The very foundations of Christianity are based on the premise that we are “desperately wicked” and are in need of a Savior. The Bible tells us that when we come to Christ desiring to be saved, He shows us that His love was so great that He gave up His life for us, in payment for the terrible debt that we owed. We have offended a Holy God and must repent, after which He saves us, cleanses and keeps us until He comes for us.
Islam will tell you that all those who will not choose Allah, should be killed. Interesting, Our God died for us and the God of Islam kills those who will not follow him and commands others to kill all the infidels. The opposite of Christianity is displayed in Islam.
Christ sacrificed His own life for us to demonstrate how much He loves us. Christ desires that all would be saved and gives everyone of us a choice to follow Him.
Allah kills those who will not follow him. The tenets of Islam teach the torturing of women and has wickedly devalues them. Christ taught men to love their wives and care for them as “the weaker vessel.” The term weaker vessel in the original language denotes a highly cherished and delicate pottery to be carefully cared for.
Allah teaches that there is no forgiveness for sins against one another and teaches to exact revenge . Christ teaches us to forgive those who have offended us and to bless those who curse us and spitefully use us.
As we can see from the comparisons, Islam is the opposite of Christianity and can in no way enhance the Christian walk, nor can Christianity remain Christian when it fuses with Islam.
I have to believe that a true believer would never entertain the idea of consolidating the pagan religions of the world with Christianity. This is the apostate church spoken of in the Bible. It is more than just moving away from the principles of the Word of God; it is a wicked attempt on the part of Satan to blur the lines between true Christianity and the pagan religions, confusing those who are already lost.
When we compare the attitudes of the Islamic faith with the attitudes of the Christian faith we will see that they are completely opposite and this makes sense, because Islam is a satanic religion, its author is the father of lies himself.
The greatest foundation of our Christian faith are that Christ, the Son of God came to die to pay the debt for sin that we owed, and that we can not work our way to heaven. Islam completely rejects this notion, when it says that Allah has no son and we get to heaven if our good works outweigh our bad works. The god of Islam says that a follower can get into heaven with 49% evil on his soul and Christ says that the Holy God of the Bible will not tolerate any sin in His presence. That is why Christ was the sacrificial lamb, it had to be a perfect sacrifice to pay the debt of sin and Christ the Son of God was that substitute for us. This is an incredible contrast that can not be ignored.
Islam and Christianity are polar opposites that can never meet. Those who follow Islam are headed for hell and those who follow the risen Christ are on their way to heaven, it is just that simple.
WARNING! Islam can never meld with Christianity! It is a religion orchestrated by Satan and he and all his minions will end up in the lake of fire along with those who will not trust Christ and Him alone.
Christ sacrificed His own life for us to demonstrate how much He loves us. Christ desires that all would be saved and gives everyone of us a choice to follow Him.
Allah kills those who will not follow him. The tenets of Islam teach the torturing of women and has wickedly devalues them. Christ taught men to love their wives and care for them as “the weaker vessel.” The term weaker vessel in the original language denotes a highly cherished and delicate pottery to be carefully cared for.
Allah teaches that there is no forgiveness for sins against one another and teaches to exact revenge . Christ teaches us to forgive those who have offended us and to bless those who curse us and spitefully use us.
As we can see from the comparisons, Islam is the opposite of Christianity and can in no way enhance the Christian walk, nor can Christianity remain Christian when it fuses with Islam.
I have to believe that a true believer would never entertain the idea of consolidating the pagan religions of the world with Christianity. This is the apostate church spoken of in the Bible. It is more than just moving away from the principles of the Word of God; it is a wicked attempt on the part of Satan to blur the lines between true Christianity and the pagan religions, confusing those who are already lost.
When we compare the attitudes of the Islamic faith with the attitudes of the Christian faith we will see that they are completely opposite and this makes sense, because Islam is a satanic religion, its author is the father of lies himself.
The greatest foundation of our Christian faith are that Christ, the Son of God came to die to pay the debt for sin that we owed, and that we can not work our way to heaven. Islam completely rejects this notion, when it says that Allah has no son and we get to heaven if our good works outweigh our bad works. The god of Islam says that a follower can get into heaven with 49% evil on his soul and Christ says that the Holy God of the Bible will not tolerate any sin in His presence. That is why Christ was the sacrificial lamb, it had to be a perfect sacrifice to pay the debt of sin and Christ the Son of God was that substitute for us. This is an incredible contrast that can not be ignored.
Islam and Christianity are polar opposites that can never meet. Those who follow Islam are headed for hell and those who follow the risen Christ are on their way to heaven, it is just that simple.
WARNING! Islam can never meld with Christianity! It is a religion orchestrated by Satan and he and all his minions will end up in the lake of fire along with those who will not trust Christ and Him alone.
God's Forgiveness Man's Responsibility
It is amazing how the Lord connects our relationship with Him with our relationship with man. Everything God has shown us in the Word about His character is a picture of how we are to act toward our fellow man.
When the Lord commanded us to come to Him for forgiveness and confession of sin, it was for the purpose of reconciliation. His death on the cross was His offering to us, to come and receive freely His forgiveness and salvation from sin and hell.
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
God never says that He forgives if we are not repentant, or if we do not come.
Acts 3:19 “Repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”
We must make the effort to come, and so is it true that we must go to our friends to be reconciled to them, just as we needed to with Christ. When we pass over this step of repentance with friends, we leave out a very important step in our own growth and we can not be reconciled to our friend fully.
So often we think that all we have to do is a good deed or two to make up for our sin against a brother, hoping that time will dissipate the wrong and the good deeds will outweigh the bad ones causing reconciliation. The problem with this understanding is that God requires us to confess our sins to Him and one to another. God does not like our gifts when we are attempting to buy His forgiveness.
James 5:16 “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
It is interesting to me that right after the statement, “confess your trespasses one to another” is the statement “the effective prayer of a righteous man avails much.” I believe these statements are together because our prayers are hindered when we refuse to go and confess to someone our sin against them, hoping the effect of our sin will dissipate like a fog as the warmth of the sun falls upon it. The problem with this theory is that it is not what God said for us to do. The sun of our good deeds on the fog of our sin, will not dissipate a harm or emotional hurt that we do to another believer. The offended may chose to obey God in the verse that says “bless those who curse you.” But there is always a mistrust in the heart of the offended because there has been no confession of wrong doing. The Offended is left with the conclusion that the offender must have thought it was alright to do what they did.
The Lord made provision for reconciliation with Him through our confession and acceptance of His free gift on the cross. It is also true of the believer who has offended someone. The provision of forgiveness is there in the heart of the offended, but the offender must confess to receive it.
