LOL, LOL!!! This is also what "transgender" is like. If I decide to call my car a pickup because I want something to be able to haul things in, no matter what I do that "truck" that is really a car, will never haul things as a truck would do.
My concern is that many very stupid adults will encourage their young children to decide which gender they want to be, rather than what God made them. Their choice does not change what or who they are, it merely pretends to be something that is not true at all.
My concern is that many very stupid adults will encourage their young children to decide which gender they want to be, rather than what God made them. Their choice does not change what or who they are, it merely pretends to be something that is not true at all.
Here's the concern; that young children will have important body changes in their ignorant and uninformed state, based on emotions and the encouragement of their parents. When their hormones will emerge later in life, demonstrating what they really are, perhaps even making them desire to be what God made them, what happens then? Do they go into surgery to go back to the original God given gender? Are they able to go back to what God made them or are the parts necessary to be who they really are, forever gone?
Rebellious liberals never think of the long term consequences of anything, they fly by the seat of their emotions without any thought to the long term effects.
2 Timothy 3:13 "13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."
We live in a culture now that thinks as long as we "claim" something that makes it so. Believe it or not the most vulnerable of the so called "Christian" Pentecostals are the perpetrators of this tragedy.
They fostered for years the idea that all we have to do is pretend something will happen or something is so, without any evidence.
Then they proceeded to make it happen and blame God as though He did it when in fact it was really their own idea, their own will and their own demanding rebellion that made it happen. In short, they did it their way and lied against God saying it was He Who did it.
Proverbs 19:2-3 "…2 Also it is not good for a person to be without knowledge, And he who hurries his footsteps errs. 3 The foolishness of man ruins his way, And his heart rages against the LORD. "

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