Sunday, January 19, 2025

Our Government was Founded on Paganism

Our government was founded on the principles: "of the people, for the people and by the people" and not "of God, for God and by God." Think about it!!!!
We were brainwashed as children that "in god we trust" on the money meant we were following God. But in reality, the devil knew those who are simple-minded would translate that phrase; "in god we truth" to mean Jesus Christ, but it was not about Him at all. It was about any god one chose. And, money has become the god of nearly everyone even if they deny it.
Money and freedom have become the gods of the people. This culture prides itself on accepting all gods and turns it's nose up in rebellion against the God of the Bible.
If you do not believe me just tell a fellow Christian you have decided not to participate in the worldly governmental system and watch them come out of their face in anger that you decided not to participate. You might not even tell them not to participate, they will be angry that you have made a decision for yourself, nothing to do with them.
Sadly those who are in power use the word "god" all the time and phrases like; "we are praying for you", but they do not know the God of the Bible and are aggravated by the mention of Jesus Christ.
Even believers I have spoken to become agitated and at times angry when the Bible is used to correct them or bring them back to right thinking.
This nation was never a Christian nation as we have been told, it has always been based on pagan gods and goddesses and the people having authority over themselves not allowing God to be the Authority, even though they would claim up and down it is God who decides.
When people want to decide for themselves God lets go and gives them what they want, the very reason we are in the mess we are in today.
Our government was based on and still is the people deciding for themselves even if it means going against God.
I grieve every time I hear a "Christian evangelist" pressure believers to vote or get out and march against evil. They use the scriptures out of context to make the claim that we should be involved in politics to be an influence.
When an entire culture believes they should make their own decisions without God, there is no convincing them to let go of their own power and trust in Christ.
Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”
Trusting in our vote, and trusting in a leader who does not know Christ is foolish at best. Why would we trust in someone who lives without Christ's direction?
I get that we have been brainwashed and it takes a lot of prayer to let go of what makes us feel safe and that others approve. But I assure you, the freedom we have in obedience to Christ is much greater than the acceptance of those who follow their own way or the ways of others.
Ever since I asked God to show me truth so that I can discard anything that is not from Him, my eyes are being opened to all the lies I was raised with and all the lies "church people" tell that they don't realize is not Biblical.
We are living in the last days of apostasy and the great deception. God is revealing to His people the truth about everything and it is immensely exciting.
Truth does not come to us, we have to ask for it because we want to follow Christ fully without the chains of cultural opinions.
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 "…4 The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
One last thought that God gave me years ago is to ask those who speak these lies; "why do you believe that and where is it in the Bible." Most will not be able to give an answer for why they believe something and most will not want to hear the truth, what a delight when someone is ready to hear.

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