Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Drop the Arrogant Attitude and Fear God!

When I see believers "claiming things" from God as though He is a puppet on a string, it reminds me of what it feels like for our children to speak to us in condescending tones as though we are the child and they are the adult.

There should be such reverence for God that we are fearful to speak to Him in any other tone than meekly obedient.

If we sought after the Lord, the way our dogs follow us, looking up at us for all their needs, trusting us for all their protections and unquestioningly remaining with us no matter what, we would understand Who Christ is!

Most believers I know treat Christ like He has a responsibility to us rather than us having a responsibility to Him.

We owe Christ every thing, our attitude ought to be seeking Him for His will, not commanding Him what He should do.

Hebrews 10:31 "It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

How Narcissists Think

How Narcissists think:

All narcissists must have the right to express their opinion but rage when we speak ours if it differs with theirs.

It is important to remember this, because if the narc rages, it is not because we did anything worthy of rage, it is merely a tactic to unnerve their target. In their minds they have won if they have managed to intimidate and silence their target.

Liberalism is this kind of animal, pushing their ideas down our throats through punitive actions and laws. They freely say anything they want but are completely intolerant of an apposing viewpoint.

They accuse their opponents of doing what they are doing but their opponents are not, lying is completely acceptable to these types.

This tactic of overt intimidation through calculated rage is common in families. Many years ago it was considered rude and very few people would do it, there was a measure of respect for a person even if we disagreed on something. Now, almost all disagreement is met with hate and verbal violence.

We are living in an age where bad is good and good is bad, as the scripture describes a condition of the end times.

If we are informed, equipped with knowledge and the help of the Holy Spirit we can remain calm, emotionally unaffected by the attacks and strong enough to clearly state our views without wavering.

When we are not taking anything personally knowing that we are fighting against a spiritual enemy not a physical one, we will not feel compelled to defend ourselves, let God do that while we peacefully and unexcitedly speak no matter what the reaction.

What a tranquility comes over us when we don't have to "win" as the narc believes they have to do. Our mission is to speak truth in love, while the narc is a mass of upturned soul, we ought to feel sorry for them, they have to work hard to keep in top position in their own minds. They depend on others cooperating and validating them. As a believer, we don't have to impress anyone, we merely trust Christ and leave Him with the results.

Praise the Lord that we don't have to be special or top man in anything, Christ is our all! Serving Him knowing we are nothing is the best place to be, we have nothing to prove for ourselves, we are free from all encumbrance of self!

The Prideful Cannot Be Taught

The Pandora's box of evil has been unleashed in our culture and there is no way to put is back.

2 Timothy 3:1-7

Divorce and remarriage,
Same sex marriage,
Legalization of mind altering drugs,
Teaching of wicked immoral acts being taught to our children,
Movies that promote excessive and gruesome violence and every other sin,
Children bossing their parents while the parents cower at the voice of their children,
Self esteem taught in every institution in this country including the apostate church,
Excessive use of prescription drugs, often when not necessary,
Over indulgence in food, alcohol and pleasure of every kind,
Punishing truth tellers through the loss of job or business,
Disrespect for parents on every level,
One parent families are becoming more common than marriage,
Shacking up is completely accepted as normal and nature as is pregnancy outside of marriage,
No sense of honor or respect for elders or anyone in authority,
Anarchy everywhere!

In short, the celebration of every sin, the defense of the wicked while demeaning the righteous is popular now everywhere.


It is impossible to educate the unteachable. Even those who claim to be believers defend many of the sins, if not all , listed.

Those Who Cause Division

"17 Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.
18 For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting."

Beware of Manipulative Tactics

One of the tactics of narcissism is to use the mean/nice cycle! They will be nice to you as long as you obey them, but when they see you are not being controlled by them, they will be mean again to beat you into submission.

It is a favorite tactic of apostates these days to accuse you of meanness, the very thing they are doing but you are not. When we see this tactic as an ongoing pattern with someone, we need to withdraw from them knowing we cannot believe them.

Jeremiah 12:6
"“For even your brothers and the household of your father,
Even they have dealt treacherously with you, Even they have cried aloud after you.
Do not believe them, although they may say nice things to you.”

The Covert Narcissist!


Do We Love God Back?

I read on a placard this week a touching story of a little girl and her dolly, I don't remember the author nor have I been able to find it again, but I would like to relay the story as I remember it, it made such an impact on me for a couple of reasons. I will put it in quotes to indicate that it was not me that wrote the story. I can't even remember if I posted it on my own timeline, even though I thought about doing it.

"There was a little girl holding a tattered and dirty little doll. She was weeping uncontrollably. Her mother saw her in the yard, concerned for her little girl she rushed to find out what was the matter.

The mother asked the little girl what was wrong. Replying with big tears rolling down her face she said , "it's my dolly." The mother looked at the tattered and dirty doll, one arm slightly torn off and hair missing on it's head and replied, "oh honey it's alright, I'll clean the dolly up, fix her hair and arm to make her just like new."

The little girl looked at her mommy and said, "but mommy I love my doll, I'm not upset that she is a little broken, I love her just like she is. Perplexed the mother asked, "then what is the matter."

