Many people depend on their "pastor" or attending at a building for their spirituality.
When we are born again we can be creative and meet other places, our homes, our barns our sheds anywhere that believers want to gather. For a time, many years ago a Brethren assembly we knew met in the back of a dog kennel.
The brothers and sisters enjoyed the sounds of barking dogs through their worship but it was not a problem because their focus was Christ.
The day we realize our spirituality does not come from a one-man pastor or a special kind of building to meet in is when we understand that Christ lives in us and we can gather with one another anywhere at any time. Then is when we understand that Christ is the center of our worship and not traditions or "special people with titles", then we are free, truly free in Christ.
If you want to be free to worship in Spirit and Truth let go of all man-made traditions that only stifle the moving of the Holy Spirit.
John 8:36 "36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
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