Friday, December 20, 2024

Judging Others Pridefully is Sin

Most "Christians" would claim the credit for a child who becomes a Christian but would not claim the shame when their child rejects Christ.
I have good news, it is not a parents responsibility to make a child a Christian. It is our responsibility to present the truth and leave the choice to the child and to God for the outcome.
Those who judge parents as having done a bad job because a child does not "turn out as they should" are placing their trust in human beings and not in God.
No parent is perfect, no parent can know exactly what is needed in the heart of another human being only God knows that. We can only do our imperfect best and depend on God to do the rest, He knows the child's heart.
I have known many people who came from ungodly families who trusted in Christ and their hearts were changed. The parents do not get the credit for the salvation of their child, Christ does.
I have known many people who rejected Christ who came from godly families, the parents were not responsible for the choices of their children either.
Ezekiel 18:19-20: "The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself".
Those who judge others by evaluating others based on their own pride will be judged for that pride. There is no love in the heart of someone who cares more about demeaning parents than they do about what became of the child. Yes, we pray for the parents and the children, but never regard ourselves so highly that we feel justified in judging parenting when we were not there to see what happened.
Prideful people who are competitive love to judge others even without enough information to be able to see all that went on in a household.
Competitiveness is not godly, it is self exalted and full of anger. Only an angry person feels the need to neglect to evaluate themselves but are freely evaluating others.
May each one pay close attention to their own stuff and leave the judgments of others to God.
Judging is not bad when it is done in love according to the Bible, however, judging others to appear superior is sin.

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