The little girl bowed her head in sadness and said, "Mommy, I have loved on this doll, I take care of her, keep her safe and take her with me everywhere I go, I love her all the time, but Mommy, she never loves me back. She doesn't even see me or know who I am."

Isn't this the way we treat God, He gives us everything necessary in this life, while offering everything magnificent for eternity, even His own life, His love is immense, even to the point of death, but most will not love Him back.

AND, those who don't love Christ can't love anyone beyond what they can provide for them. Many if not most worldly friendships are based on what others can proved for us, whether it be physical needs, gifts or just the pleasure of praise from them. Many people will discard friends merely because they are no longer useful to them.

The best friendships are the ones when we are loved just because! These friendships are based on mutual give and take. When the friendship is reciprocal, pleasing the other person is our pleasure. Making our friend feel safe and appreciated delights us. Those who use people to elevate themselves have no love, they do not love others and they do not love God.

Evidence of Godly love in someones life is that they deeply care about others, it is not show to impress others, but a genuine concern for others, even when we will get nothing out of it.

1 John 3:14 "We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love abides in death."

Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor;"

Monday, June 29, 2015

We are Accountable to Warn Others

How many believers are speaking truth to warn those in rebellion? I think not many, most do not realize the gravity of watching a person on their way to hell and not telling them.

Ezekiel 3:18 ""When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand."

John 3:18 "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Most Who Say they are Christians are Going to Hell


When We are Born Again We are Compelled to Speak

2 Corinthians 4:7-15

"7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;

8 we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;

9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;

10 always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

11 For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

12 So death works in us, but life in you.

13 But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we also believe, therefore we also speak,

14 knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and will present us with you.

15 For all things are for your sakes, so that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God."

Notice verse 13 "I believed therefore I spoke", seems like anyone who becomes born again is continually compelled to speak about it.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The America We Knew Does Not Exist

The decision of the Supreme Court this week gave us a shock and dismay almost beyond the ability to express it.

My husband is a former state representative, he and I worked 20 years in our fight against abortion and the proliferation of pornography. We cared deeply about our country while doing what we could to thwart the tide of filth, murder and immorality, in the hopes that those in the seats of power would come to their senses or be replaced by those who understood the value of these things.

We flew the American flag on our house for years in support of a country that afforded us the freedoms we have and provided jobs along with every other blessing that we had. We were grateful to God for our blessing of living in America, even with all the warts and flaws we thought we could somehow make a difference.

As my husband and I were out for a drive this afternoon, he boldly stated to me that he would never fly the American flag again unless he flew it upside down. An upside down American flag is an expression of a country in distress. The upside down flag is not used very often but when it is a ship is sinking or a war has broken out, the flag has been place upside down as a warning and to express grief.

We no longer have a flag, but if we did we would fly it upside down, our country is in deep distress as if it has been taken over by a dictatorial regime. As one communist leader once said "we will take down America without firing a shot."

I wonder now, do the American people have any idea that we are no longer America, with a government that rules over the people, instead of the people ruling over the nation?

We are living in a time of dire distress, it is time for believers to pray for souls to become born again before Christ returns.

Narcissists Do Not Love God's Way

There is a dynamic that is infecting marriages like a storm, not all parties involved understand what is going on, that is the manipulation of narcissists to elevate their "golden child" and devalue their "scapegoat."

The "golden child" is the favored parent and the "scapegoat" is the target of contempt. These terms are most used to describe a parent narcissist that favor one child over another, but in this case study I want to relate it to adult children who are narcissists attempting to pit one parent against another.

Often in marriage relationships there is an adult child, sometimes more than one, who see one parent as the "golden child" and the other parent as the "scapegoat."

The adult child sees the "golden child (parent)" as the one who elevates them, mirrors their thinking while rarely displaying disagreement with the narcissist child. This parent is seen as someone who can do no wrong.

With the "scapegoat" (parent) the adult child sees them as someone who can do no right. Everything this parent does is worthy of disrespect, dismissiveness and the silent treatment and even vengeful acts to provoke them, usually covertly so they can deny it later, since they do it when no one else is present.`

Why is one parent treated as the golden child while the other parent treated as the scapegoat? The answer is obvious when we have been the objects of this kind of gaslighting and manipulation. There are many people who have seen this but are not sure about what they are looking at, or think they may have done something wrong to deserve this disrespectful treatment. I am here to encourage the scapegoat parent.

The adult child is favoring one parent over the other because one parent is passive, almost never criticizing, correcting or disagreeing with the adult child, while the other parent speaks their mind and occasionally disagrees. Disagreement in the mind of the narc, is completely unacceptable and worthy or wrath.

All that is necessary for one parent to be treated as a scapegoat is to be themselves, not allowing their child to control them through manipulation and dishonor. Narcissists cannot tolerate anyone they cannot control. If they perceive that they can do no wrong through one parent, they will value that parent almost to the point of worship while devaluing the other parent who will not be controlled by them and who speaks the truth.

The narc has such a high opinion of themselves that they will devalue anyone who will not come under their control. Often they will pit one parent against another by their favoritism.

It is possible to thwart the plots and plans of these narcissistic controllers when both parents understand what is going on and refuse to bite. When the favored parent realizes that the scapegoat parent is being devalued, they can step up to the plate and defend the scapegoat to preserve the marriage.