Unfortunately our culture thinks that there is no confession required as the pagans think, that as long as enough good deeds are done to the offended it will wipe away all sin against them. This thinking comes from all the pagan religions of the world that say we must do more good works than bad works to earn heaven. Even in relationships we think of God the way we think of our personal relationships, that if we do enough good to them, it will wipe out all the offenses. God did not operate this way.
It is my belief that God wanted us to come and confess our sin and receive His free gift, the same way He desires us to go to the offended party and receive their free gift. But if we do not go to God to confess, and we do not go to the offended to confess, then we are still prideful and think that if we just do good works to obtain forgiveness to our God and to our friends, then we are living a Christianity of works, not only in our Christianity but also in our personal relationships. God is not concerned about many good works, He is concerned with the heart. Only those who confess can be reconciled to Him and the same is true in human relationships. God desires that we be reconciled and so does the brother who was harmed. The one, who does not confess, is the one who does not care more deeply about the relationship than they do their own pride.
If I have been wronged in some way, I will be suspect of the person who comes with gifts. Perhaps the gifts are to relieve their own conscience and really has nothing to do with the harm they have done to me. The relationship can be cordial but it is never close until the offending party is broken enough to place himself in a position of humility and coming in sorrow that He not only offended a Holy God, but that He harmed the one he claims to love.
Love and humility can not be separated. If we love God, we can not knowingly ignore the fact that we have harmed another human being. With this kind of humility there is no thought of “my rights.” The humble brother cares more that he may have harmed someone than he does about his own justifications for his sin.
If we are to follow Christ’s example and obey His Word, we will set aside any pride that may be keeping us from admitting our sin, or even just going to find out what our sin may have been if we think we have not sinned. If someone is offended, we must go to that person, not with the attitude of winning them to your side, but in humility desiring to find out where we failed.
Matthew 5:23-24 God does not say wait until your brother tells you, He says “IF you remember that your brother has something against you” then we are to go before our brother has a chance to tell you. If we do not know whether we have harmed someone and they clearly tell us, we do not look for ways to justify ourselves, we place ourselves in our friends shoes to attempt to understand why he was offended, this is love.
God’s way is best! It is never effective to bring gifts to the altar of God and expect that He will be pleased with us when we show no sorrow over our sin. The same is true of human relationships. It does no good to bring a gift to a hurting friend, when we caused the hurt, and never clearly state our sin against them. The gift becomes suspect, and the relationship can only remain superficial because there is the belief in the offended party that the offender was not sorry they harmed us, only sorry there is a strain on the relationship.
Satan loves when we can not talk things through and clear things up. He loves it when relationships remain superficial. We have a problem in our culture of treating human beings the way we treat God. If we can not openly speak with friends about our sin, we are probably hiding from God too.
God does not want our sacrifices, He wants our heart.
Man does not want our gifts, he wants our love.
Gifts only count when there has been love displayed previously.
Gifts given from a loving heart are two gifts given.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Sports Worshipers and their gods!
Today I have become appalled at the banterings of the loyal fans of Mr.Tebow the football player. I have been told that he kneels down to pray whenever he makes a goal on the playing field. I have several questions about this action that Mr. Tebow feels a need to express. My first question is; why doesn’t he also kneel when he looses a goal, since we are to give thanks in all matters of our life, even when we do not win.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
My next question is what would this young man be thanking God for, winning, the huge salary that he will get for being good at his sport or perhaps he is thanking the Lord for all the fans that got saved during his goal? Or could it be that some human lives were saved because he got his goal for the team?
Thirdly, why doesn’t Mr. Tebow do his kneeling in a quiet corner of the locker room or the privacy of his home?
Matthew 6:5 says “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the street, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.”
Why do we not get excited about the little old man or woman who have spent the last 60 years on their knees in church every week. We never hear about them on face book, those who have been quietly in their pews seeking the face of God without fanfare. Perhaps we don’t hear about them because they are not famous or ball players.
Since sports have been a terrible distraction among believers, I have a hard time thinking that Mr. Tebows goal is of any value at all. As believers our focus should not be on games and playing but on the work of the Lord. I do not say that we should never play a game in a family setting, but to play for money is tantamount to the theater. It is for the purpose of entertaining people. Go see your sports and plays, but don’t claim that it has value before the Lord in evangelism unless it brings a clear message of a gospel of repentance. Then see how popular our ball player would be, even among his Christian fans.
Mr. Tebow, in my opinion is not being persecuted for his faith in the media. He is not being stopped from his kneeling, his salary is not being taken away, and his family is not being incarcerated. I would not call negative comments from the media “persecution.”
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 says "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness! And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said, 'I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.' therefore Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord. do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty."
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
My next question is what would this young man be thanking God for, winning, the huge salary that he will get for being good at his sport or perhaps he is thanking the Lord for all the fans that got saved during his goal? Or could it be that some human lives were saved because he got his goal for the team?
Thirdly, why doesn’t Mr. Tebow do his kneeling in a quiet corner of the locker room or the privacy of his home?
Matthew 6:5 says “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the street, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.”
Why do we not get excited about the little old man or woman who have spent the last 60 years on their knees in church every week. We never hear about them on face book, those who have been quietly in their pews seeking the face of God without fanfare. Perhaps we don’t hear about them because they are not famous or ball players.
Since sports have been a terrible distraction among believers, I have a hard time thinking that Mr. Tebows goal is of any value at all. As believers our focus should not be on games and playing but on the work of the Lord. I do not say that we should never play a game in a family setting, but to play for money is tantamount to the theater. It is for the purpose of entertaining people. Go see your sports and plays, but don’t claim that it has value before the Lord in evangelism unless it brings a clear message of a gospel of repentance. Then see how popular our ball player would be, even among his Christian fans.
Mr. Tebow, in my opinion is not being persecuted for his faith in the media. He is not being stopped from his kneeling, his salary is not being taken away, and his family is not being incarcerated. I would not call negative comments from the media “persecution.”
This term “persecution” assigned to Mr. Tebow is a slap in the face of all the people around the world who are being tortured, jailed and their homes being burned and families murdered for their faith.
This young man may have a very good heart, but his actions lack maturity. I could support him fully if he were giving a clear gospel message during half time, or upon entry into the stadium. I have a hard time with believers who choose for their profession something that does not produce a viable product or service other than entertainment.
We have become a sports crazed society of narcissists. When believers will go to a stadium and shout and carry on over winning a goal, but spend little or no time in God’s house of prayer, this is a clue that our Christianity is seriously skewed.
I have been to church gatherings many times when the attendees will speak endlessly about the ball games and become embarrassed at someone wanting to discuss the Bible or things of the Lord, in His own house! These are all clues of a sin sick apostate church. When our people are fighting mad at the suggestion that we should stop our sports mania, but raise no objection when Christ’s name is being maligned.
