Pressuring me to give to foreign missions I know nothing about is manipulation. I will block anyone who is "pressuring" me for funds. When the Holy Spirit guides me to give I will know it is Him, pressuring others for money is not Biblical.
One person challenged me that something was wrong because I was ignoring him. He was attempting to place guilt on me for something God never told me to do.
This is also the reason I don't like "building funds", when anyone can have a gathering in their home or rent a space monthly without monstrous mortgages while badgering people to give to the "building fund."
We are to be generous people as believers, but that does not mean we give our money to just anyone or any cause because others expect it from us. We give as led by the Holy Spirit not as badgered by men.
Many things people ask for are not needs, they are just indulgences, such as fancy structures. One person asked me to donate money for Christmas gifts for children, I don't even celebrate that pagan holiday myself. Children do not need gifts they need Christ. If He is all they have they have enough.
2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver".
After all, isn't it more exciting to see a need met by God when He was the only one we told about it? I think so!!!
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