When I was in high school before I was born again we were being taught that the world began with a big bang. It was called the "Big Bang Theory", but was not being taught as a theory because they didn't teach any other theories alongside it, that could be plausible and definitely not Creation by God.
In other words, I was penalized for asking questions and expecting conversation over it. This has been the story of my entire life. My generation was taught just to believe whatever the authorities taught without questioning. Because this mentality was woven through all the culture it was considered rude to disagree and even worse if we asserted ourselves that we were not going to accept what the majority wanted us to believe.
To this day I thank the Lord that He placed in me a personality that asked; "why" a lot and did not accept what didn't make good sense to me.
After I became born again this same mentality within me questioned the things that I saw in "church." And, of course, there I was also met with contempt as though questioning was rude and rebellious.
I was even called rebellious by family members because I wanted to know the truth about everything. This desire to know the truth is often met with angst, thus making us the target of "family mobbings" in which everyone marched in lockstep with one another and the scapegoat, me, was treated with disrespect as though a rebel.
I would ask my family things that they couldn't answer and was always met with rudeness. Since being superior and always right was the goal of everyone in the family I was treated as the outlier who caused trouble by asking for explanations because they could not explain what they believed.
I learned to stay in my room a lot, reading books and staying out of conversations they were having because I knew I would be met with discourteous and demeaning responses. This mentality never ended, I am in my 70s today and the family still operates this way, at least those who are still alive.
However, beyond the extended family that I avoid now, the same devil who has influenced that family structure has reached beyond them to the next generation. I do assign this problem to the devil. The people who allow him to influence them without asking God to show them the truth, are responsible for just believing the lies. I suspect that jealousy, just like the jealousy the devil had of God, was what motivates gossips to believe things of which they have no evidence.
The devil is relentless in keeping the truth from unsuspecting family members. They are blinded to the truth about everything, except a little truth is thrown in to make the whole Magilla sound good but also make the belief a lie.
Half-truths are worse than lies, they give credibility to something which is completely wrong.
The point of this article is that we should never stop asking important questions to clarify things, we should never stop asking God for truth no matter how others choose to react to our inquiries.
The angriest people are those who follow belief systems they cannot explain and are deeply fearful of those who question. When we find ourselves in company with, "lock-step" people we have the freedom to walk away and make new friends. These non-questioning people often operate the way cults do, asserting things that are not true and intimidating people into compliance.
My suggestion is to get away from "group-thinkers" they will always hold you back from progressing in holiness. It is only through knowing truth that we can become more Christlike.
Romans 12:2
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
We ought never to follow groups, persons or families, we ought only to follow Christ. These entities might at times speak some truth into our lives, but if they use manipulation, intimidation and mocking to control you, get out of there!!! Run, don't walk, away from those who love their traditions more than they love God.
Colossians 2:8
"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ."
Mark 7:13
"Thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And many such things you do.”"
My last suggestion; question ALL things people say comparing it with what God says in His Word. If what they say and do does not match up with His Word then you are free to disagree and you are free and even have an obligation to God to reject what is not from Him.
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