Friday, November 27, 2020

Killing the Messenger to Avoid the Truth

It has been my experience that often those who do not like the message will attack the messenger.
They know the truth but do not want to hear it so they say the messenger has a problem. This is classic narcissism.
No born-again believer has all things right, but if they are speaking the truth there is no reason to attempt to discredit the one who brings the truth.
I see this all the time. People who have stubborn hearts will not listen to the message but will criticize the messenger without specifics.
Stubborn hearts always focus on diminishing the person when they don't like the message. No matter how much scripture you give or how right you are according to the scripture they will discredit you to avoid validating the message.
Psalm 78:8
Then they will not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose heart was not loyal, whose spirit was not faithful to God.
"Refusing to listen to God’s instructions for life (Isaiah 30:9)
Being disloyal to God in our thoughts and actions (Psalm 78:8)
Carrying out our own plans rather than God’s will for our lives."(Isaiah 30:1)
Forming alliances with ungodly businesses, entertainment, and personalities (Isaiah 30:1)
Turning away from God and going our own way (Jeremiah 5:23)
Selling out to the world by following their counsel rather than God’s Word (Isaiah 1:23) From
One can discern a rebellious heart when we attempt to warn them about something and they display the attitudes as described from "" There are more indicators but these are the main ones that include all the others.
When someone refuses to evaluate their walk to make sure they are obeying God His Way, we know there is stubbornness.
May the Lord help the born again believers to evaluate every single thing asking God to show us things in our lives that do not honor Him His way.

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