Friday, October 11, 2024

Something Interesting Has Happened in these Last Days of Apostasy

Has anyone else noticed something very interesting, in these last days of godlessness?
The clothing has become foolish, the decor in homes is stark and uninteresting, the hair styles are beyond sloppy and much more. Everything is getting uglier.
I cannot tell you how disturbed I feel when I see woman wearing ripped jeans that they paid $80 for brand new.
I remember for years how I waited for the style of saggy pants on young men to go away. They were offensive to me and even immoral at times.
Now I am waiting for the ripped faded and worn-out jeans on women to pass.
It makes sense that the devil would want to make everyone look terrible to dishonor God.
I have heard it said by young people that God does not care how we dress. My response was, then why are you obsessing over how someone else dresses appropriately for church gatherings?
The young people seem to be irritated at proper clothing to worship God. They are using the excuse to dress down to justify their lazy and irreverent attitude about God and His gathering.
They will use the scriptures out of context to say that we should not honor one person over another based on clothing. Of course, I agree with God on this but remember God was not speaking of those who can afford to do better in their clothing, He was addressing the matter of the poor not having anything else to wear but tattered clothing because it was all they had. We are not to treat others disrespectfully because they are poor and do not have anything else to wear.
God was teaching us not to treat people disrespectfully because of their financial status. It would be equally bad to judge someone as haughty for dressing a little better for gathering than they do in their every day lives. He never at any time told everyone else to dress down so they can feel comfortable. This matter of clothing had to do with wealth and poverty not clothing style.
Back in the day when farmers were poor people had one set of clothing for working and one set for church and going to town. They valued that their attitude was seen in their choice of clothing when in the presence of others. This is not wrong, it is a virtue to look our best for God and for others.
We are not to judge others according to their appearance, but we should be diligent in our appearance for ourselves. Our attitude is seen in whether we are diligent or lazy.
By the way, it seems foolish to me for anyone to be wealthy and pay big bucks for ripped clothing. Just saying!!!!!
I recall one time when someone who claimed God doesn't care how we dress to attend church meetings came to the gathering once dressed very well because she was going to an office Christmas party afterward. So an office Christmas party was more important than the worship of God?
The clothing for the office party was seen as appropriate for the gathering there but not appropriate for God's Worship gathering?
I guess I am old and out of step with the culture as a whole. So many things that are held as important in our modern-day seem foolish and even irrational to me.
I don't judge anyone based on their clothing but apparently there are those who love to "dress down" who do judge those of us who do not do what they do.
Again, just saying!

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