I wonder too, how many fans of Mr. Tebow would be this excited about his display of religiosity if he were loosing, or if he refused to play a game on Sunday? I suspect that this whole matter has to do with his winning streak and popularity more than his supposed spirituality.
I am not the least bit impressed by a ball player who prays in public in front of thousands of fans, in violation of the Word of God. I am so very sorry that so many believers have been sucked into this mania and will use any excuse to continue in it.
We can see that this sports craze has infected the believing church by the rumors we hear of churches having “super bowl” parties right in the house of God. Has anyone seen the half time entertainment, it is an abomination. I have only seen one and heard from others who have seen them, something is wrong when Christians can watch and enjoy foot ball half time.
Shame on those believers who are undiscerning and defensive of this travesty, the sports world. Pray to repent from all of it. If we did away with all sports we would lose nothing, but perhaps we would gain more time with God and more time with our families.
This young man may have a very good heart, but his actions lack maturity. I could support him fully if he were giving a clear gospel message during half time, or upon entry into the stadium. I have a hard time with believers who choose for their profession something that does not produce a viable product or service other than entertainment.
We have become a sports crazed society of narcissists. When believers will go to a stadium and shout and carry on over winning a goal, but spend little or no time in God’s house of prayer, this is a clue that our Christianity is seriously skewed.
I have been to church gatherings many times when the attendees will speak endlessly about the ball games and become embarrassed at someone wanting to discuss the Bible or things of the Lord, in His own house! These are all clues of a sin sick apostate church. When our people are fighting mad at the suggestion that we should stop our sports mania, but raise no objection when Christ’s name is being maligned.
I wonder too, how many fans of Mr. Tebow would be this excited about his display of religiosity if he were loosing, or if he refused to play a game on Sunday? I suspect that this whole matter has to do with his winning streak and popularity more than his supposed spirituality.
I am not the least bit impressed by a ball player who prays in public in front of thousands of fans, in violation of the Word of God. I am so very sorry that so many believers have been sucked into this mania and will use any excuse to continue in it.
We can see that this sports craze has infected the believing church by the rumors we hear of churches having “super bowl” parties right in the house of God. Has anyone seen the half time entertainment, it is an abomination. I have only seen one and heard from others who have seen them, something is wrong when Christians can watch and enjoy foot ball half time.
Shame on those believers who are undiscerning and defensive of this travesty, the sports world. Pray to repent from all of it. If we did away with all sports we would lose nothing, but perhaps we would gain more time with God and more time with our families.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 says "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness! And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said, 'I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.' therefore Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord. do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty."
Friday, December 2, 2011
Part 5 Day 3B Our Trip To Israel
One of our excursions on this day was to the town of Nazareth . What impressed me about this town was that even though there were automobiles and all the modern amenities we would find here in the states, it still maintained the appearance of a village because of the stone everywhere in the buildings. We never did see one painted structure in all our travels in Israel . Every building was gray stone. There were red roofs made of tile, but that was the only color we saw. The terrain was dry and dusty and the buildings seemed to disappear into the earth as though they were rising out of it by themselves. I liked it there very much, because it seemed like such a simple life.
In Nazareth we visited the house of a sect called the “Druze” who opened their home regularly for groups of people for lunch. We sat on couches all around very large rooms with coffee table high serving tables. There were two rooms next to each other that were able to accommodate the 43 people on our tour.
A young woman came out while we were eating to explain the religion of the Druze to us. The Druze religion was probably the most ridiculous religion that I have heard of. It goes like this; the original Druze left the Islamic religion for the sake of equality between the sexes. Their rules were basically that each person had a choice to be a “secular” Druze or a “religious” Druze. The secular Druze could live as they pleased, no matter how outrageous and every one in the sect accepted them and their choice. The religious Druze placed on themselves religious morals and clothing that restricted their behavior and living style. These religious Druze were accepted by the sect also. So let’s recap….Immoral secular Druze were allowed to be that way without challenge and that was alright and the religious Druze were allowed to be strict in their way of life without challenge and that was accepted by the secular Druze. Is this beginning to sound like the American culture?
The Druze practiced the old way of marriage, in that when a man got married, he did not leave his father’s home, he simply built on top of it another level and brought his wife there to start a family. Some of the Druze homes were eight stories high, this sect tended to have large families and could have as many as 50 people in one household. That is why the rooms were so large where we dined for lunch. These rooms were the gathering place for much of the family activity. My first question about this living arrangement was, “how do all these people get alone well enough to live with each other?” The answer became clear when we learned that there were no challenges to lifestyle since everyone “did what was right in their own eyes.” I guess that it would be easy to dwell together when no one cared about moral choices. Although my guess is that there is more conflict than the Druze would like to admit. After all when there are no morals or restrictions on behavior, there must be sin abounding, when sin abounds there are very hateful attitudes. Attitudes must be unrestrained if there are no expectations of conduct. If there are no moral standards then what prevents one Druze from stealing from another one, whether it be clothing or a spouse. There is a standard in terms of the pecking order in the family. The father and mother are highly respected and cared for in the family.
I recall a scripture that says; “Can anything good come out of Nazareth ?”
Another place we visited on this day was the Nazareth Village . It was a compound where the Christians in the area built a replica village to demonstrate the life style in the time of Christ. We saw real people dressed in the costume of the time doing what the villagers would have been doing then. We saw a 400 year old olive tree there; they can live up to 1000 years old. There have been claims that the olive tree can live up to 5000 years. The olive seed has as much oil in it as the olive itself and is desired in the making of Olive oil, so the seeds are not thrown out, they are valuable. We were surprised to learn that green olives are not a different kind of olive; they are simply a black olive that has been picked before it ripens. The black olives are the fully ripe olives.
As we were walking the paths to see the actors in their roles we came to a corral that held several goats and one sheep. Outside the corral was a young man dressed as a shepherd. Another lady and I approached the corral to reach inside and pet the goats, but before we got to them they began to walk away. The Shepherd saw that we wanted to pet them so he said a couple of words in Hebrew and the goats immediately returned to the front of the corral. There was no hesitation at all and they moved quickly. I was deeply impacted by this, because it reminded me of the verse “My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me.” Then we watched the shepherd open the gate and walk away from us to take the goats to another place. Those goats stayed so close to him that they were practically stepping on his feet and they were jumping up on him. This was a picture of how our walk with Christ should look. Do we enthusiastically run after Him the way these goats desired to be with their shepherd? Later in the trip we saw another shepherd herding his sheep along the dry desert. I asked our guide Muriam where on earth was he going; there was no food or water in sight that we could see? She told me that the shepherd knows the places to go to get food and water and the goats know this, so they stay very close to him.
Another lesson for us from life was in this real life picture of a principle of our walk with Christ. Do we trust Him to know where we should go even if we cannot see with our eyes His purpose? Those goats trusted their master more than we trust our Lord.
