Today was a day that would be considered a normal uneventful day by most people. But today was more than humdrum for me. I spent all day praising the Lord for the little things. The lawn mower battery was broken. I took it into the repair man's shop where we purchased the machine. He checked to see if the battery was the problem instead of something wrong with the lawnmower itself. I was pleased to hear that it was the battery and that the repair man gave us another one absolutely free. I went home and placed the battery back on the mower and began mowing the grass for the last time this season. The pansies got planted for the winter and the clean up for the yard was completed.
This morning I took Ripley, our cat into the vet to make him incapable of fathering kittens. I was thankful that Rainier Hill, a very steep road, was not icy as it can be this time of year. There has been snow predicted for this weekend and there were ice pellets falling on the way home after Ripley's operation. I arrived home safely, another reason to be thanking the Lord.
The best answer to prayer of all was when the Lord spoke to me, reminding me that I could always count on Him, no matter what He will always hear me, love me and care about me. Just as He does for each and everyone who has confessed they are a sinner and need a Savior. In pondering the salvation message I recalled my relief many years ago when the Lord told me that I was not saved because I asked forgiveness for every sin I had committed, that would have been salvation by a work of confession. He showed me that I was His when I confessed that I was a sinner because of my human nature, and needed Jesus Christ, to pay the price for all my sins, past present and future. He then cleaned me up and made me a new creation. Then is when I had the Holy Spirit to guide me. The days seem full, even when they are "mundane", when I realize all that the Lord has done for me. The blessing is in what Christ did, then all the little blessings from God are much bigger than ever. They are all extra special presents from the Lord. He did it all forever.
Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My award from Abigail
Thank you Abby that you find some of the items on my blog useful. Keep praying for me and I will keep praying for you.

Monday, November 9, 2009
The Ten Things I Like To Do
What are the ten things I like to do. I will list them from least important to most important. There are many things I like to do that are completely unimportant but are a regular part of my days and weeks, they can be enjoyed or left alone. Then there are other things that are important and can not be neglected.
1. The first thing that I like to do is soak in a warm tub on a rainy, cold day, in the winter, while listening to the rain on the roof.
2. The second thing I like to do is watch the kitty play with the dogs. The kitty gets up some steam and gallops across the floor to make a flying leap on one of the dogs noses. Then the dog chews and growls with friendly glee at the encounter.
3. The Third thing I like to do is sit at the window in the winter, with a hot cup of coffee and watch the snow fall.
4. The Fourth thing I like to do is call a friend on the phone and talk about our life experiences. Sharing joys, sorrows, and solutions. The solutions must be those that God desires not of human interpretation.
5. The Fifth thing I like to do is finish a large project, stand back and see the accomplishment, ponder the quality of the job and find better ways to do it next time, or make improvements on the finished product.
6. The Sixth thing I like to do is organize all the closets and cuboards in the house so that they are efficient and estetically pleasing.
7. The Seventh thing I like to do is paint the outside of buildings. I love to paint buildings. This opportunity only comes around every ten years or so, but what fun it is.
8. The Eighth thing I like to do is play with the dogs. The dogs are my friends and are always glad to see me and will follow me where ever I am going.
9. The Nineth thing I like to do is pray and read God's Word. This is last because it is the most important. The most enjoyable times for me have been when it was snowing outside, I had a cup of coffee or cocoa sitting on the window sill while talking to God and reading His Word. Nothing is more satisfying.
10. The Tenth thing I like to do is watch the workings of God in real life. I become excited when He has done something that I can see clearly that His hand was guiding it. I guess that's why I like watching the snow, or the leaves fall from the trees or the animals antics. These are all things He created and have given us to enjoy.
When I am working on the big project, I always do the hardest and longest part of the job first because, once it is done, all other things seem easy in comparison. I guess that's why when I am faced with a problem, I want to go to God first, because He sees the big picture that I can not see, and He has the big answer that I do not have. After talking to Him I have a sense of peace and joy no matter what the dilema or challenge.
