Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Here is a place to go to enter a fun giveaway.


  1. Hi Granny Gwendolyn,
    I am glad you decided to enter my giveaway! Yes, I love making fun, encouraging creations! Although, I am not the one who made the pillow in my giveaway... my younger sister so kindly did that for me! I'm just not as gifted as she when it comes to sewing, unfortunately! I'm more creative when it comes to scrapbooking and things like that. ;) We haven't really considered selling our creations as a home business, yet... but we just might have to think about that!

    Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the kind comment you left on my blog! May the Lord bless you!


  2. Dear Granny,
    I have awarded you on my blog
    if it does not make sense I can just show you.

  3. Abigail,
    I had a wonderful time with you on our vacation. I hope that you continue your desire to follow the Lord. Keep Him in your heart and depend upon Him moment by moment and day by day. Never make a decision without Him in mind. If you go to Him in prayer and then to His Word, in that order, for your council, you will never stray from the narrow path. And, you will always discern the correct course of action, if you wait upon Him for your answers. I love you very much. Granny
