Pertaining to the poster below:
We see this in every walk of life now! We see it in families, in politics, in churches and in schools. It has become a cultural fad to say whatever someone wants to believe, truth doesn't matter, only feelings.
When "feelings" are seen as facts we have lost the culture to irrational thinking.
When facts don't matter only feelings do nothing can be resolved. When one person presents the facts, the feelings oriented individual refuses to acknowledge truth there can be no resolution to any problem.
Those who speak truth will be hated, demeaned and rejected by most of the culture, while the irrational feelings oriented person is coddled and pampered as a victim for having to hear truth.
This is called "raging insanity" the Bible speaks of in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. "Perilous times" meaning "ragingly insane" times. This is where we are now all over the world.
This is also why those of us who are born again are yearning, watching and waiting for our home going. We are present in a world that has lost the ability to think sensibly. I no longer say phrases like "common sense" any more because "good sense" is not common.
Many of you will understand what I am talking about. You have been rejected and mocked for things most people would have agreed with just 50 years ago.
Even those our age who were taught all the same things and acted sensible have changed their minds to follow the wicked culture.
We can discern the strong ones who are guided by the Holy Spirit, those are the ones who remained faithful to the truth in the midst of continual opposition and repudiation.
For a period of time we all thought we were alone, that there wasn't anyone else who thought as we did but we couldn't bring ourselves to capitulate to the whims of others merely to be accepted by the family and the culture. We were confused for a period of time wondering if we were wrong for speaking truth so boldly. We were not confused about truth or right from wrong, we were just confused as to whether or not to speak it because of the anger of others toward us.
That confusion doesn't last long when we ponder that what we believe is truth and that God commands us tell what we know.
The rage that emanates from others toward us for speaking truth was designed to intimidate us into silence. It has worked with most people who are not strong. It does not work with those who are more dedicated to Christ and His truth than they are to being accepted by others.
Proverbs 29:24-26 "…24 A partner to a thief hates his own soul; he receives the oath, but will not testify. 25 The fear of man is a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD will be set securely on high. 26 Many seek the ruler’s favor, but a man receives justice from the LORD.…"
When someone rages when we speak the truth it is on them not us. We do not cause anyone else to rage they choose that to manipulate and control others. Lets place the blame on those who rage rather than on ourselves for speaking truth.
It is common now for this depraved culture to blame the truth teller for the rage of others. The narcissist will always claim we did something that the narcissist is doing but we are not, it deflects blame to others that belongs to them. Never be intimidated by them, they have no power over us that we do not give them.
The hope of the narcissists rage is to cause us to become like them, fighting and arguing. If they can get us to act rudely the way they do it allows them to feel justified in their bad behavior. Yes, its silly and perverted but it works in a culture that is full of pride and irrational thinking.
Our goal is to speak truth calmly, ignore their insults and accusations and continue to repeat what we said unaffected by their provocations. When they continue to act belligerently we calmly and emotionless walk away. Never continue to engage with an irrational person who is attempting to goad you into a fight.
Proverbs 28:4-5 " 4 Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law resist them. 5 Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD comprehend fully.…"
Proverbs 29:8-10 "…8 Mockers inflame a city, but the wise turn away anger. 9 If a wise man goes to court with a fool, there will be raving and laughing with no resolution. 10 Men of bloodshed hate a blameless man, but the upright care for his life.…"

We see this in every walk of life now! We see it in families, in politics, in churches and in schools. It has become a cultural fad to say whatever someone wants to believe, truth doesn't matter, only feelings.
When "feelings" are seen as facts we have lost the culture to irrational thinking.
When facts don't matter only feelings do nothing can be resolved. When one person presents the facts, the feelings oriented individual refuses to acknowledge truth there can be no resolution to any problem.
Those who speak truth will be hated, demeaned and rejected by most of the culture, while the irrational feelings oriented person is coddled and pampered as a victim for having to hear truth.
This is called "raging insanity" the Bible speaks of in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. "Perilous times" meaning "ragingly insane" times. This is where we are now all over the world.
This is also why those of us who are born again are yearning, watching and waiting for our home going. We are present in a world that has lost the ability to think sensibly. I no longer say phrases like "common sense" any more because "good sense" is not common.
Many of you will understand what I am talking about. You have been rejected and mocked for things most people would have agreed with just 50 years ago.
Even those our age who were taught all the same things and acted sensible have changed their minds to follow the wicked culture.
We can discern the strong ones who are guided by the Holy Spirit, those are the ones who remained faithful to the truth in the midst of continual opposition and repudiation.
For a period of time we all thought we were alone, that there wasn't anyone else who thought as we did but we couldn't bring ourselves to capitulate to the whims of others merely to be accepted by the family and the culture. We were confused for a period of time wondering if we were wrong for speaking truth so boldly. We were not confused about truth or right from wrong, we were just confused as to whether or not to speak it because of the anger of others toward us.
That confusion doesn't last long when we ponder that what we believe is truth and that God commands us tell what we know.
The rage that emanates from others toward us for speaking truth was designed to intimidate us into silence. It has worked with most people who are not strong. It does not work with those who are more dedicated to Christ and His truth than they are to being accepted by others.
Proverbs 29:24-26 "…24 A partner to a thief hates his own soul; he receives the oath, but will not testify. 25 The fear of man is a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD will be set securely on high. 26 Many seek the ruler’s favor, but a man receives justice from the LORD.…"
When someone rages when we speak the truth it is on them not us. We do not cause anyone else to rage they choose that to manipulate and control others. Lets place the blame on those who rage rather than on ourselves for speaking truth.
It is common now for this depraved culture to blame the truth teller for the rage of others. The narcissist will always claim we did something that the narcissist is doing but we are not, it deflects blame to others that belongs to them. Never be intimidated by them, they have no power over us that we do not give them.
The hope of the narcissists rage is to cause us to become like them, fighting and arguing. If they can get us to act rudely the way they do it allows them to feel justified in their bad behavior. Yes, its silly and perverted but it works in a culture that is full of pride and irrational thinking.
Our goal is to speak truth calmly, ignore their insults and accusations and continue to repeat what we said unaffected by their provocations. When they continue to act belligerently we calmly and emotionless walk away. Never continue to engage with an irrational person who is attempting to goad you into a fight.
Proverbs 28:4-5 " 4 Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law resist them. 5 Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD comprehend fully.…"
Proverbs 29:8-10 "…8 Mockers inflame a city, but the wise turn away anger. 9 If a wise man goes to court with a fool, there will be raving and laughing with no resolution. 10 Men of bloodshed hate a blameless man, but the upright care for his life.…"

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