Monday, March 12, 2018

What is Respect

What is respect?

Valuing the person as special to us is respect, it does not mean that we agree with everything they do and say, but that we value them. Realizing they have flaws like we have flaws, but that they also have strengths, perhaps even strengths we do not have.

It is jealousy and an attitude of superiority that rejects someone because they are not what we want them to be. Those who diminish others because of jealousy are child like in their response to life. They cannot be happy for the successes of others because their own success must trump and rise above any that someone else may have .

Those who love are not jealous, they are pleased with the joys of others, as long as they are not sin. Love allows differences in ways of doing things and in personality traits even enjoys the differences.

Those that attempt to dominate others are generally those who lack personality, they must be elevated and accepted by others in order to feel whole.

Someone who feels whole are free to have a personality in genuineness because they are not encumbered with the baggage of having to impress anyone else, they are pleased in their own skin and satisfied with their life. This is not pride, it is merely joyful at what God is doing in them, He gets all the praise.

When we have trusted Christ we lose that competitive spirit, the need to feel special or superior to others.

Since we know we had to come in brokenness over our sinfulness, we can freely trust Christ and be satisfied in what He is doing in us. We have no need to impress anyone or be better in any way to anyone else, leaving us free to enjoy our own accomplishments as well as the accomplishments of those we love.

When you meet someone who cannot compliment others for their accomplishments and even act embarrassed at your joys and progress, you have encountered a burdened and miserable person who is not free in their spirit. These people need to go to Christ for salvation, becoming released from their self righteousness and spirit of competition.

Romans 12:15
"15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep."

When we are free in Christ, we have no restraints on our responses to life in honesty and integrity.

Hallelujah, God can do this in anyone who wants Him to do it.

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