Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Roles are Different but Both are Important

In the matter of leadership in the church it is important to think the way God thinks and not according to man's ways.
Leadership isn't a matter of someone being above someone else it is a matter of God-given roles. We muck up God's plan by following man instead of God. Feminism was a concoction of the devil to destroy the stability of the home by taking the women out of it distracting them with pride and personal adulation.
Women have demeaned themselves by thinking they are "less than" merely because the man has a different role.
When we covet the role of another it is the same as saying that our role is not good enough, it's a matter of misplaced pride. One-up-manship is not a good thing, it always destroys relationships and ultimately the culture as a whole.
I have never considered my role as a homemaker less important than my husband's role as the wage earner. He manages a business and I manage the home, the only difference is the paycheck, which I enjoy too. I do not have to have a personal paycheck to feel fully productive. In fact, I do not answer to a boss, I answer to God alone, I am as creative in my role as I choose to be.
A husband will safely trust the household to his wife without the need for micro-managing when she takes her job as CEO as seriously as he takes his wage-earning job.
So many women thought they would derive their importance from being in the world to show off to others their talents when it really didn't bring any more fulfillment to their lives than if they had stayed at home and been creative there.
Proverbs 31 shows us how creative the woman can be and how influential she is by supporting her husband. "her husband is respected in the city gates because of her." Read the entire chapter and you will see just how busy and creative the homemaker and CEO of the home can be if she does it God's Way.
In one case the husband fully supports the family with his income and reputation in the community and the woman fully supports the family with her effective management of the home, she enhances the influence of her husband by her lifestyle and support of whatever calling God has on his life.
A woman's calling is just as important but more unobtrusive. We don't gain a lot of attention or accolades in this life but will have our reward in heaven. A woman who needs continual accolades is one who suffers from insecurity and pride.
In the culture we live in the devil has managed to deceive a lot of women into believing they must be like men to be noticed and appreciated. If a woman must be like someone else to feel accomplished then they are weak women. A Proverbs 31 woman is not weak, she is not driven by what others expect of her, and she is free to be what God made her while enjoying the challenges it brings.
Hallelujah for God's Word and His principles that bring the greatest purpose.

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