There you have it.
1. The first thing that I like to do is soak in a warm tub on a rainy, cold day, in the winter, while listening to the rain on the roof.
2. The second thing I like to do is watch the kitty play with the dogs. The kitty gets up some steam and gallops across the floor to make a flying leap on one of the dogs noses. Then the dog chews and growls with friendly glee at the encounter.
3. The Third thing I like to do is sit at the window in the winter, with a hot cup of coffee and watch the snow fall.
4. The Fourth thing I like to do is call a friend on the phone and talk about our life experiences. Sharing joys, sorrows, and solutions. The solutions must be those that God desires not of human interpretation.
5. The Fifth thing I like to do is finish a large project, stand back and see the accomplishment, ponder the quality of the job and find better ways to do it next time, or make improvements on the finished product.
6. The Sixth thing I like to do is organize all the closets and cuboards in the house so that they are efficient and estetically pleasing.
7. The Seventh thing I like to do is paint the outside of buildings. I love to paint buildings. This opportunity only comes around every ten years or so, but what fun it is.
8. The Eighth thing I like to do is play with the dogs. The dogs are my friends and are always glad to see me and will follow me where ever I am going.
9. The Nineth thing I like to do is pray and read God's Word. This is last because it is the most important. The most enjoyable times for me have been when it was snowing outside, I had a cup of coffee or cocoa sitting on the window sill while talking to God and reading His Word. Nothing is more satisfying.
10. The Tenth thing I like to do is watch the workings of God in real life. I become excited when He has done something that I can see clearly that His hand was guiding it. I guess that's why I like watching the snow, or the leaves fall from the trees or the animals antics. These are all things He created and have given us to enjoy.
When I am working on the big project, I always do the hardest and longest part of the job first because, once it is done, all other things seem easy in comparison. I guess that's why when I am faced with a problem, I want to go to God first, because He sees the big picture that I can not see, and He has the big answer that I do not have. After talking to Him I have a sense of peace and joy no matter what the dilema or challenge.
There you have it.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sin is Sin and Sin is Sin
As I pondered today the sin everywhere in the world and the sin in the church, I was struck with the reality of the words of Jesus Christ when He said, "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 5:19. "But I say that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart....Matthew 5:28
Recently, it has been brought to my attention that many believers have a view of sin that tends to categorize different sins as being greater or lesser than other sins. Some sins are more easily forgiven than others, so we think. Perhaps we are reading the scripture which describes greater punishments in hell and greater rewards in heaven. As I prayed about this, the Lord illuminated my thoughts with a dose of sense. I was reminded that the thief on the cross who spoke for Jesus Christ was not rewarded with salvation for his deeds, he had no deeds. He was rewarded with salvation for trusting in Christ alone. The other criminal on the other cross beside Jesus Christ was not condemned because of his deeds but because he rejected Christ. The Lord looked into the heart of each man and gave him what he deserved based on his heart condition, not his deeds.
When Christ said that if we have lustful thoughts, it is the same as committing the act of adultery. He was telling us that the sin is actually in the heart, the acts come and cause devastation, but the heart was sinful before the act was commit ed.
When the Lord rebuked Israel as an adulterous generation, He was not only referring to the rampant immorality but also to the hearts of the people who became dedicated to false gods. Is it not possible that selfishness is also adultery in the heart because we are the main object of our own affections above God and others. Those who retain a measure of arrogance, thinking that they have "arrived" are trying in their flesh to be humble, we are actually walking with a swagger in our hearts. It is a Spiritually discerned condition, those who witness it without the use of the eyes of the Holy Spirit, will not see it and will become infected with it themselves.
Many believers who think that they have risen above those "big" sins may be committing them in their heart as they judge others for not having as great a spirituality as themselves. I believe this is the reason we have "click-i-ness" in the church and snobbery in the family of God. When we harbor attitudes of superiority in our hearts we break every commandment. Yes we should rebuke sin and restore others as they repent, but once the repentance is complete we must proceed as though the sin was never commited in the first place. This is the beginning of restoration for the sinner.
