Friday, January 18, 2019

Goodness is Trampled While Evil is Pampered

Sometimes its hard to be in this world when all around us are lies. The media lies about everything, even if only by leaving out important information.

Our culture seems comfortable these days with half truths. As though if they tell half of the truth that's good enough. They don't seem to understand that half truths are all lies.

When the purpose of a tale is to make someone believe the opposite of what is truth, then the half truth is a lie.

Mixing some truth with mostly lies is the same as a little poison in the casserole. No one wants to eat the casserole if they know even a slight amount of poison is in it.

When relationships, news stories or anything else is based on half truths then they are based on all lies. These relationships cannot be sustained nor can any nation that is steeped in lies.

Lies lead people into irrational thinking. So many these days think as long as they "feel" a certain way about something, then that feeling is truth. This is why we have the monstrous nonsense of gender identity these days.

It never came to mind only a few years ago that thee would be people who refuse to call themselves by their birth gender while would choosing another, as though there are more than two.

Completely irrational thinking has captivated the minds of so many, even in the church as people justify sin because of their "feelings."

We are now a feelings driven culture leading most into nonsensical and irrational thinking.

Feelings are not facts they are based on stimuli and often lie to us. They tell us things are good when they are bad and that things are bad when they are good. Just look around you every day and watch how this is playing out.

Decent God fearing people are being called bad while evil people are being called good.

Evil people are being coddled in their wickedness while decent God fearing people are pressured to forgive those who are unrepentant. These mentalities fly in the face of God's principles allowing evil to grow while the good is being thrown under the bus.

Isaiah 5:20
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"

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