Toward the end of the day we visited the Ethiopian In Take Center where Ethiopian refugees are housed and trained before being allowed to become citizens of Israel . They are people who were forced into Christianity by the Catholic Church in their ancestry, but desire to be Jewish in their religion. In order to become citizens of Israel they must proclaim that they are of the Jewish religion and be able to prove a Jewish heritage in their families. When we got off the bus, a barrage of children came at us in force. They ran up to us to see the visitors. I bent down to give them a hug, they grabbed on so tight that I toppled over from the weight of four very affectionate children. Grandpa got a picture of this. Those children followed us all over the camp. When we went into the common hall to hear a talk about what this organization does, we were placed on one side of a partitian with the Ethiopian men and on the other side all the women sat. The Ethiopians could not speak English or Hebrew but we got a chance to greet them in sign language. They were being trained in Hebrew and the Torah during their stay and would be expected to hold down jobs after leaving the compound.
Our next and last stop was a very nice restaurant on the Sea of Galilee in Tiberius. The food was amazing. We sat in a candle lit room waiting for our food when a boat with fireworks, sailing up next to our tables that were situated on the dock next to the Sea. The music coming from the boat was our national anthem. As the music played and the fireworks flashed a group of Israeli children came and sang "God Bless America to us. It brought tears to some of our eyes that we were treated with such honor and that these people wanted to bless us and our country. It was delightful. The Restaurant had a roof but was completely opened to the Sea and the kitchen was in the middle where the food was prepared.
This was also the day that Gilad Shalete was released from captivity. He was a young man who was captured and held for ransom by the Palestinians some four years ago. We were in the Jesus Boat Museum when the news came. We had to ask someone what all the excitement was because we couldn’t understand Hebrew. The news was translated for us by our guide Muriam, and it made us all laugh. She said that the Palestinians claimed that the Jews were so weak and valueless that they got only one man back compared to the 1000 Palestinians that were returned to them in ransom. The reply of the Israeli people was that the Jews were so valuable that it took one Jew to equal over 1000 Palestinians. I think there were about 1026 Palestinians that were released to bring back Gilad. There was rejoicing in Israel that day.
Gwendolyn petting the Goats
The Shepherd and his goats and one sheep
A woman spinning her thread to make cloth. This is why cloth was so expensive in the days of Christ, imagine how long it would take person to make enough thread to make a garment.
At the Ethiopian Intake Center, these girls were sweetie pies.
The Druze house where we had lunch and learned about this sect who broke off from Islam
The Druze House
The Stairs Entrance to the Druze house
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A Rebuke to the American Church
Israel is not yet saved, but they hold a standard that we used to enjoy in my childhood. When we were there I did not have the same sense of oppression that I feel here in the area that I live. Everywhere we looked ladies were dressed modestly. We did not see one child screaming out in rebellion against their parent.
There wasn't one immoral shop or video store. There were no immoral bill boards, nor were there wicked magazines glaring at us in the grocery store. We did not see piercings and tattoos at all, let alone in mass on one person as we see here.
There was a sense of peace and calm and quietness among the people and in the streets. The celebrations were men dancing to the Lord, raising song to Him and upholding the Torah. There was a sense of peace because we were not confronted daily and openly with blatant wickedness as we are here. Of course there would be evil among an unsaved people, but there was a cultural standard that was adhered to because of the Old Testament that made for a freedom from public displays of evil.
When we returned I felt the oppression return, the Lord confirmed my suspicion that I was sensing evil personified in our area of the world where there are no standards and where the church has lost it's first love. The church has become proud of itself, they gleefully plan their meaningless events for their cloistered gatherings, that for the most part glorify themselves rather than God.
They are not broken over their worldliness, but happy for their own accomplishments. They are as the churches in Revelation that God describes as "you hate what I hate and love what I love, but you have forgotten your first love."
Israel has yet to find the Lord Jesus Christ, but as in the days of old, when an unsaved king would honor the God of the Jews, the king would be blessed. Israel has been blessed with a quiet, peaceful culture of freedom from blatant immorality because of their dedication to Yah and His Law in the Torah. One day they will find Christ and be our brothers and sisters, for now we should be embarrassed that we do not speak out clearly and boldly about the wickedness around us. We are suppose to know the Savior, and we do not act like we do. American's lamp stand is being removed and we as believers don't recognize it, we are sleeping peacefully on our beds of cowardice and conformity to our culture. The house of God in America needs to repent from it's complacency and self righteousness.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Day three of our trip proved to be a great blessing in more ways than just touring. I was feeling well enough to continue the tour with Rodger, I was thankful that the Lord allowed me to only miss one day.
Our first event for the day after breakfast was a boat trip on the Sea of Galilee . We boarded a little boat that held all 43 members of our tour. It was a gloriously beautiful day on the water. The boat was a covered boat with open sides. We could sit and visit with one another as we rode along, a slight breeze cooled us. It was a warm day but not miserable as it probably would have been had we visited Israel in the early summer.
We were quietly enjoying the breeze and visiting with friends when the captain of the boat began attaching the flags of the United States and Canada to the flag pole. Then the US anthem was played over the loud speaker, all the people stood in honor of the flag of our nation, tears came as we thought of the beauty of this foreign land honoring their visitors with their own anthem and flag. I have an intense feeling of a mixture of pride and regret whenever the anthem is sung and the flag raised. First the pride that comes from enjoying the original purpose of our country, to cultivate freedom of religion, but also regret and sadness that we have turned our backs on the principles that we once held deeply.
After the American anthem, the Anthem of Canada was played, we joined in that because there were those on our tour from that country. Canada has always been our friend and ally in the past and had similar roots, so we feel a kinship to them. It felt the way a real family would be, a family of believers sharing one another’s joys, on the place where Christ walked on water. It would not have been as beautiful without those people, they blessed us.
It was an emotional experience to see the kind Israeli skipper, raise our flags to us, and to hear our own anthems. After the anthems were sung, flags raised and everyone was seated again, we floated on the water a little more until we arrived in the middle of the Sea of Galilee where Jim Showers, from Friends of Israel, led us in songs and we worshiped the Lord. Bill Sutter, also from Friends of Israel, shared the account of Christ walking on the water. The Bible accounts become so much more real when we were in the places where they happened.
From the boat we could see Tiberias and the Jesus Boat Museum north of Tiberias, which was our destination stop. At this museum we saw an original boat that was used on the Sea of Galilee for fishing and transportation across the lake. Boats were mentioned 50 times in the Bible, and this one was very likely the same kind that Christ and His disciples used.
