Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Floating Orange

I just found out from a friend that an orange with the peel on will float in a glass of water and the orange with no peel sinks to the bottom.
The lesson for the children is the orange with the peel that floats might represent the believer who is protected by Jesus Christ. And, the orange without the peel which sinks to the bottom is an example of the person without the protection of Jesus Christ.
I have always thought that God has placed in nature many things that are object lessons of His principles.
One of those principles is the worm in the cocoon that struggles to emerge but when it emerges it turns into an amazing butterfly. It can never go back into the cocoon to be a worm again.
This life is a struggle for the believer but our great joy is what we know is coming when Christ comes for us. Our struggle will be over and we will never again be back in our corrupted bodies.

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