Emilio Ardimento
live Holy (you can't without God's grace and Spirit). I guess regardless of God being real or not, if atheists claim to know morals without God, they should at least applaud us Christians fools want to live a Holy life and encourage others to do so. They should think, well god doesn't exist but at least this bunch of fools is not harming me and if my kids meets one of these fools in a dark alley at night, chances are he will be safe (Gal 19-22 ). But no.
The hypocrites love to come and call us liars (that us being filled with Holy Spirit is not true), call the God they don't believe in a liar, blame our God for evil, yet He's grace and commands only will lead to seek Holiness in a broken world, so the truth is that when convicted of their own sin and wrongdoing (John 16.8 He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment), atheists cry out "hate speech", "extremists", "intolerance" and cry away, ban them buawahah sob sob, ban them, they are hateful, mum ,mum buwahaha oh no, hate speech. If you love the sin you will hate any form of preaching against it. God is intolerant to extremist sinners who hate His Son but wants all to come to Him and obtain grace and mercy (John 3:16/18).
Yet I wonder why atheists on these debate pages, if they are righteous without God, then why is it when others in their camp use foul language, hale abuse, blasphemy and make outrageous accusations for all to see, why then does that very righteousness kick in and why do they not reprove the person, correct them and explain why they should not be abusive to Christians or any other??? Truth is they approve of it (silence is consent) and are just as wicked and prove again Bible to be true as Satan's Kingdom will not attack itself (Mat12, Mark3) and Jesus said, "You are either for me or against me". Thank you for fulfilling more prophecy atheists.
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