The desire of the narc is to get one parent to despise the other, they must feel as though the favored parent hates the scapegoat parent as much as they do. They will lie against their target, malign their character and use every trick possible to turn the favored parent against the scapegoat, all the while pretending to be the sweet, loving and innocently kind, they are far from innocent and their kindness only goes so far as their ability to control someone.

Often the acts of meanness are covert, under the radar to anyone else looking on, but clearly evident to the target parent. Those who are adept at this subject of covert narcissistic tactics will see it, when others can not see it.

Have you ever wondered why two people can look at the same situation and evaluate it in opposite terms? It is because each person is viewing the situation based on their own mindset. One person despises the person they see and judges something wrong or bad about the person involved but another person who likes that person will see nothing wrong.

A good example is the story of a woman who was seen in a restaurant with another man, not her husband. The person who saw her immediately judged her as having an affair. This person didn't like the woman so his judgment was that she was being unfaithful. Walking away he deciding to believe what he thought, without any investigation and treated the woman with disdain the next time he saw her.

Another person who knew the woman and liked her, saw the encounter in a restaurant and assumed that the man she was with was a friend or brother. Because she did not suspect her of anything wrong she was able to walk up to the table, say hello become introduced by her friend to the man she was with, to learn that the man was her doctor who had seen her there and approached her for a simple cup of coffee, there was no affair.

When we have contempt for someone, all that we see from afar will be judged based on little or no information, courting the arrogant attitude that "I don't need to learn details here, I have all I need to continue to hate my target."

When we love someone and have trusted them, we will see the same situation as the hater, but seek to find out truth so that we are sure we don't make any wrong judgments. We initially assume that our friend is doing nothing wrong, there must be a good explanation.

Often busybodies want to know information that is none of their business to feed their own appetite for dirt, to be able to continue their malice and hatred for someone. Narcissists do not base their anger and hatred on anything of substance, it is based on their desire to control and manipulate those who will not fall under their spell of control.

Narcs evaluate life on the basis that everyone in their friendship sphere must think as they do, act as they do and say the things they say, they must be an extension of themselves to remain friends, in other words, they must lose their identity entirely to be treated with honor and respect, and it only comes because the narc thinks of them as extensions of themselves. Only those who are just like they are, can be worthy of honor and respect.

The most despised person to the narc is the one who thinks for themselves and will not elevate them to god like status.

God clearly instructs us to avoid such people, they have the ability, if we let them, to control our emotions, our relationship and our spiritual progress. The devil loves for us to let others do our thinking for us. He loves for us to allow evil selfish people to keep us in a constant state of turmoil, while they bask in the glory that dwells only in their own minds. It is an emotional high for the narc when they can make another person feel bad or give into their whims, a sort of perverse glee at the harm they can do.

This phenomena is growing in direct proportions to the self esteem teaching that became full blown in the '70's. With each step that has been taken to get people to believe they are wonderful and even godlike through flattery and support no matter what they do, has created a generation of selfish people who feel entitled to praise and worship. When they do not receive praise and worship, they become vengeful and angry, even concocting mistreatment against those who do not submit.

These are dangerous people, they have the ability to bring continual unhappiness and turmoil, robbing their target of joy, while accusing them of things that are not true.

Romans 3:4 "4 May it never be! Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar, as it is written, “That You may be justified in Your words, And prevail when You are judged.”

Proverbs 19:9 "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish."

Proverbs 13:5 "The righteous hates falsehood, but the wicked brings shame and disgrace."

Exodus 23"1 "“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness."

James 3:14 "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth."

Proverbs 30::5 "Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him."

2 Timothy 3:5 tells us to withdraw from those who are wicked and self absorbed.

Brothers and Sisters, if you encounter someone like this in your circle of friends, get away as fast as possible. Do not be afraid to admit that a narc is in your midst, calling their acts of covert meanness what they are and leaving them in the dust.

If the devil cannot work in a Christian marriage, he will attempt to send in Trojan horses to covertly undermine an otherwise stable and loving marriage.

James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

It is interesting to note that a covert narc will run from anyone who will not submit to their control or give in to their manipulation. I believe it is entirely possible that every covert narcissist is controlled by the devil, if not possession at least by oppression. I am also convinced that a true believer who has the Holy Spirit living in them could not be a narcissist.

2 Corinthians 6:7 ""Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE," says the Lord. "AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you."

Friday, June 26, 2015

It is now Fashionable to Wallow in Debauchery

This weekend in a near by city, there is the annual naked bike ride. The riders wheel through the city in front of children and families, while displaying their wares. And they do not call this child abuse?

What is the purpose? Clearly to remove all stigmas of morality that hinder debauchery! Now we know what Sodom and Gomorrah looked like.

Not only is the bike ride happening but our Supreme court of the land removed all power from the states to disallow same sex marriage by endorsing it through law.

If God does not punish us this weekend, I won't know why!

Cast Away the Scoffer

It was hard when I began to realize that most people around me were in this condition, while thinking they are wonderful. They are even in the Christian gatherings claiming to love God. They have a "form of religion" as verse 5 says. And, it was a relief knowing from verse 5 that God said we should walk away from them.

