Monday, October 14, 2024

Unplugging from the Apostate System and all of its Traps

I have no complaint about the whole "COVID" problem of the closing of church gatherings because I see it as God's way of closing all the apostate church gatherings sending people back to their homes to evaluate why things were being done in those places the way they were operating.
When the virus hit and the churches began to close I rejoiced inside without understanding what the joy was all about. I began to pray about it and the Lord showed me that the Holy Spirit was doing a work in the modern church to show them their dependence on the church system rather than on Christ.
Those in the church gatherings depended on the pastors to be their spirituality leaving them weak and lifeless when it came to the Christian walk.
Many people were upset that they had to stay home because they had never learned to worship and pray by themselves at home without being told what to do. They were co-dependent on the pastor up front and those worship teams rather than the Holy Spirit.
The closing of the churches was an opportunity for people to leave behind their traditional modern model of "church" and return to Christ. Those who remained faithful in their worship at home didn't have a problem with co-dependency, they were not feeling a loss of tradition because their hearts were not dedicated to it, their hearts were dedicated to Christ Who lives in them and goes everywhere with them.
We were not called to a "temple" as in the old testament, nor were we called to a particular number of believers with whom to gather except Christ's declaration that "where two or three are gathered, there am I in the midst." We were free to remain at home and worship and pray there with our families. Those who lived alone were free to meet with others in their homes.
The shake-up of the church, that is the believers who are the church, caused something good to happen, it brought about the questioning of the way the modern traditional church was doing things and whether or not it was Biblical.
Many years ago the Lord showed my husband and myself the Biblical model of church gathering and it looked nothing like what the majority of gatherings were doing. It was beautiful and a blessing to meet in this way with those who loved obeying Christ but had no affinity for the minutia of frivolous activities that God never endorsed or commanded for the brethren.
A shake-up of the church in our modern age began with COVID. It was a blessing in ways people could not discern unless they were observing what had been happening to the unbiblical model of the church, centered around a building and a one-man-paid-pastor system that only served to undermine the work of the Holy Spirit in many believers.
There is no greater teacher than Jesus Christ Who lives in us. Anyone who operates to intimidate people into following them is usurping the work of the Holy Spirit.
Perhaps the Holy Spirit has been silenced in many gatherings because He has been ignored in favor of men educated by other men with agendas to dominate the congregations in the church gatherings they governed.
God designed a plurality of elders in each gathering so that no one became "the authority" over the people, only the Holy Spirit has this position in a believers life.
All believers are governed by the Holy Spirit. We are all used as led by the Holy Spirit in our perspective roles, and we share with one another as we are led by Him. Those who will only listen to "designated preachers" who have been appointed by men and paid by men, are usurping the Holy Spirit diminishing the power and works of God in the gathering.
Perhaps in these last days of apostasy, the Lord is giving us one more chance to see the truth right before He takes His church out. Perhaps the real church, the people who are born-again are coming out of the apostate gatherings, being set aside as they wait for their homegoing.
Luke 21:28
"And when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near"
Romans 8:23
"And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering"
Romans 8:25
"But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently"
Brothers and Sisters, do not be dismayed at the separation and isolation from the modern church, rather glory in what is coming and in what God has called you individually to do. We do not need others telling us what to do, we only need the Holy Spirit and He will never disappoint.

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