Saturday, February 22, 2025

Interpretation is Everything

The scriptures have been twisted by many "Christians" because they were never born again and interpreted everything they read in the Bible in terms of their own fallen cultural mindset.
These false Christians follow psychology which was birthed from Darwinism and Freud. The were both heretics determined to prove there was no God. Their principles came from the study of animal behavior not from God's Word.
Numerous Christian writers and evangelists have been teaching from the play-book of Darwin and Freud and not even realizing it. They have taught many things these men proclaimed that have been against the Word of God.
I can't count the number of "Christians" I have met who speak many wrong principles against God's Word thinking they are from the Bible but are in fact against God's Word.
The hard thing for me to grasp is these same "Christians" fight against the Word of God, demonize those who correct them and even malign their reputation to be able to hang onto their desired belief. They will not ask God so they stay stuck in their sinful ideas foregoing spiritual and emotional growth.
2 Timothy 4:3 "
"For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires,"
It is impossible to convince someone who has already been indoctrinated into their favorite belief, to persuade them of the truth. The lie has been perpetuated all their lives and shared by all their friends and relatives, and they cannot let go of what makes them feel secure within these influences.
This is why cultic systems are so dangerous, even if it is only a cult-like family system in which everyone only allows their own ideas according to the leader of that system.
The bravest and best course of action is to determine to believe only God's Word, no matter how many people come against us or reject us. I have found that it is far more blessed to be alone with Christ knowing the truth than accepted by many believing lies.
Keep looking up, soon it will be over and we will be surrounded by those who love Christ the same way we do. What an amazing freedom and peace we have when we follow Christ.

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