Monday, November 21, 2016

Bless the Wicked and Devalue the Righteous

The reason I write a lot about leaving behind trouble makers and narcissists, is because our culture has falsely taught that we should never give up on anyone.

When we give up on someone, often that is when Christ begins His work on them.

Is it possible that God is saying; "when you are ready to quit trying to change someone, then I will take over and do the real work on them."?

We are an arrogant bunch, we think no one can learn without us. No one will understand without us. We are a stubborn and self-righteous people who are still attempting to play God, "do it ourselves", instead of gaining the peace that comes from backing off and leaving it to God.

We don't want to leave anything to anyone else, including God. We must do it our own way!!! And, what a mess we have made of things by teaching false concepts that only keep people in their sinful state, making them comfortable no matter what they do.

So!!! Stop attempting to play God, acting as though we know more than He does.

Too many people don't believe God, or they would obey His word. The reality is that very few Christians take God at His word, deeply committed to seeking His answers. They are filled with the hooey of psychology, committed to the "feel good" actions that have been proven to enhance sin, wink at evil while it all grows out of control. Even those who think they don't use psychology have Christianized it, so much so that it is a very clever deception.

Most believers can't wrap their minds around truth, they are too completely indoctrinated in man's methods, when God's principles are seen they interpret them in terms of this false system, remaining disobedient to the Word because of the deception of psychology.

In our attempt to be friendly to the wicked man we have managed to devalue the righteous man. The wicked are not won to Christ by this deception and the righteous man is negated by all.

Proverbs 21:2 "2 Every man's way is right in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs the hearts. 3 To do righteousness and justice Is desired by the LORD more than sacrifice.…"

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