Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Hitler Spirit Continues Today!

There are those who think there will never be another Hitler in the world who will do what he had done. His legacy has been 6 million murdered Jews as well as those who were retarded and infirmed in some way that made them, in his mind, useless to society. Adding the 6 million Jews and all the others it has been estimated that he murdered more than 12 million people. 

Think again if you think there has not been another Hitler! Think about this, there have been thousands of Hitlers in our country since the Roe V Wade decision in 1973 that declared preborn babies as non-persons allowing their parents in collusion with doctors to brutally take their lives. 

What has been happening in the past 47 years is far worse than anything the other Hitler did. We are only talking about the United States in this discussion, it is embellished exponentially when we consider the entire world also doing this monstrous deed. 

There have been one in 5 people murdered in our country alone since 1973. The entire population of California, Washington and Oregon would be the same number of abortions that have occurred in the last 47 years. Imagine if a Hitler came along and said everyone in these three states must be killed.

Lets take an easy accounting; Hitler= about 12 million, Abortions in the United States; about 62 million. 50 million more people than Hitler and few people bad an eye at this. 


There have been 200,000 deaths in the United States accounted to the COVID19 virus in just the past few months, a virus that none of us did to ourselves and no one had control over. The media is all over this news about COVID19, constantly ranting every day about those who have died from it but not one word about the 4000 babies a day that are brutally murdered by doctors at the bidding of their mothers. 

A woman who was instrumental in making the killing of babies easily available, paid for by the government, has died and she is being praised by the media and every feminist woman in America.

THOUSANDS OF THEM, the doctors, the mothers and people like Ginsberg who ruled over this nation for many years fighting for the right to kill babies. 

These monstrous numbers only apply to the United States, imagine the entire world doing the same thing!

And you think that God should bless America? Even if the entire country repented God would still have to punish this nation for all these deaths, not to mention for all the other monstrous sins that occur every day.

Our leaders are corrupt, every single one of them! A nation does not become this corrupt without compromising men who claim goodness but will not stand strong. These politicians know if they stood strong they would be voted out, what must this say about the voting population? It tells us that the country as a whole is wicked, monstrous, and godless, having a form of religion but living for pleasure and prosperity according to the imaginations of their own hearts rather than by the love of God. 

There can be no love of God when there is no love for humanity. There is no love for humanity when a culture encourages their young to murder their babies, live in shack up relationships and divorce and remarriage as often as they change their clothes. 

Those who think God is going to save America or has sent someone to save it are living in a dilution. That dilution is that if we just vote the right way all the hearts of the people will suddenly become righteous and stop their evil deeds. NOT!

Jeremiah 11:13-14 "…13 Your gods are indeed as numerous as your cities, O Judah; the altars of shame you have set up—the altars to burn incense to Baal—are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’ 14 As for you, do not pray for these people. Do not raise up a cry or a prayer on their behalf, for I will not be listening when they call out to Me in their time of disaster."

Anyone who thinks this country can be turned around by the right politician or the clever business man has their head in the sand ignoring all the sin and corruption that dwells in most hearts. They ignore their own wrong attitudes and fight against correction when shown the words of the Bible, God's Words, the very essence of Christ. 

To declare a person a "non-person" simply because they are inconvenient is the height of arrogance and a enormously monstrous attitude. 

The Supreme court of our land did this in the Dread Scott decision in 1857, declaring that blacks were non-persons because they were slaves. They did this with babies in 1973, declaring that babies could be killed because they were unseen. and a blob inside their mothers.
This is what monsters do, they change the verbiage to sound as though they are doing nothing wrong in order to justify the evil done by those who wish to use others. In the case of slavery subjugating people to work for them. In the case of abortion the babies become terribly inconvenient when the couple who conceived them only wanted the pleasure of sex but not the result or responsibility of it.
In the case of Dread Scott, the slave owners wanted the pleasure of owning slaves that could gain them great wealth but they didn't want the burden of considering them in their decisions. They wanted to use them like animals without any restrictions on how they were treated.

The Dread Scott decision and the Roe v Wade decision were exactly the same. In one case the human beings being abused and oppressed were adults and small children. In the case of abortion the human beings are the most helpless members of our society, the preborn babies. 

It is only evil men who can make laws such as these but just as evil for righteous men to allow them to continue. 

Why have we not seen an "Emancipation Proclamation " declared by the previous pro-life presidents? I think its a good question!

It was the "Imancipation Proclomatioin" of Abraham Lincoln that ended slavery. Why can we not do this today? I believe the reason is that every so called "pro-life" president will not openly and swiftly declare preborn babies as human beings protected by thee constitution of the United States.

These politicians all walk on egg shells hoping to win the next election if they remain silent on this issue, but when they are elected a second term they still do not do the bold and godly thing. 

Rightousness by increments is cowardess in my opinion. 

James 4:17
"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."

Isaiah 1:17
"Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause."

Perhaps those politicians or business men who claim to want to do right ought to pay more attention to the principles of God. They don't because they know they will be persecuted, it would get in the way of winning the next election, or getting the next conservative elected when they lose office. 

Sometimes I get so tired of the rhetoric and the foolishness of slow thinking and spineless leaders who poke their finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing, making sure they have as little opposition as possible. I am convinced these weak kneed leaders do not really believe what they say or they would go for broke, speak truth and be willing and ready to take their lumps as they stand for rightouesnoess. 

For many years I heard over and over again, "we have to take baby steps getting a little here and a little there" in order to push forward in the cause. Balderdash, we have been saying this for 50 years and things are getting worse. Things are not getting better with this strategy, they are getting worse. 

What's that saying; "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result." 

Matthew 5:10-12
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Its time we stop "playing politics" stop "playing Christian" and just stand up for righteousness from God's word where ever we are, leaving the result to God. We are not responsible for the results we are responsible to do what pleases God. If that fails it is not our fault but the fault of those who will not listen, they will be held accountable for their own response. We are held accountable for whether or not we stood for truth. 

Luke 16:13
"No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

We cannot serve God and a rebelliuos people at the same time.

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