Friday, March 4, 2022

Killing Born Babies will Soon be Legal

If you have any questions as to how wicked the world is becoming just take a look at new laws that are in consideration. Many years ago when we were involved in the pro-life movement we were telling people where abortion would lead but they didn't believe us then.
When "killing' becomes normal in any culture the next step is expected, more barbaric and less respect for life.
Most people choose not to believe what they don't want to hear. Murders are escalating in cities all over our country because of the murder mentality that began with abortion.
Murder has always been around but now it is going to an entirely new level, the legalized murdering of babies that have already been born.
Abortion has been legal through all nine months from Roe v Wade in 1973, no one believed us then. After that they moved to partial-birth abortion in which the doctor could kill the babies halfway out of the womb, by tearing off their limbs, placing instruments in their heads to crush their skulls, removing brain matter by suction, as they were coming out of their mother.
We said this would happen but no one believed us because it sounded so utterly unthinkable to many back in that day. But, here we are the very thing we said would happen is happening.
Disrespect for people and human life brings about barbarous consequences. Only those who are blind and wicked could ever do this to a baby, and yet now it is becoming legal to kill them after they are born and several months old.
Who of you would raise their hand that America could ever be great again? If your hand is raised put it down, it is foolish to think God is giving to overlook this monstrous disrespectful treatment of babies.

Next is will be open murder of the elderly, if you don't believe that then you are willfully blind as were so many back in 1973.

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