I have seen here in the United States a false Christianity bent on personal pleasure and fulfillment.
There is a cultural Christianity that barely resembles the Christianity of the Bible. This false religion of "evangelicalism" is based on living a better life not on loving Christ so much we seek His heart to know His will.
Most of the people I know who are Christians pridefully negate the principles of God's Word that they don't like and camp on those things that they do like, but usually out of context.
There is more scripture violated than followed and anger emerges when cultural Christians are challenged with scripture.
Matthew 15:7-9 "…7 You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: 8 ‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men."
Notice in this country that there is no real persecution in terms of bodily harm or imprisonment. However there is a covert, very subtle form of persecution by those who hate God. It takes its form in mocking, demeaning and excluding. Often by liberals in the media and Hollywood. Then there also is the subtle, covert persecution by church goers over doctrine they wish to ignore.
The covert aggression that is demonstrated in our country has more to do with dismissiveness, subtle ignoring, exclusion and gossip that occurs when we attempt to bring the group back to the truth of Scripture.
Try to show a cultural Christian with scripture what they believe is not in the Bible and is nothing more than human tradition and watch the anger that emerges. More often than not we are mocked and maligned by telling the truth.
This is why so many authentic believer are leaving the gatherings of cultural Christians. Those who want pure truth, who seek Christ for all answers will be rejected by cultural Christianity.
It was the religious leaders who mocked Christ. It was these false prophets of religious tradition who wanted Christ dead. They even went so far as to lie about Him to remove His influence. Why would we ever think things would be different for us as followers of Christ?
The Christian religious leaders of our day are no different from the Pharisees of Christ's day. The Pharisees were all dressed up in their religious garb to appear special on the outside but Christ called them dead tombs.
Matthew 23:27-28
"27 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28 So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness."
People have not changed, only technology and techniques, but the hearts of men remain the same. Even the tactics are only slightly different, they resemble what the devil did in the garden with Eve. The devil whispers in the minds of men that "God didn't really say that" or that "God never meant that." Then he whispers all the lies that we don't really have to follow what God said because His blood covers the sin we can enjoy.
This is the lie of rebellious and stubborn pretenders. They are looking for loopholes to be able to sin without guilt. Christ made it clear that He hates sin and that someone, God had to die to take care of the sin problem. He gave us a way to avoid it, that is through the power of Christ living in us. How anyone could justify and wink at sin as though it doesn't matter is beyond the pale.
When we know that sin is abhorrent and that only a holy God could die to fix it, we could never see sin so lightly as "no big deal." Those who sin without conscience about it cannot be born again. The born again believer is full of guilt when they sin, so much so that they want to be cleansed to move forward in pleasing God.
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