Every believer has modern disobedience's in their life and are blinded to them. It is evident every day. Each of us has a responsibility to examine ourselves each day to see "if there be any wicked way" in us that we may grow in our walk with the Lord.
Blessings to you all.
Recently, it has been brought to my attention that many believers have a view of sin that tends to categorize different sins as being greater or lesser than other sins. Some sins are more easily forgiven than others, so we think. Perhaps we are reading the scripture which describes greater punishments in hell and greater rewards in heaven. As I prayed about this, the Lord illuminated my thoughts with a dose of sense. I was reminded that the thief on the cross who spoke for Jesus Christ was not rewarded with salvation for his deeds, he had no deeds. He was rewarded with salvation for trusting in Christ alone. The other criminal on the other cross beside Jesus Christ was not condemned because of his deeds but because he rejected Christ. The Lord looked into the heart of each man and gave him what he deserved based on his heart condition, not his deeds.
When Christ said that if we have lustful thoughts, it is the same as committing the act of adultery. He was telling us that the sin is actually in the heart, the acts come and cause devastation, but the heart was sinful before the act was commit ed.
When the Lord rebuked Israel as an adulterous generation, He was not only referring to the rampant immorality but also to the hearts of the people who became dedicated to false gods. Is it not possible that selfishness is also adultery in the heart because we are the main object of our own affections above God and others. Those who retain a measure of arrogance, thinking that they have "arrived" are trying in their flesh to be humble, we are actually walking with a swagger in our hearts. It is a Spiritually discerned condition, those who witness it without the use of the eyes of the Holy Spirit, will not see it and will become infected with it themselves.
Many believers who think that they have risen above those "big" sins may be committing them in their heart as they judge others for not having as great a spirituality as themselves. I believe this is the reason we have "click-i-ness" in the church and snobbery in the family of God. When we harbor attitudes of superiority in our hearts we break every commandment. Yes we should rebuke sin and restore others as they repent, but once the repentance is complete we must proceed as though the sin was never commited in the first place. This is the beginning of restoration for the sinner.
Every believer has modern disobedience's in their life and are blinded to them. It is evident every day. Each of us has a responsibility to examine ourselves each day to see "if there be any wicked way" in us that we may grow in our walk with the Lord.
Blessings to you all.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Seated in the Heavenlies
I once believed many years ago, that a Christian could be lost after being saved. After asking the Lord to reveal the truth to me, I am more than confident now that He made it clear in His Word, exactly where I am in eternity.
The Lord has made us a new creation, we were dead and now are alive. We are no longer the old man who can be lost ever again. According to Ephesians 2 we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies, right now, positionally. This is permanent state of being that we could never "change our mind and walk away from Him." He saved us and keeps us. No work of ours at all. We can not work to be saved, we can not work to be kept and we can not work to be lost. The new creation we have become can not go back and become the old again. We have been permanently changed. The Lord did that changing, we did not change ourselves and we can not undo what He did. AND, as a dear friend once said to me, "we would have to fall out of heaven" to be lost again after being seated with Christ in the heavenlies. What a blessed truth that leaves us with assurance and unspeakable joy that we are saved and can never be lost again. God promises that He has "sealed us with the Holy Spirit of Promise" God never breaks a promise.
Ephesians 2: 1-10
And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.........Vs 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been made near by the blood of Christ.
Is is possible that we fear that we could be lost again because we think that we did a good deed and saved ourselves? We were wooed by the Lord, and when we responded to His love, He began His work in us. All the work of saving us, was done by Him. Do we think that we are as powerful as the Lord that we could undo what He did. Never!!! He did it and it is done!!!