2 Timothy 2:13 "Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out, Even strife and dishonor will cease."


Do Not Correct or Counsel a Fool

When we see rebellion in hearts that won't listen to counsel, they think they are an entity unto themselves, those are the prideful that should be avoided. They will snap at us, scowl at us and bring revenge to the table, it is best to leave them alone after discovering what they are and what they bring.

Remain Faithful, It's Almost Over

Nearly everything we see now in our culture is based on good being called bad and bad being called good. It is hard to have a rational and sensible conversation with most people these days, unless we remain continually on the superficial, mundane and unimportant topics.

When our world gets to this point, the rapture is right around the corner. Good sense is nearly non-existent in our culture now, even those who have good sense have fear in their hearts to speak it.

May believers become bolder than ever, ready and willing to be rejected by all family members and close friends to remain faithful to God.

The Wrath of God is Coming!

We have been under discipline already, however we can expect an immense disaster, whatever form it takes, very soon.

The highest court of our land just made into law same sex marriage. If we think we will escape what Sodom and Gomorrah experienced, because we shout silly things like "God bless America" and our words will turn God's wrath away from us, we have not been paying attention. These meaningless and selfish words make God angry.

God does not care about our cultures emotional words that make us feel better, He loathes them with an intense hatred. When our people spout from their lying tongues platitudes about God, while following meaningless ritual to have a personal sense of safety, elevating self in all that they do, God is vomiting them out of His mouth.

Amos 5:21 "I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies."

Matthew 15:8 "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me."

Revelation 3:16 "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."

Far too many who claim to be "Christian" in this country believe that God overlooks sin as though it is a minor irritation, forgetting that Christ had to die a brutal death because of it. God cannot have any sin at all into His presence, it is only Christ Who could pay the debt we owed.

Why do so many people take lightly sins against God? They do this because their focus is on themselves, their high opinion of themselves rejects God's standard in favor of a man-made religion that focuses entirely on self exaltation.

Those who cannot objectively look at themselves to see if they are in Christ as a born again believer, remain in their sin and self righteousness. All their good deeds and high minded ideas will not save them, in fact it does not even deeply comfort them. They have to repeat their rituals over and over again to have the sense that they are in the favor of God, knowing in their heart they are fruitless. They must also talk about them continually to make sure others see them doing it.

I am noticing that those who made such a good show of their "spirituality" through their prideful rituals, are becoming more and more selfish, while also intensely despising those who walk in Christ.

A clue as to someones walk is how much they love and depend on ritual to have a sense of spirituality. Those who walk in Christ every day, filled with the Holy Spirit that sealed them, don't sense a need for outward signs or meaningless ritual, they are content in Christ Who lives in them.

The ritualists often look down their noses at others who do not practice what they do. The ritualists think very highly of themselves, unteachable spirits harboring a deep resentment toward all those who do not do as they do or elevate them in some way, even displaying contempt, exercising revenge on anyone who challenges them to think beyond their ritual to a Spiritual life in Christ.

We see that this mentality of "ritualism" is growing in our culture because it is turning back to the beggarly things rather than resting in Christ. Christ is not enough for them, they want to feel special, even equal with God as Satan did in heaven before God threw him out.

Mark 7:13 "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye."

Galatians 4:9 "But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?"

Ritual is always about self elevation not closeness with Christ. It destroys relationships, causing much judging based on practices rather than on holiness.

The message all believers need to hear, is that it is vital that we evaluate all that we do, asking God to show us what is worthless. Anything from self exaltation needs to be removed while Christ is obeyed through His principles in the Word of God.

I have met many people who reject most of the principles of God from His word and claim they are "a Bible believing Christians." Their words are merely empty because of their resistance to the truth when confronted about their continual negating of God's word through their actions.

We live in a culture that believes all we have to do is "say" something and that makes it so, but God did not call us to "say" what we know, He called us to "obey" that which He imparted to us through His word.

If someone is reading the word merely to be more educated than others, they are operating from pride. It is better to say nothing, obey what God tells us and our lives will reflect truth. Words are nothing, often they are lies, unless they are backed up by a life of holiness.

To say we believe something but do not obey it makes us liars. Many people who have good words are railing against God through the acceptance of divorce and remarriage, dishonor of parents and all the commandments if they think they have a good reason. Pragmatism is a stench in God's nostrils, diverting attention from Christ to personal desire.

So many think this is a wonderful country with all it's freedoms and opportunities, we say "God bless us", while deeply negating Him in every way possible, very proud of what we say, while unconcerned about what we actually do.

In this matter of same sex marriage, in a short time we can expect to see churches that "just love them" as they like to say, while jumping in with both feet to endorse the practice, claiming that they are going to do it anyway, so to show their "love", if one could call it that, they will negate the word of God to follow their culture.

John 12:43 "For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God."

The sad thing is they will claim to love God through their phony and empty form of love while helping the lost sinner into hell. They cannot preach a saving gospel when they are endorsing and facilitating sin that leads to the fires of hell.

We are not going to be judged by God in this country because of this matter of same sex marriage alone, but because of all the disobedience, rebellion and arrogance that led to the final coup-de-gra, the tipping point of a sinful culture, is it's "in your face" sexual perversion, the last sin that God will not tolerate.