This particular ancient boat was found in 1986 along the northern shore of Galilee . It was buried in the mud. In this year there was a drought and the water receded and exposed part of the boat. It was an amazing find, but also just as amazing was the method that was used to bring it out of the mud. The archaeologists had to be very careful because as soon as the wood hit air it would begin to fall apart. One of the ways they used to preserve it was to spray polyurethane around the exposed parts to keep them intact. The records show that Moshe and Yuval Lufan, brothers, found the boat. They were second generation fishermen from Kibbutz Ginosar. The brothers reported that when they found the boat, a double rainbow appeared in the sky. It took 12 days to lift the boat out of the water using many volunteers.
Our next stop was the town of Capernaum . Before we left our Kibbutz this morning we were told that there was a strict dress code for all holy places and that we should prepare ourselves to be dressed appropriately. Sleeveless blouses and shorts were not allowed nor were bare feet and the men were required to wear a covering on their head. Grandpa wore a hat as did all the men in our group. It was interesting to me that the women were not required a covering when the New Testament teaches the men to be uncovered and the women to be covered. Of course in Israel the laws are based on the Tora, the law, which differs with the New Covenant of Christ Jesus in some ways. There wasn’t a great variety of different kinds of foods as we see in the United States , at least not on our journey every thing was Kosher.
At Capharnaum or Capernaum , we saw the ruins of the synagogue that was built on top of the one Christ taught in. The one on top was built 200 years after Christ, this was a fourth century synagogue. We also saw the remains of the city of Capharnaum . It is interesting to note how small the houses were and they were all constructed from stone. The houses were connected to one another by common walls and the inside rooms were tiny. Within the town was located the house of Peter the Apostle where Christ healed the mother in law of Peter. There is a Catholic church built over the spot. The church is on pillars above the ground so that Peter’s house could be easily seen.
Our next stop was the Jordan river . We were all offered a chance to be baptized in the Jordan river , there were several who did this, but Grandpa and I decided that it would not have much meaning for us since we had already been baptized, but we watched as the others were being dunked. On the building all around the Jordan river are large plaques on which the passage Mark 1:9-11 were written. Each plaque had the same verse but were written in a different languages.
English looks like this:
“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan . And when he came out of water, immediately he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit descending upon him like a dove, and a voice came from heaven; ‘Thou art my beloved Son; with thee I am well pleased.’”
Hawaiian Pidgen looks like this:
Dat time, Jesus come from Nazaret town, Galilee side, an John wen baptize him inside da Jordan River . Right den Jesus wen come up outa da water. An you know wat? Jesus wen see da sky broke open, an wen spock God’s Spirit coming down on top him, jalike one dove. An wow! Had one voice from da sky wen say, “You my boy! I really get love an aloha fo you, an I stay good inside cuz a you!” Mark 1:9-11
Unfortunately there is a sign in the gardens of the Jordan River that is in commemoration of Glenn Beck’s visit there…..too bad!
I decided not to do a spell check on this post, it would take to long due to the Pidgeon Hawaiian. If anyone sees misspellings, please just suck-it-up and try to enjoy the stories and ignore the spelling.
I will continue this day 3 on the next post, it is really too much for just one.
Rodger and Gwendolyn on the Sea of Galilee with Tiberias in the background.

At the Jesus Boat Museum North of Tiberias.
Capharnaum: The Synogogue built over the one that Christ taught in.
Peter's house in Capharnaum is located under this Catholic church.
Synagogue at Capharnaum
Peter's house at Capharnaum
On the Sea of Galilee
The Synogogue at Capharnaum
Rodger at the Capharnaum Synogogue
The Baptisms at the Jordan River
A Bible Verse at the Jordan River in Pidgin Hawaiian
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Israel Trip Part 3 Day 2 of our Tour in Israel “Up To Jerusalem”
This was the day that I did not go with Rodger. I stayed back in the Kabbutz because of my intense intestinal problem. I slept all day; occasionally coming out of the apartment to sit on the patio to watch the Sea of Galilee, across the water I could see Tiberius. In ancient times Tiberius was the largest Jewish City in Galilee and the hub of political and commercial activity of the Jews of Palestine.
This region has been known for many earthquakes dating back to before the time of Christ. It has been devastated by earthquakes in the 1800’s and a major flood in the early 1900’s. The area has been restored and rebuilt over the years and stands as a picturesque city on the shores of Galilee today.
Rodger left early in the morning to travel to Gomah, where he saw endangered vultures being raised by the Israelis to bring them back. In Gomah he saw an ancient oil press from the Byzantine period that was used to crush olives. These presses seemed to be many places in Israel. Gomah is also where “Masada of the North” was lactated. Masada of the North refers to the area around Gomah that the Romans destroyed in 67 AD and where tradition records that the Jews who were resisting the Romans jumped off the hill in Gomah and killed themselves, although this has not been proven in history. Masada of the North is not to be confused with Masada near the Dead Sea which we will see later.
Miriam, our guide introduced our group to a man who would tell his story at the site of the border between Israel and Lebanon. On this historic site Rodger could see from Israel into Lebanon. On the Israeli side of the border there were spy cameras and sophisticated listening devices pointing at Lebanon to monitor any invasive activity on the part of the Lebanese.
Ari Ben Yaakov is a Jewish man who was raised in Ohio in the United States. He went to Israel as a young man in his twenties and remained there until now, in his seventies. He felt drawn back to Israel because he was influenced by the Zionist movement. In the picture he is wearing a t-shirt that lists all the ancient civilizations that have come against Israel over the centuries and are now gone, while Israel is the only one still standing.
On the border of Israel and Lebanon Rodger saw rocket launchers that were used when the Palestinians had the land before Israel secured it.
After leaving the border, the group traveled to the Mount of Beatitudes where Christ delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
The next stop was the Golan Heights where Rodger saw the border between Israel and Syria. He also viewed the land that was captured by Israel during the 1967 six day war. The strip is now under the control of the UN peace keeping forces.
It is amazing the struggles that Israel has been through over the centuries. God has brought her out of many situations that should have ended her permanently, but she keeps returning as prophecy said she would.
Catholic Church at the Mount of Beatitudes
Border between Israel and Lebanon
Fence between Israel and Syria
Listening Divice in Israel Pointed at Lebanon
This region has been known for many earthquakes dating back to before the time of Christ. It has been devastated by earthquakes in the 1800’s and a major flood in the early 1900’s. The area has been restored and rebuilt over the years and stands as a picturesque city on the shores of Galilee today.
Rodger left early in the morning to travel to Gomah, where he saw endangered vultures being raised by the Israelis to bring them back. In Gomah he saw an ancient oil press from the Byzantine period that was used to crush olives. These presses seemed to be many places in Israel. Gomah is also where “Masada of the North” was lactated. Masada of the North refers to the area around Gomah that the Romans destroyed in 67 AD and where tradition records that the Jews who were resisting the Romans jumped off the hill in Gomah and killed themselves, although this has not been proven in history. Masada of the North is not to be confused with Masada near the Dead Sea which we will see later.
