You Think You Know Better Than God?
Incredible arrogance to think we can know better than God and that He can "get it wrong." These people are placing themselves above God, thinking that He should do their bidding. Instead of realizing their own flaws, they assign flaws to God. Typical projection of narcissists is to blame others for their own sin and bad attitudes.

Joe Barruso
I hear this all too often from people who feel they've been wronged by God for ignoring their prayers. This is the unfortunate and inevitable consequence of the false teachings of the Christian religion. It's become a very common practice that when a trial arises in a Christian person's life they respond to it by praying to God to fix it for them. And then when things don't go the way they would like they become angry with God for not hearing their prayers. They actually feel entitled to having their prayers heard based on what they've been taught at church. And what's been taught is if you simply say: "I believe," get baptized and show up for church each Sunday along with tithing the Lord will answer all your prayers. But instead their prayers are unanswered and they are left feeling disillusioned and angry toward God. This is Satan's work! To separate sinners from their Savior! Religion and it's false teachings serve mankind, not God. You would do well to see this truth and pay closer attention to EXACTLY what's written in your Bible rather than what you're hearing in church on Sunday. And to NEVER make the mistake of taking out your anger and disillusionment on God. You can trust He is doing everything He can to save you from yourself!
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