May many people become born again before this disaster that will happen. When it arrives only those who are in Christ will know what to do and Who to turn to for their protection.

May the true believers be ready in the aftermath of a catastrophe, be available to speak truth to those who are devastated, at the end of themselves, they may be ready to hear truth and we need to be ready to speak it boldly and accurately.

True Honor and Respect

Our culture doesn't understand what true honor and respect for parents look like and sadly I have almost lost hope that they will ever get it. I am quite sure there are adult children who think their parents are mean and controlling, when in fact the disrespect of the children affects the frustration level of the parent. 

 When a parent is treated as though they have nothing to offer in a relationships with their children, they sense that they are beating their head against a brick wall and they probably are. It is best to walk away and leave them to God, His ways are higher than ours and He has all power to carry out that which will bring them to the end of themselves.

Let God when you see that no one is listening! He knows just what to do!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Pretense Is Not Spirituality

I had one lady tell me that there was no excuse for anyone being sick. I explained all the scripture about that, she argued with me and two weeks later she broke her leg and sat on the couch for six weeks like everyone else would have to, and guess what? She went to the hospital to have it set and in a cast. Go figure!!!!

She had left the Memmonite church to become "Christian Science", I had been praying for her to see the truth about all this. Even the broken leg and trip to the hospital didn't change what she believed. How utterly blind one can be when we live in a fantasy world.

All too often a pretender will choose to believe something that is clearly unBiblical and lacking in sense, but they will hang onto it out of pride. What they follow doesn't even work for them, but they will remain faithful to it because of their desire to be elevated in knowledge above others.

2 Timothy 3:6-7 "6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

I see so many things "Christians" are falling into that not only don't make sense according to the Bible, but have been shown to have no value in their lives in terms of spiritual growth, in fact these people who live in this fantasy land, regress in their walk and even severely retard any progressive move toward Christ.

My prayer would be that everyone who calls themselves by Christ's name would ask HIM to continually reveal truth, rejecting anything that conflicts with God's principles.

Deuteronomy 4:29 "But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Proverbs 8:17 "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me."

Do Not Surround Yourself With the Foolish

Proverbs 14:7-14

"Leave the presence of a fool, Or you will not discern words of knowledge.

8 The wisdom of the sensible is to understand his way, But the foolishness of fools is deceit.

9 Fools mock at sin, But among the upright there is [f]good will.

10 The heart knows its own bitterness, And a stranger does not share its joy.

11 The house of the wicked will be destroyed, But the tent of the upright will flourish.

12 There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

13 Even in laughter the heart may be in pain, And the end of joy may be grief.

14 The backslider in heart will have his fill of his own ways, But a good man will be satisfied with his."

Don't Ever Trust A Doctor Trust God

I don't ever trust a doctor, I trust God and He has used doctors to keep me alive for many years. I had bad tonsils, a doctor took them out and I was much healthier for many years. I was not able to give birth, I would not dilate past four when giving birth after 36 hours of labor. I was developing a temp so they took the baby Cesarean Section, the next child had to be the same way. Had it not been for doctors I would have died 44 years ago, before I was saved.

There have been other life threatening and miserable things that the doctor fixed for me. God allowed them to have the knowledge they have to be able to carry out His healing.

I will never negate doctors in general, I will evaluate in prayer whatever they suggest, but I will never disparage all people in that profession. I am grateful for hospitals and doctors, they have made my life better all the way around.

Secondly I see this "distrust all doctors" phase a little like I saw the cafeteria food in college. Everyone was pressured to hate the food, my friends thought that I was weird for not complaining about it, I liked it, it filled me up and was tasty too. Often people get on the band wagon with complainers when they really haven't see what everyone is talking about. Their opinions are based purely on the cultural expectation to be ungrateful if things aren't perfect.

What is amusing about this is that often the people who are on the latest craze about an issue, have not seen for themselves what others proclaim, they just jump on the band wagon, ignorantly riding it down the road to be a part of the revelry.

God has provided doctors, some very good ones who save lives every day. I will not show ungratefulness by lumping all doctors as quacks just because of stories other people tell. My personal experience has been good with a minor glitch or two here or there over 62 years, but over all I have been healed and cured many times.

We have to remember, doctors are human too, they are not perfect they make mistakes just as you and I do, but that does not mean they are deliberately making those mistakes nor does it mean that if a doctor does make a mistake, they cannot be trusted at all.

We help the doctors by telling them our pains, they make diagnosis based on tests and sometimes all they have is educated guesses, they are not all knowing as God is, so to expect them to be perfect is ludicrous since we are not perfect ourselves. The difference is their job is more stressful because lives are at stake when they make a mistake. I have compassion for a doctor who has worked hard to resolve an illness but loses a patient anyway. I remember that they are not in control of life and death, God is.

There are good and bad doctors just like there are good and bad teachers, mechanics, plumbers and others in professions that help us fix things. To lump them all as lacking character and having mercenary motives is irrational.

May we remember to treat doctors with honor and respect while they do the difficult job of attempting to diagnose our problems with only our testimony and some tests to help them. God can even use unsaved doctors to heal us, for His glory while the doctor sees our loving and gracious attitude through the whole process.