Miriam, our guide introduced our group to a man who would tell his story at the site of the border between Israel and Lebanon. On this historic site Rodger could see from Israel into Lebanon. On the Israeli side of the border there were spy cameras and sophisticated listening devices pointing at Lebanon to monitor any invasive activity on the part of the Lebanese.
Ari Ben Yaakov is a Jewish man who was raised in Ohio in the United States. He went to Israel as a young man in his twenties and remained there until now, in his seventies. He felt drawn back to Israel because he was influenced by the Zionist movement. In the picture he is wearing a t-shirt that lists all the ancient civilizations that have come against Israel over the centuries and are now gone, while Israel is the only one still standing.
On the border of Israel and Lebanon Rodger saw rocket launchers that were used when the Palestinians had the land before Israel secured it.
After leaving the border, the group traveled to the Mount of Beatitudes where Christ delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
The next stop was the Golan Heights where Rodger saw the border between Israel and Syria. He also viewed the land that was captured by Israel during the 1967 six day war. The strip is now under the control of the UN peace keeping forces.
It is amazing the struggles that Israel has been through over the centuries. God has brought her out of many situations that should have ended her permanently, but she keeps returning as prophecy said she would.
Catholic Church at the Mount of Beatitudes
Border between Israel and Lebanon
Fence between Israel and Syria
Listening Divice in Israel Pointed at Lebanon
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Israel Trip: Part 2, Day 1 on our Tour in Israel “Up To Jerusalem”
Rodger and I joined the “Friends of Israel” tour in New Jersey and went through all the rigorous screening required when leaving our country to go to Israel. There were many long waits and we were required to show our passports several times before boarding the plane. I guess the United States just didn’t want us to leave. The flight was a little over eleven hours. Rodger and I were not allowed to sit together in the same row, but we were across the aisle from one another the entire flight. Rodger was sitting with two Israeli men, a father and his son. The son was preparing to enter the Israeli military upon his return. Every person, man and woman, is required to serve in the military at age 18, women for 2 years and men for 3 years.
During this flight I had contracted some kind of intestinal problem and was in the bathroom every 20 minutes. Thankfully the Lord placed me in an isle seat only three rows back from the bathroom. I am now intimately acquainted with the inside of the Continental Airlines lavatory. By the time we reached Tel Aviv in Israel we were completely exhausted ready to take a nap, but that did not happen. I guess Israel didn’t want us to come in.
Upon arrival at Tel Aviv, we were summoned to several checkout points, our carry on luggage was searched, and we were asked questions about the reason for our visit. We had to show our passport several times and it took a long time to get out of the airport. Thankfully there were no pat downs or embarrassing personal searches.
As soon as we gathered our luggage we boarded our tour bus with all the other people who were on the tour with us, 43 total. We arrived in Israel in the morning hours. Our guide Murium Feinberg-Vamosh was there too, ready to begin traveling to our first destination, which was a visit to the ancient port of Joppa, sometimes, referred to as Jaffa. Miriam is Jewish but not a believer, who was born in the United States and moved to Israel to go back to her roots; she speaks Hebrew fluently and works as a reporter for a prominent news paper in Israel and is a guide in her spare time. She is married to a Jew who was born and raised in Israel. Our bus driver is a Jewish man named Ruvin, we did not know if he was a believer, but he was a very friendly man and a great bus driver. He managed to maneuver the bus in places that were not easy for cars to go. The FOI leader, Bill Sutter said that we saw miracles every day with his driving. He would drop us off at one place, leaving us there while we walked to another place some distance away and picked us up there. We never back tracked anywhere, it was a well organized tour.
Joppa was the town from which Jonah sailed before he was swallowed by the big fish and where Peter visited Simon the Tanner. In the pictures you will see Simon the Tanner’s house that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. Acts 10:5-6, Jonah 1:3
After leaving Joppa we traveled to the Roman city of Caesarea Maritime on the Mediterranean Sea, located about 30 miles north of Joppa. In the Scriptures we read what happened at Caesarea Maritime. We saw here Herod’s palace, his chariot race arena, and an amphitheater where stage productions were performed. We also saw an ancient Minaret in an Islamic Mosque, which is the tall pointed round structure shaped like a rocket. Herrod’s palace was immense. As you will see from the pictures, Herod had everything he needed there and all the entertainment he wanted.
· Philip the evangelist preached and lived in Caesarea (Acts 8:40).
· Peter was sent to baptize Cornelius, a centurion of the Roman garrison in Caesarea (Acts 10).
· Peter came to Caesarea after he was delivered from prison (Acts 12:19).
· King Herod Agrippa of Judaea died at Caesarea, being "eaten of worms" (Acts 12:19-23).
· Paul visited the city when he arrived or departed by ship from the harbor at Caesarea (Acts 9:30; 18:22; 21:8-16).
· Paul was imprisoned at Caesarea for two years before sailing to Rome to appear before Caesar (Acts 23:22-26:32).
Next we went to Independence Hall in Tel Aviv where we saw the room where the decision was made to make Israel a Nation. This was prophecy fulfilled the day that the Jews got their nation back after centuries of being without a homeland. We saw the room where Israel declared they were a nation and that they now had a homeland. The Scripture that comes to mind here is Isaiah 68:8. God brought forth a nation in a day according to prophecy. Other Scriptures that possibly pertain to the miracles of the Lord with Israel are: Isaiah 11:12 and 43:5-7. There is a picture of a chart that shows which nations were for Israel and which were against. Those highlighted in green were the nations that voted yes to give Israel the land. The world felt appalled at the treatment of the Jews in World War 2, which motivated them to give the Jews their own land and their own nation.
In the picture the man speaking in 1948, was David Ben Gurion the first Prime Minister of Israel. The picture on the wall behind Ben Gurion is a man named Hertzl, who had a dream and worked for the eventual formation of a nation of Israel, but never lived to see it happen.
After all this we ended the days tour at Maagan Holiday Village a Kibbutz located on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where we spent three nights. The word Kibbutz in Hebrew means “the Gathering”, a collective community based on agriculture. They were Jews who no longer wanted to work for Arabs but wanted to work their own land earning their own living, in a communal formation. The only way they could make it farming was to share the land and work closely together, more like a family, getting away from the culture of the Arabs. Joseph Baratz was the man who came up with the idea of the Kibbutz, he said:
“We were happy enough working on the land, but we knew more and more certainly that the ways of the old settlements were not for us. This was not the way we hoped to settle the country—this old way with Jews on top and Arabs working for them; anyway, we thought that there shouldn't be employers and employees at all. There must be a better way.”
