Manipulation can be very subtle. For instance, a salesman who is selling vacuum cleaners door to door may tell you this is the last day of the sale and this is the last vacuum available.
We had this happen to us when I was 19 years old and married with a baby on the way. My husband and I were in need of a vacuum. A salesman came to our door full of manipulative smiles and fake concern about our predicament, which really wasn't a predicament at all, but when he was through with us we felt pressured to get that machine right now before we missed out.
Then there was the time not long after that an encyclopedia salesman came to the door. We had no furniture in the house to sit on, we ate our food sitting on the floor.
When the salesman entered the room we invited him to sit on the floor and show us his books. My husband is an avid reader and could not resist a brand-new shiny set of books.
After we signed the papers, gave a little down payment and the salesman left we sat there on the floor with a contract to pay big bucks over a years time for these books, we realized that money could have been spent to purchase furniture to sit on instead of books to read on the floor. We canceled the contract, paid the penalty for canceling and went out and purchased a couch.
We were manipulated both times and learned good lessons about the tactics of the salesmen. They made the purchases look important and that we would miss out if we didn't have these things.
Did you know the devil is using these very same tactics today among Christians only in a slightly different form, more cunning ways with guilt attached if we do not do as others do.
He leads the believer to think that to be a good Christian we must do all the things within church gatherings that everyone else is doing or we will miss out on something. And, possibly not be seen as good Christians by those in the gathering. Perhaps the most enticing thing he uses is the loss of the love and respect of the others in the group if we do not do as they say and do.
God commands us to be unified but always unified in His Word. We are never required to follow the dictates of others when they violate God's principles or when the rules are man-made and not commanded by God. Our freedom is immense within the principles of Christ. It is man who makes things complicated, difficult and oppressive.
A good example of this is when the apostles were not required to ritualistically wash their hands as was the custom of the religious leaders.
Matthew 15:1-3 "1Then some Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, 2“Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They do not wash their hands before they eat.” 3Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?…"
If is acceptable to follow man's rules if you want to when they do not violate God's Word. However, it is also acceptable to ignore a man-made rule if God never commanded it.
Colossians 2:8,20-23
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."
The biggest problem with Christians today is the tendency to evaluate our walk according to how others view us more than we seek Christ for His truth. More actions and words are done to preserve our image within the church gatherings than resemble anything Biblical.
It was the religious Pharisees who burdened others with rules God never commanded and judged them if they didn't do it.
Matthew 23:4-5 " 4 They tie up heavy, burdensome loads and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. 5 All their deeds are done for men to see. They broaden their phylacteries and lengthen their tassels.…"
I am alright with people making man-made rules for themselves if it makes them sense a closer walk with Christ, but I am not supportive of those who make these rules for themselves and pressure others to follow their rules. And worse, judge others who do not do what they do.
We are to judge righteous judgment, that is judging the things God has already stated as judgment in His Word. We can repeat God's judgement and encourage others to follow Christ, but we are not free to intimidate and manipulate others into obeying man's dictates that God never gave.
When we realize our allegiance is to Christ Who lives in us and not man we are free to hear from God and obey Him. Those who are following man's rules that God never made are in bondage to unnecessary pressure and guilt, the guilt is from man and the devil not from God.
Luke 11:46
"Woe to you as well, experts in the law!" He replied. "You weigh men down with heavy burdens, but you yourselves will not lift a finger to lighten their load."
Bottom line; evaluate everything according to the Bible and follow what Christ tells you to follow. And, do not allow any person to derail you from the path God has for you.
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