After all isn't our display of Christlikeness more important than the actual healing, if we pass we're going to heaven and if we do it will not be the doctors fault, it is God who decides when we go.

Believe God First

Yes!!! I reduced my slightly high cholesterol to perfectly normal by eating eggs. The doctor was surprised at the answer when he asked how I did it and I said, "I eat lots of eggs." LOL

Seek God and He can tell you the truth about everything. The doctors are very useful and can be God's answer to our troubles, I appreciate them very much. However I do seek God first because much of what traditional medicine has taught over the years was based on evolution and not true science.

I am not into all the natural stuff, but I do believe much of science has been perverted because of faulty foundations. For instance, when a space ship landed on the moon, the scientists designed the ship to be able to stand above 20 feet of dust, when they arrived they only found a few inches.

It should have alerted the education industry that we need to go back and modify the text books, but instead they leave out pertinent information to be able to stay with evolution. When there is rebellion against God in the heart, there is also much deception that strokes their egos making them resistant to truth.

James 3:14 "14 But if ye have bitter envy and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth."

Isaiah 59:12-13, "For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify against us: for our transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities, we know them; In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Seek God For Him!!!

Are you seeking God to be changed by Him or Do you just need something from Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."

Psalm 16:11
"11 You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever"

Notice our life with Christ is not about getting what we want, when we want it, the way we want it, but rather it is a continual seeking Him to show us His will that we will be transformed into His image, it's all about Him.

Religiosity makes one feel safe but God hates it!

Mark 7:13 "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye."

Amos 5:21 ""I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies."
Colossians 2:8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ."

Matthew 15:6 "He need not honor his father.’ So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God."

Mark 7:3-9 "(For the Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they wash their hands, holding to the tradition of the elders, and when they come from the marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many other traditions that they observe, such as the washing of cups and pots and copper vessels and dining couches.) And the Pharisees and the scribes asked him, “Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with defiled hands?” And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ..."

God Wishes All To Be Saved!

Ezekiel 18:32
""For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies," declares the Lord GOD. "Therefore, repent and live."

Evidence that God doesn't take pleasure in sending people to hell as the Calvinists believe.

1 Timothy 2:4 "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."

God desires for all to be saved while knowing that most will not choose Him.

John 3:14 "14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death."

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Narcissism and Destructive People

It is important to remember that when someone rejects Christ and rejects you because you love Christ, you have the option and should have the good sense to walk away from these people.

The reason I post so many things on narcissism is because our culture has been hard wired to believe we never walk away from anyone, it is unChristian. But the Bible does not support that cultural premise.

2 Timothy 3:1-7, clearly states that when we encounter these self absorbed and dangerous personalities, we are to withdraw ourselves. Far too many people keep angry and destructive people in our lives, diluting our Christian walk and witness while working ruin on our emotions.

If the devil can keep us continually focused on how bad these people make us feel, often accusing us of things they are doing but we are not, he will manage to make us mental basket cases, completely consumed with their drama.

We can love narcissists from afar through prayer, we do not have to engage them in life. The day they act repentant, naming their sins specifically, while demonstrating brokenness over their attitudes and actions, then we can consider re-introducing them into our lives, however, even then, we must be cautious because they are masters of manipulation and often will feign sorrow when it is not real.

Let the Holy Spirit be your guide always. No matter what the situation appears to be, never completely accept it if the Holy Spirit sends you warning signals. Questioning a narcissist will reveal if it is real or not, a true narc who is acting will explode in anger at the suggestion that we need to see ongoing evidence before we can feel confident that this is real.

One who has been broken over sin, truly wants to be a new person in Christ, will accept this mandate to wait and watch for life changes. They will welcome it and embrace it as a part of the criteria for a relationship.

Never underestimate the ability of the Holy Spirit to speak to us warnings while knowing that He can also tell us if someone has truly been changed into a new creation by Christ, the Spirit within you will bear witness to the Spirit that dwells in the new creation.

1 John 4:1 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."

Monday, June 22, 2015

Many Christians Have Never Been Born Again!

Charles Stanley tell the truth!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Funerals and Memorials

As long as I can remember I have been a thorn in everybody's side with my question; "Why." All I had to do to cause someone to become flustered and irritated, was to ask them, simply without malice; "why do we do that."

Most people love their traditions and don't like it when we try to make sense of them. They seem to think that "good sense" isn't necessary when we want to do something, as long as it made us feel good inside. I have always wanted to know the reason for doing things, if there wasn't a good reason that was a godly blessing, then I did not want to do what was expected.

I am finding all the human traditions that have been so cherished by much of our culture are a trick and a trap. The trick is to make people feel like they should be doing the holiday or special day, after they have them trapped into the holiday, then we can convince them to buy things, the cards and the gifts. Once the culture is entrenched in the holiday and the gift giving, we can easily continue the sense that they are not very nice people if they don't do what everyone else is doing, even labeling them selfish and unkind for not participating.

Families have judged members merely by the lack of acknowledgment of the holiday or the quality of the gift. We were tricked into believing we should observe all these human traditions and further trapped after beginning their practice.

In the last status I wrote about Mother's day and Father's day, this time I want to address the ritual of the funeral or what might be called the memorial after someone dies.

