If it were true that we must marry the one we love and so many are choosing those they fall in love with, then why are there so many divorces. The problem is that falling in and out of love happens in marriage too because it is all based on feelings that change all the time. When our love is based on a choice to love someone the feelings do come but the choice must be there first.
Also when we choose someone based on their character that does not change as the feelings come and go. The basic character of a person is deeply embedded in their soul. When there is pretense in dating the couple is on their best behavior, their real self does not begin to leak out until they spend every day and night with that person.
We must watch how a person interacts with their mother, father and siblings to have an idea about their character. We also need to see how they respond to challenges that are uncomfortable. Trials bring out the real us.
Trials can shape our character if we care about becoming a better person, but mostly trials reveal who we are on the inside when our responses leaks to the outside. That leaking is the real person, not the false one that is kind and good when all is going our way.
Love is a choice and is commanded by God.
Mark 12:31 "…30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
Mark 12:31 is a command!!!

Also when we choose someone based on their character that does not change as the feelings come and go. The basic character of a person is deeply embedded in their soul. When there is pretense in dating the couple is on their best behavior, their real self does not begin to leak out until they spend every day and night with that person.
We must watch how a person interacts with their mother, father and siblings to have an idea about their character. We also need to see how they respond to challenges that are uncomfortable. Trials bring out the real us.
Trials can shape our character if we care about becoming a better person, but mostly trials reveal who we are on the inside when our responses leaks to the outside. That leaking is the real person, not the false one that is kind and good when all is going our way.
Love is a choice and is commanded by God.
Mark 12:31 "…30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
Mark 12:31 is a command!!!

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