Everywhere we looked there was dry ground and huge rocks. Occasionally we would see some green, a small grove of trees or some crops, but nothing like our area of the world where green is everywhere around us all year around. Even though it was a desolate looking place, it was intriguing because of the history and connection to the Bible. We felt a sense of awe that we were really in the place where Bible events happened. I asked Rodger to pinch me on a number of occasions, he just turned to me and said, “yah me too.”
A chill ran through me as I looked around the room where prophecy was fulfilled in the forming of the nation of Israel. God is always faithful in keeping His promises. Israel is proof of this fact. God said, Isaiah 45:17 “But Israel shall be saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation; You shall not be ashamed or disgraced forever and ever.” Jeremiah 31:3 also says; “The Lord has appeared to me of old saying: ‘Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.’” It was a faith building experience to know that God had promised once that He would bring His people back to Him in the end and return their nation to them. He returned their nation in 1948 and there is more to come for Israel as God works in their hearts and makes them the final carriers of the gospel of Jesus Christ at the end. The Jews around the world who were never born there and have never lived there have been returning to their heritage, the land of Israel, since that prophetic occurrence of the rebirth of the nation in 1948. That is wondrous miracle.
Our Kibbutz room on the Sea of Galalee, was a small one bedroom apartment, complete with bathroom, kitchen and living room, facing the Sea of Galilee with a patio, picnic table and chairs. People from all over the world come there for vacations. I didn’t like the beds much. They were comfortable but they were split in the middle because in the Jewish tradition, the man is not suppose to touch the woman during her “unclean” time of the month, so the beds were two beds each wider than a normal twin bed, pushed together to make one large one. One night I scooted closer to Rodger to cuddle and the beds separated and I went down to the floor in a heap landing on my elbow. Rodger said it was like the parting of the Red Sea, he and I laughed, but we had to be aware not to sleep near the center of the beds. When we went to the Dan Panorama in Jerusalem there were the same kind of beds, but these were on carpet and didn’t roll.
An Ancient Minneret on a Muslim Mosque at Caearea Maritime.

Independence Hall in Tel Aviv
The world map indicating which countries supported Israel.
Herrods chariot race track at Caesaria Maritime on the Mediteranian Sea
Our Kibbutz on the Sea of Galilee
During this flight I had contracted some kind of intestinal problem and was in the bathroom every 20 minutes. Thankfully the Lord placed me in an isle seat only three rows back from the bathroom. I am now intimately acquainted with the inside of the Continental Airlines lavatory. By the time we reached Tel Aviv in Israel we were completely exhausted ready to take a nap, but that did not happen. I guess Israel didn’t want us to come in.
Upon arrival at Tel Aviv, we were summoned to several checkout points, our carry on luggage was searched, and we were asked questions about the reason for our visit. We had to show our passport several times and it took a long time to get out of the airport. Thankfully there were no pat downs or embarrassing personal searches.
As soon as we gathered our luggage we boarded our tour bus with all the other people who were on the tour with us, 43 total. We arrived in Israel in the morning hours. Our guide Murium Feinberg-Vamosh was there too, ready to begin traveling to our first destination, which was a visit to the ancient port of Joppa, sometimes, referred to as Jaffa. Miriam is Jewish but not a believer, who was born in the United States and moved to Israel to go back to her roots; she speaks Hebrew fluently and works as a reporter for a prominent news paper in Israel and is a guide in her spare time. She is married to a Jew who was born and raised in Israel. Our bus driver is a Jewish man named Ruvin, we did not know if he was a believer, but he was a very friendly man and a great bus driver. He managed to maneuver the bus in places that were not easy for cars to go. The FOI leader, Bill Sutter said that we saw miracles every day with his driving. He would drop us off at one place, leaving us there while we walked to another place some distance away and picked us up there. We never back tracked anywhere, it was a well organized tour.
Joppa was the town from which Jonah sailed before he was swallowed by the big fish and where Peter visited Simon the Tanner. In the pictures you will see Simon the Tanner’s house that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. Acts 10:5-6, Jonah 1:3
After leaving Joppa we traveled to the Roman city of Caesarea Maritime on the Mediterranean Sea, located about 30 miles north of Joppa. In the Scriptures we read what happened at Caesarea Maritime. We saw here Herod’s palace, his chariot race arena, and an amphitheater where stage productions were performed. We also saw an ancient Minaret in an Islamic Mosque, which is the tall pointed round structure shaped like a rocket. Herrod’s palace was immense. As you will see from the pictures, Herod had everything he needed there and all the entertainment he wanted.
· Philip the evangelist preached and lived in Caesarea (Acts 8:40).
· Peter was sent to baptize Cornelius, a centurion of the Roman garrison in Caesarea (Acts 10).
· Peter came to Caesarea after he was delivered from prison (Acts 12:19).
· King Herod Agrippa of Judaea died at Caesarea, being "eaten of worms" (Acts 12:19-23).
· Paul visited the city when he arrived or departed by ship from the harbor at Caesarea (Acts 9:30; 18:22; 21:8-16).
· Paul was imprisoned at Caesarea for two years before sailing to Rome to appear before Caesar (Acts 23:22-26:32).
Next we went to Independence Hall in Tel Aviv where we saw the room where the decision was made to make Israel a Nation. This was prophecy fulfilled the day that the Jews got their nation back after centuries of being without a homeland. We saw the room where Israel declared they were a nation and that they now had a homeland. The Scripture that comes to mind here is Isaiah 68:8. God brought forth a nation in a day according to prophecy. Other Scriptures that possibly pertain to the miracles of the Lord with Israel are: Isaiah 11:12 and 43:5-7. There is a picture of a chart that shows which nations were for Israel and which were against. Those highlighted in green were the nations that voted yes to give Israel the land. The world felt appalled at the treatment of the Jews in World War 2, which motivated them to give the Jews their own land and their own nation.
In the picture the man speaking in 1948, was David Ben Gurion the first Prime Minister of Israel. The picture on the wall behind Ben Gurion is a man named Hertzl, who had a dream and worked for the eventual formation of a nation of Israel, but never lived to see it happen.
After all this we ended the days tour at Maagan Holiday Village a Kibbutz located on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where we spent three nights. The word Kibbutz in Hebrew means “the Gathering”, a collective community based on agriculture. They were Jews who no longer wanted to work for Arabs but wanted to work their own land earning their own living, in a communal formation. The only way they could make it farming was to share the land and work closely together, more like a family, getting away from the culture of the Arabs. Joseph Baratz was the man who came up with the idea of the Kibbutz, he said:
“We were happy enough working on the land, but we knew more and more certainly that the ways of the old settlements were not for us. This was not the way we hoped to settle the country—this old way with Jews on top and Arabs working for them; anyway, we thought that there shouldn't be employers and employees at all. There must be a better way.”