Our practice in this country is to buy an expensive casket as a demonstration of our love for the person who passed. Then we hire a hall to have a gathering, lavish the room with flowers, play music, arrange speakers and singers, allow time for others in the congregation to get up and speak about the happy things they remember about the dead individual, while gazing at the collages of pictures scattered about the room so that those who haven't seen the person in many years will have a short glimpse of the life of that person.

When I see someone get up in a memorial and praise a person they have not seen in 30 years, as though they could actually know that person, I feel a little suspicious. How could someone who has not seen someone in 30 years know the life of the person, the best they can do is regale us with stories of the past that may no longer be the character of the deceased person. The person in the casket may be better or worse, but for sure he is changed in some way from 30 years ago. Are our gatherings truthful, or are they fantasies that cause gooey feelings but have little substance.

It all sounds very nice, it gives us warm fuzzy feelings whether or not we even knew the person, we would go away with tears in our eyes and a happy jump in our heart and believe that the person must have been wonderful because of all the hype presented at the funeral.

In the presentations about the deceased, we notice that nothing bad is ever said, only good things. Usually those good things are embellished to reflect a little more flowery and exciting than they really were while laughter and tears fill the hall, almost completely motivated by unthinking emotion.

At the cemetery, those who attend stand around with solemn faces, either pretending sadness or having been moved by the emotion of the events, watching the casket being lowered into the grave. Some attending feel a sense of grief while most, especially in a large gathering, were not close to the deceased, have come because it was expected of them, to appear a good person.

After the ceremony at the graveyard, some remain to speak to the dead person in the casket while others move on to the hall where much food has been prepared for the attendees of the memorial.

This all sounds fine right!!! But wait a minute, lets take a good look at what actually happened here and whether or not it was Biblical.

As far as I can see, there is no Biblical model of the modern memorial or funeral of our day. I see no instructions as to what to do when someone dies, for the believe, in the New Testament era. So what is the proper way to handle the death of a loved one?

The funeral or memorial is based on the premise that the dead person should be honored in some way. My question has always been; "should we just honor them while they are alive and can see us doing it?" Those at the grave site speak to the coffin wherein lies a shell of a body without a spirit, as though that person can hear them.

Then there are those friends and relatives that haven't seen the diseased in thirty years, but showed up at their funeral. They never called or never came for a visit, but wanted to come to the memorial to say goodbye to someone who was dead and couldn't hear them. Often the believers think that their loved ones can hear them from heaven, but again, this is not Biblically supported.

Even the embalming practice comes from paganism initially. The body was preserved for the return of the soul. Then the question one has to ask, to answer this is; "what about all the bodies of believers who were buried and eaten by worms two thousand years ago, can God bring them back from that? The answer is yes, of course God can resurrect a body that has been corrupted and returned to dust. Perhaps the preservation of the body on the part of a believer, is lack of faith.

Genesis 3:19 "19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground, for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

Do we see the forms of paganistic necromancy enmeshed in our Christianity? The pagans believe that people can hear us after they are dead, they believe they can come back and see us and that we must preserve the body so that when their soul comes back they have a body in which to dwell.

God says that there is a great gulf between this life and the next, one cannot cross over.

Luke 16:26 "And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you will not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us.'"

Leviticus 20:27 "“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”

Deuteronomy 10:13-18 "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God,"

Isaiah 8:19 "And when they say to you, “Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,” should not a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living?"

I have asked the Lord to show me all the things I was raised with, that are not Biblical or Christlike, the list is growing everyday. The burdens to follow the rituals are lifting a monstrous weight from my shoulders. We have placed heavy burdens and expectations on believers that have no basis in Scripture.

Matthew 23:4 ""They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger."

My husband and I will not be having expensive funerals. No one will have to plan for five days after our death, all the expensive trappings that wear a person out physically while emptying the bank account. Let the living use the money for the glory of the Lord, not for our glory after we are an empty shell in a grave.

I believe giving gifts have more meaning when they are not mandated by others. When we give a gift because we are moved to bless someone, that will be the better blessing. Perhaps it would be good to cogitate on this; when we give, it might be good to give when someone has a need, rather than to give to impress or add to the pile of things in a wealthy person's house.

How about we learn to love through being available when there is a need for companionship. It is much easier to give a gift when it is convenient for us, but much more effort is involved when we have to drop what we are doing to be there for someone who is alone, or ill. The gift and card elevate ourselves but the service is entirely for the one being served.

Holidays: A Blessing and a Curse

Fathers day and Mother's day are blessings and curses. Many people had ungodly fathers, in fact probably most, while others had good but not perfect fathers. The greeting card company was very sly, they created holidays to honor parents so that one would feel like a bad child if they didn't buy a card or gift. Over time they added birthdays, grandparents day and every other event that comes down the pike.

Then there are those children who feel they have done their duty by sending a card while ignoring the parent all year long. They have no respect for the wisdom or advice of the father or mother, but as long as they send that card, they have labeled themselves a "good son/daughter."

Then after everyone got used to cards and flowers, even those without much money felt compelled to spend money they shouldn't on something that ended up in a drawer later to be thrown away.

People do feel good when they receive a card, and that's nice, however there are many who don't receive one and feel bad, or get one and still feel bad because there is no love or respect shown any other time of the year.