Perhaps we are confused by those who claim to be saved, and appeared to live the Christian life and then one day seemingly walked away from all of His blessings and commands. We do not have to be confused if we prayerfully look at His Word and not at those who seemed to walk away. The Lord said that many will call him Lord, Lord, but He will say to them, "get away, I never knew you." The Lord never saved them, they tried to live the Christian life as unsaved people. The walking away was evidence that they were trying in their flesh and not in the power of the Holy Spirit, they were never saved and changed after all.
Thankfully, the Lord will answer the prayer of repentance and save anyone who will trust what Jesus Christ did on that cross for them. What a wonderful Lord we serve.
The Lord has made us a new creation, we were dead and now are alive. We are no longer the old man who can be lost ever again. According to Ephesians 2 we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies, right now, positionally. This is permanent state of being that we could never "change our mind and walk away from Him." He saved us and keeps us. No work of ours at all. We can not work to be saved, we can not work to be kept and we can not work to be lost. The new creation we have become can not go back and become the old again. We have been permanently changed. The Lord did that changing, we did not change ourselves and we can not undo what He did. AND, as a dear friend once said to me, "we would have to fall out of heaven" to be lost again after being seated with Christ in the heavenlies. What a blessed truth that leaves us with assurance and unspeakable joy that we are saved and can never be lost again. God promises that He has "sealed us with the Holy Spirit of Promise" God never breaks a promise.
Ephesians 2: 1-10
And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.........Vs 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been made near by the blood of Christ.
Is is possible that we fear that we could be lost again because we think that we did a good deed and saved ourselves? We were wooed by the Lord, and when we responded to His love, He began His work in us. All the work of saving us, was done by Him. Do we think that we are as powerful as the Lord that we could undo what He did. Never!!! He did it and it is done!!!
Perhaps we are confused by those who claim to be saved, and appeared to live the Christian life and then one day seemingly walked away from all of His blessings and commands. We do not have to be confused if we prayerfully look at His Word and not at those who seemed to walk away. The Lord said that many will call him Lord, Lord, but He will say to them, "get away, I never knew you." The Lord never saved them, they tried to live the Christian life as unsaved people. The walking away was evidence that they were trying in their flesh and not in the power of the Holy Spirit, they were never saved and changed after all.
Thankfully, the Lord will answer the prayer of repentance and save anyone who will trust what Jesus Christ did on that cross for them. What a wonderful Lord we serve.
The Animals: God's Blessing To Mankind!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
God Really Did Say "No Man Can Put Assunder What God Has Joined Together"
It is interesting how one thought can lead to another while lying in bed at 3 am. I pondered the idea of painting some kind of mural on the side of our shop building. As I lay in bed thinking about what colors could be used and how two colors mixed together make another color completely different from the original first two, the thought of marriage rushed into my head.
When the Lord said "Let no man put asunder what God has joined together", He really was not commanding man not to put asunder a marriage, but rather making a definitive statement that man could not do so, not matter what he did or how hard he tried to deny a marriage, it was impossible to separate what God had joined.
It occurred to me that if there were two paint colors on a pallet, one of them red and one of them yellow, they were two very distinct and separate colors. But when those two colors were mixed thoroughly, they now become orange, a completely different color. After the new color sits very boldly in its crater, could it be possible for someone to separate the red from the yellow and eliminate the orange, to become two separate colors again? The answer to the question would have to be no, there would be no way to make the yellow, yellow again or the red, red again. The orange remains as a testimony to the permanency of the new color.
God performs a miracle in the bodies and minds of two human beings when they confess their vows before witnesses at a wedding. A spiritual oneness occurs that creates a new and distinct union that can not be separated just like the new color orange on the pallet.
If we could grasp this concept as a Christian culture, we would be very careful about attempting to defy the laws of God in the area of marriage. The permanency of marriage is completely and utterly indissoluble, no matter what we do, we can not undo what the Lord has done in creating a new union when we vow before Him in a marriage ceremony.