Everywhere we looked there was dry ground and huge rocks. Occasionally we would see some green, a small grove of trees or some crops, but nothing like our area of the world where green is everywhere around us all year around. Even though it was a desolate looking place, it was intriguing because of the history and connection to the Bible. We felt a sense of awe that we were really in the place where Bible events happened. I asked Rodger to pinch me on a number of occasions, he just turned to me and said, “yah me too.”
A chill ran through me as I looked around the room where prophecy was fulfilled in the forming of the nation of Israel. God is always faithful in keeping His promises. Israel is proof of this fact. God said, Isaiah 45:17 “But Israel shall be saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation; You shall not be ashamed or disgraced forever and ever.” Jeremiah 31:3 also says; “The Lord has appeared to me of old saying: ‘Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.’” It was a faith building experience to know that God had promised once that He would bring His people back to Him in the end and return their nation to them. He returned their nation in 1948 and there is more to come for Israel as God works in their hearts and makes them the final carriers of the gospel of Jesus Christ at the end. The Jews around the world who were never born there and have never lived there have been returning to their heritage, the land of Israel, since that prophetic occurrence of the rebirth of the nation in 1948. That is wondrous miracle.
Our Kibbutz room on the Sea of Galalee, was a small one bedroom apartment, complete with bathroom, kitchen and living room, facing the Sea of Galilee with a patio, picnic table and chairs. People from all over the world come there for vacations. I didn’t like the beds much. They were comfortable but they were split in the middle because in the Jewish tradition, the man is not suppose to touch the woman during her “unclean” time of the month, so the beds were two beds each wider than a normal twin bed, pushed together to make one large one. One night I scooted closer to Rodger to cuddle and the beds separated and I went down to the floor in a heap landing on my elbow. Rodger said it was like the parting of the Red Sea, he and I laughed, but we had to be aware not to sleep near the center of the beds. When we went to the Dan Panorama in Jerusalem there were the same kind of beds, but these were on carpet and didn’t roll.
All the breakfast food was Kosher, they could not serve milk with meat, so there was no meat at the morning meal but there was milk. At the evening meals there were meats but no milk. This practice comes from the Levitical laws that disallow boiling a lamb in its mother’s milk. A little of a stretch for me, but that is their culture and it was that way everywhere we went. I don’t recall seeing any fat people, not one obese person to be found in all our travels there.
An Ancient Minneret on a Muslim Mosque at Caearea Maritime.
Independence Hall in Tel Aviv
The world map indicating which countries supported Israel.
Herrods chariot race track at Caesaria Maritime on the Mediteranian Sea
Our Kibbutz on the Sea of Galilee
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Our Trip To Israel Part 1: New York City
When we left Portland we flew to Newark New Jersey , arriving in New Jersey six hours later. We were told that our flight went more quickly than expected because the tail winds were with us. On the way back from New Jersey to Portland our flight was almost two hours longer because we were headed into the winds which slowed the plane significantly. The return flight was a little rougher and bouncier than the flight into Newark .
Our first stop on the tour of New York was at Liberty Park in New Jersey where we took a ferry called the Miss New Jersey to Ellis Island and then onto the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island.
On Ellis Island we found the walls that contained the names of many thousands of immigrants who came into the Intake Center from 1892-1954. Eight Million immigrants were processed through this island, which was the gateway to their potential prosperity and religious freedom. It seemed strange almost that immigrants were still coming through Ellis Ilsnad during our lifetime. Ellis Island was closed to Immigrants in 1954. One of those immigrants was my uncle Nils Nilson, of which there were several in the registry but not on the walls. This was the promised land to these very tired and ragged people who had traveled by boat for months to get to the land of the free.
Immigrants were inspected for disease and those that showed signs of ill health were marked with chalk on their clothing so that they could be identified as unhealthy and later determined to be those that would be deported. Some immigrants learned of this practice and determined to be able to stay in the country, wiped off the chalk marks or turned their clothing inside out to be able to enter undetected. Some immigrants who did not do these things, were sent back to their native countries.
Rodger and I had lunch in the Ellis Island Café that was furnished with reproduction furniture of that period. On the walls were painted beautiful murals depicting the immigrant experience. We almost felt as though we were stepping back in the time of the immigrants.
After Ellis Island we returned to the ferry, the Miss New Jersey, and sailed to Liberty Island where the Statue of Liberty stood. What an incredible sight as we floated closer and closer to that massive statue. How excited the immigrants must have been as they came into New York harbor after such long voyages and tired hearts, looking up at the Statue that represented the freedom they were about to experience in their new home.
The Statue of Liberty was given to us by France and inside is an engraved plaque on which is written a sonnet by Emma Lazarus the following:
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Wow to think that America was once the promised land to the world, and still is to many.
As you look at the pictures of the statue you will find the walkway at the pedestal just above her feet, that is the walkway Rodger and I were standing on when we climbed the many stairs to get as high up as we were allowed. No one was allowed in the torch because of disrepair, and the crown was allowed but not on the day we were there.
From the Miss New Jersey ferry we could look across to Manhattan in New York City.
After leaving Liberty Island we sailed back to Liberty park where we started and proceeded to carry on to New York City. There we saw many sites including Rockefeller Center, Time Square, The subway, Grand Central Station, the Holland Tunnel… the one Lucy Ricardo drove her lawn mower through in one of the I Love Lucy episodes. We saw the Lincoln center, Central park, the Crysler building and the Empire State building. We also saw St. Patricks Cathedral, which was amazingly beautiful.
In Time square we saw where they drop the ball on New Years eve every year and we saw a living billboard. It was a computer that registered those who were walking on the street in a particular place on the sidewalk. Rodger and I were in the bill board and took pictures of ourselves along with our guide. Our guide is a lady who held a multicolored stripped umbrella which she carried above the heads of the crowd so that we would not lose her. Time Square was an mass of people. There were street restaurants in the middle of the Square. It was a place I cared only to see once. The multitudes of people left me overwhelmed, I could not imagine a time such as New Years Eve when a million people gather there on the streets and hanging out of windows just to see a silver ball fall to earth, designating a new year. After all the year is going to come whether or not anyone dropped a huge ball.
David Wilkersons church was only about four blocks from where we were, but we did not get to see it. Rodger asked if we were going to get to see Wall street where the stock market was, the guide said no because the street was too narrow for our tour bus to drive through. Wall street was only a couple of blocks away from where we were at that time. Also we saw ground zero where the World Trade Center stood and we saw the partially built new one that is going up. We also saw NBC studios where the Today Show was produced.
The excursion to New York was a side note to the our intended destination of Israel. In my estimation New York is a monster that overwhelms. If ever there were a place of overindulgence and materialism, it is New York city. Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty were our favorites in New York Harbor, the rest of it was interesting but not worth repeating. I love the small town life, the city has no draw for me.
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