What if there had never been a "Father's Day" created, the fathers wouldn't miss it, there would be no bad feelings for those who are not honored and fathers who are honored throughout the year, not with gifts or cards, but with honor and respect, would always be happy without the cards.

Sometimes I wonder if the holiday had not been invented by those who want to make a buck, life would not be so burdensome. There is emotional stress associated with the entire matter of expected gift giving.

Perhaps it is better to treat parents and other loved ones with honor and respect throughout the year rather than replacing the actions and attitudes with a card instead. Sometimes we actually think that giving a gift or card makes up for all the sinful goings on all year long. We can ignore, reject and even speak and act with contempt freely, as long as that card is sent on time for the designated holiday.

The best way to honor our parents is through our lifestyle and our desire to please them and valuing their wisdom.

The purpose in this discussion is not to make anyone feel bad about giving cards or gifts, but to motivate everyone to evaluate why they do it. Is it to relieve ourselves from guilt over an otherwise neglectful and selfish attitude the rest of the year, or is it because we want to bless our parents always and not just on one day a year.

Chuck the Psychology and Go With God!

This matter of forgiving before there is repentance has destroyed the lives of many who thought they could continue living as they please without the need to change. It is only Christ Who changes us, but He will not change someone who refuses to be sorrowful over their sin.

The non-sense I hear often is that we are to forgive for our own sake, it is not only not Biblical it is selfish. When we do anything "for ourselves", we are not taking time to consider the condition of another person's soul, they are irrelevant to us, because everything is about "me." When we care deeply about the soul and eternity of another human being we are willing to do the difficult work with the hope that they will become saved.

Often one or two passages are used to justify the belief that we forgive without repentance.

All the passages concerning forgiveness say "IF THEY REPENT", as a condition of forgiveness. We have to put the entire Bible into context. When we choose one verse alone, we can get the wrong impression, we must put all verses in context with their passages and then with the rest of the Bible.

Luke 17:3-4 "3 Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. 4 And if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying, I REPENT,’ forgive him.”

Matthew 4:17 "17 From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “REPENT, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Matthew 21:32 "32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him; but the tax collectors and prostitutes did believe him; and you, seeing this, DID NOT FEEL REMORSE afterward so as to believe him."

Luke 5:31-32 "31 And Jesus answered and said to them, “It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to REPENTANCE.”

Acts 3:18-19 "18 But the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled. 19 Therefore REPENT and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;"

Romans 2:4 "4 Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the KINDNESS OF GOD LEADS YOU TO REPENTANCE?"

2 Corinthians 7:9-10 "9 I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything [a]through us. 10 For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance [b]without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death."
Jeremiah 31:19 "‘For after I turned back, I repented;
And after I was instructed, I smote on my thigh;
I was ashamed and also humiliated
Because I bore the reproach of my youth."

When we forgive before someone is repentant we are removing the sorrow in their heart that leads to repentance, with relief that they don't have to do anything to be forgiven. And we are usurping the authority of God by using psychological human methods to guide us rather than God's standard. It shortcuts God's plan of salvation and makes a sinner believe they are cleansed before they really are made new. We remove the possibility for them to be truly cleansed, only sorrow over sin produces this cleansing.

Our modern culture wants to remove all sad and bad feelings from every experience. I am all for helping someone to "feel" better when they have skinned their knee or were involved in a circumstance that was not associated with sin. But to help them to feel better when they have sinned, removes any possibility that they will take sin seriously.
Romans 2:4 "4 Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?"

2 Corinthians 7:9-10 "9 I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. 10 For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance [b]without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death."

The goal of the believer should not be to get the world to like us or to make others feel better when they have committed crimes. The goal of the believer is to help the unsaved see the seriousness of their sin that they would be sorrowful enough to repent, that they begin to feel empathy for the victim, the victims family and most of all, that they offended a holy God.

The devil has used a very cleaver ploy, fooling people into feeling as though they are an evil person by holding a criminal to account for their crimes. They give the criminal a pass on all his evil deeds, causing him to believe he need not repent of anything, it will be automatically granted him by God because this is what he sees on the part of superficial Christians who want to feel good about themselves, but don't think deeper than superficial and temporary feelings.

Psychology is the culprit in all this mess, the humanists have decided that no one is bad and everyone should be forgiven because nothing they do is their fault, their parents did something to cause this, his teachers at school, friend and everyone else is responsible for his "bad feelings" that led to his crime, but he has no responsibility for anything. Psychology says he is forgiven because nothing is his fault.

The church has bought into this deception hook line and sinker. They have failed to see the damage that is done to the criminal by "easy forgiveness without repentance." Christ never did this ever, He required repentance for the sake of the sinful heart, without it there is no change, no growth and even arrogance that they can continue in sin and everyone has to forgive them.

Let's consider God's way, praying that God would show us all the things that we believe are right but may be tainted with the psychological thinking of the unsaved world. After all, the unsaved world hates to be accountable, they detest God and anyone who will show them their sin, they love this psychological jargon that relieves them of all responsibility.

How about loving people God's way, forget about ourselves, forget that someone might not like us for "making someone sorrow that brings them to repentance."