This weekend a very special couple will be taking their vows before the Lord and a couple hundred witnesses. The witnesses are there to uphold what God will do in this ceremony. Their responsibility it to share in the joy of a union of two people who will commit to make a brand new family who will promise to honor God and each other for the rest of their lives. This is a serious pledge never to be forgotten by the Lord. Keeping this vow will bring honor to the Lord and love and stability to each other and any children that come from this union.
Stan and Jaqueline, we have great hope in the Lord's work in your life as a married couple. As long as you keep your eyes upon the Lord Jesus Christ, you will have a blessed marriage and family. Let no man deter you from your appointed mission, to bring glory to the Lord through this union.
When the Lord said "Let no man put asunder what God has joined together", He really was not commanding man not to put asunder a marriage, but rather making a definitive statement that man could not do so, not matter what he did or how hard he tried to deny a marriage, it was impossible to separate what God had joined.
It occurred to me that if there were two paint colors on a pallet, one of them red and one of them yellow, they were two very distinct and separate colors. But when those two colors were mixed thoroughly, they now become orange, a completely different color. After the new color sits very boldly in its crater, could it be possible for someone to separate the red from the yellow and eliminate the orange, to become two separate colors again? The answer to the question would have to be no, there would be no way to make the yellow, yellow again or the red, red again. The orange remains as a testimony to the permanency of the new color.
God performs a miracle in the bodies and minds of two human beings when they confess their vows before witnesses at a wedding. A spiritual oneness occurs that creates a new and distinct union that can not be separated just like the new color orange on the pallet.
If we could grasp this concept as a Christian culture, we would be very careful about attempting to defy the laws of God in the area of marriage. The permanency of marriage is completely and utterly indissoluble, no matter what we do, we can not undo what the Lord has done in creating a new union when we vow before Him in a marriage ceremony.
This weekend a very special couple will be taking their vows before the Lord and a couple hundred witnesses. The witnesses are there to uphold what God will do in this ceremony. Their responsibility it to share in the joy of a union of two people who will commit to make a brand new family who will promise to honor God and each other for the rest of their lives. This is a serious pledge never to be forgotten by the Lord. Keeping this vow will bring honor to the Lord and love and stability to each other and any children that come from this union.
Stan and Jaqueline, we have great hope in the Lord's work in your life as a married couple. As long as you keep your eyes upon the Lord Jesus Christ, you will have a blessed marriage and family. Let no man deter you from your appointed mission, to bring glory to the Lord through this union.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The King James Bible, Where Does It Stand
The controversy over translations of the Holy Bible continues. While I agree that the King James Bible is probably the best we can do these days, I have to say that there are elements of the "King James Bible" movement that need to be addressed.
A statement that was made to me recently was that, since we don't have the original languages of Bible days, such as the Greek and Hebrew, we should not be trying to go back to those languages to find answers to our questions about God's Word.
I differ with this on several fronts. The first one would be that the King James had to have been translated from the Greek and Hebrew in the beginning, else where would it have come from. Secondly, archaeologists have determined that the scrolls that have been found with the Bible on them, are very close if not identical to the modern Greek and Hebrew.
Lastly, the Holy Spirit has been speaking, almost shouting, to me that we have our misunderstandings about the meanings of the Word of God in modern times because we are not seeking the Lord with all our heart and mind. We are reading His Word and not understanding it because we are relying on our own modern human insight rather than on the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Our culture is steeped in Psychology; particularly self esteem, self worth, self, self and more self. Because of this we are inclined to read the words of the King James bible in light of our brainwashed condition,cultural bents and personal desires.
The only cure to these misunderstandings is constant prayer and vigilance in our walk with the Lord. Everything that we believe must be confronted with the question, "Lord please, you show me the truth, I want only truth from the Holy Spirit."
At this point in time I am inclined to believe that the King James bible is the best we have, but even it is not perfect. That the only perfect inspired Word of God is in the original languages.
By the way, we don't have the original clay tablets that came to the Jews from Moses with the Ten Commandments on them, but copies of God's laws have been preserved by God all this time and they can be relied on to be His Law.
