She could have just as easily said to him, "get away from me I don't believe you, I believe God", but she did not. This was an indication of what was in her heart. She also could have consulted with her husband to discuss the matter before taking things into her own hands, but she acted as a single, independently from him. Husbands should not act independently from their wives and neither should the wives act independently of their husbands. If the devil can isolate us from others, appeal to our "feelings", he can make weak people think they are doing the right thing.
Our modern church culture bases their choices on the culture and human desire rather than seeking Christ for their answers. When we read the Bible we must read it prayerfully, asking the Holy Spirit to show us truth. Our minds are full of the non-sense of the world, the indoctrination of the culture, churches and schools we attended, we must hear from God and be willing to throw out everything we were taught or pressured to think and believe to be able to follow after Christ in truth.
There are those who teach women to shut down their brains and go with whatever their husbands say, this too is not good. We are to be helpmates to our husband on every level. Husbands often need another perspective, they need input from their wives when they have tunnel vision and the same is true of the wife. NO one person in any family has all the right answers, we are to listen and submit one to another for greater understanding, as both go to the Word for their answers. When this is not possible, when one spouse refuses to seek Christ, then the believer must take a stand for righteousness. When we get before the Lord we will stand alone and we will not be able to say, "my husband told me to do it."

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