This really nailed it when it comes to Spiritual Warfare.
Norman DoyleGospel Of Grace - Rightly Divided
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For the devil to keep believers TIRED, WEAK, DEFEATED and UNPRODUCTIVE, all he has to do is to blind them from seeing and knowing the TRUTH- the weapon of their warfare. You wouldn't believe it if I tell you this is exactly what the devil has been doing since the time of Adam. In fact, the devil is a professor when it comes to blinding Christians and engaging them in useless and unproductive extra-Biblical activities.
"What are you talking about?" I've not yet started. I am about to. It's about spiritual warfare.
I want to touch on spiritual warfare. Is there anything called spiritual warfare? If there is, what is it and what is it not? How can we war in the spirit? These are some of the issues I will address this year.
"What then is spiritual warfare?"
Spiritual warfare is simply a way of FRUSTRATING the LIES of the devil by establishing yourself in the TRUTH- which is God's will for all believers. Spiritual warfare is not fighting devils!
Before I continue, I want you to understand that spiritual warfare is not what so many believers call spiritual warfare today. I have seen men and women binding the devil, whipping him, shooting him, casting and stoning him. Some even sit on the floor screaming and others stepping on the devil. And I always ask myself, "Who has bewitched these people?"
Listen to me, that is not how to fight. All those things most believers do are carnal and unbiblical! They have nothing to do with spiritual warfare! You can finish jumping around and the devil will still torment you through your mind because you are operating CARNALLY. The battle is in the MIND, not out there. The battlefield of the enemy is your MIND. That is where he is fighting from. He is not out there trying to attack you. He is attacking your MIND by feeding you with LIES and wrong doctrines. All those LIES and FALSE DOCTRINES are the strongholds that you need to pull down

"4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of STRONGHOLDS;
5 Casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the KNOWLEDGE of God, and bringing into captivity every THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ;" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 KJB)
So how do we fight in this battle? Do we bind devils? Do we tell the devil to back off? Do we shout and scream? A thousands times no! Christ HAS ALREADY DEFEATED the devil on our behalf. The devil is powerless. You give him power when you believe his LIES like generational curses, spiritual marriages etc. So we must cast down any FALSE INFORMATION that is in our MINDS: wrong IMAGINATIONS, false KNOWLEDGE, wrong THOUGHTS. This battle is fought by knowing the TRUTH.
All the jumping up and down is just an exercise in futility. You are binding the devil every Sunday. Who LOOSES him when you BIND him? Understand that the devil uses DECEPTIONS, FALSEHOODS and TRICKS in fighting and winning every fight he fights the believer. So if you don't understand how he fights, you will not be able to live and enjoy the overcoming life that you have in Christ. That's why I said spiritual warfare is an act of frustrating the LIES of the devil by establishing yourself in the truth. Remember Jesus said,
"And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free"
5 Casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the KNOWLEDGE of God, and bringing into captivity every THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ;" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 KJB)
So how do we fight in this battle? Do we bind devils? Do we tell the devil to back off? Do we shout and scream? A thousands times no! Christ HAS ALREADY DEFEATED the devil on our behalf. The devil is powerless. You give him power when you believe his LIES like generational curses, spiritual marriages etc. So we must cast down any FALSE INFORMATION that is in our MINDS: wrong IMAGINATIONS, false KNOWLEDGE, wrong THOUGHTS. This battle is fought by knowing the TRUTH.
All the jumping up and down is just an exercise in futility. You are binding the devil every Sunday. Who LOOSES him when you BIND him? Understand that the devil uses DECEPTIONS, FALSEHOODS and TRICKS in fighting and winning every fight he fights the believer. So if you don't understand how he fights, you will not be able to live and enjoy the overcoming life that you have in Christ. That's why I said spiritual warfare is an act of frustrating the LIES of the devil by establishing yourself in the truth. Remember Jesus said,
"And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free"
Its the TRUTH
you know that will make you free. It's not all those GYMNASTICS of jumping up and down, lifting chairs and banging them on the floor. You CANNOT be made free by binding the devil and his cohorts!
I know Satan does not like what I post on this page because I am exposing his LIES. I am indefatigable when it comes to this.
Its the TRUTH

I know Satan does not like what I post on this page because I am exposing his LIES. I am indefatigable when it comes to this.
By Kalonga Chansa ... —

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