The moral of the story is this...Seek God with all our hearts, lean not on our own understanding, and He will reveal all that we ask for. God also says that we do not receive because we do not ask. Let's not just read the Word to gain knowledge according to our culture, let's read it to seek the mind of Christ and to obey Him, with a passion to honor God.
A statement that was made to me recently was that, since we don't have the original languages of Bible days, such as the Greek and Hebrew, we should not be trying to go back to those languages to find answers to our questions about God's Word.
I differ with this on several fronts. The first one would be that the King James had to have been translated from the Greek and Hebrew in the beginning, else where would it have come from. Secondly, archaeologists have determined that the scrolls that have been found with the Bible on them, are very close if not identical to the modern Greek and Hebrew.
Lastly, the Holy Spirit has been speaking, almost shouting, to me that we have our misunderstandings about the meanings of the Word of God in modern times because we are not seeking the Lord with all our heart and mind. We are reading His Word and not understanding it because we are relying on our own modern human insight rather than on the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Our culture is steeped in Psychology; particularly self esteem, self worth, self, self and more self. Because of this we are inclined to read the words of the King James bible in light of our brainwashed condition,cultural bents and personal desires.
The only cure to these misunderstandings is constant prayer and vigilance in our walk with the Lord. Everything that we believe must be confronted with the question, "Lord please, you show me the truth, I want only truth from the Holy Spirit."
At this point in time I am inclined to believe that the King James bible is the best we have, but even it is not perfect. That the only perfect inspired Word of God is in the original languages.
By the way, we don't have the original clay tablets that came to the Jews from Moses with the Ten Commandments on them, but copies of God's laws have been preserved by God all this time and they can be relied on to be His Law.
The moral of the story is this...Seek God with all our hearts, lean not on our own understanding, and He will reveal all that we ask for. God also says that we do not receive because we do not ask. Let's not just read the Word to gain knowledge according to our culture, let's read it to seek the mind of Christ and to obey Him, with a passion to honor God.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Possible Reason To Build An Ark
Today we have been experiencing another of the Lord's wake up calls. All the little villages and larger towns up and down I-5 are under flood warnings. Several places along that corridore have been evacuated. Over on Westside highway people were being rescued by boats. The Cowlitz river there is right near that larger bridge near Rodger's office. His office is right in the flood plane and the worst rain is suppose to hit tonight along with 40 mile an hour winds. If that happens then many trees will fall due to saturated ground that can no longer hold them up. I have never seen anything like this. I felt compelled to call him and tell him to get his boomboom home right away. The entire state of Washington has been declared a disaster. Buildings are collapsing in Spokane because there is 17 feet of snow and the roofs can not handle it all. The land right on the other side of our backyard fense is flooded and growing. Rodger calls that lake Dan, the man that owns it is named Dan. Every year a puddle grows there, but now it is a lake. WOW!!!! The dogs know something is wrong, they wouldn't go out today at all until about 1 pm and then they wanted right back inside. Animals have a way of knowing when there is danger. Our warehouse now has a half an inch of water in it. The contents of the building are up on pallets and the freezers are on dollies, so there doesn't seem to be danger of damage to the things, that is, if the water doesn't rise higher during the night. Our daughter,Kathy called to update me on all that is going on in the news pertaining to this adventure. I told her if she sees a large boat passing by, with lots of animals on it, she should jump on board it might be another ark. We know it wouldn't be the whole world, but it is our world right now. I know that rain is good for the crops but to my feeble mind this seems like overkill. I told our neighbor that we can look on the bright side... we won't have to water our lawns today. Well, it has been too much snow, now too much water and what will be next might be our question? The answer is simple, whatever the Lord brings will be just right, even if we don't understand it. Now we can begin to pray for all those people who have been inconvienenced by this weather. We can pray that there is no loss of life, and that the community pull together in a spirit of selflessness. If we can all look to the Lord then our perspective will be eternal and whatever we go through will have meaning and purpose in spite of our inability to figure it all out. He is the Almighty and is in complete control.
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