Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Solution is Christ!

For several years now Christians thought the best solution for our country would be a leader who would make them feel safe, clean up the "swamp" and return the country to well-being based on physical and material elements.
When Trump ran for office I heard many Christians promoting him, backing him, and proclaiming that he was a Christian on the side of the church. And, I must add, I voted for him to, admittedly based on his promises to do some good things, but I had no dilution that he was going to do anything great for the spiritual mess this country lives in every day.
The Lord gave me a check in my spirit that this mentality of the salvation of the United States was not only a wrong focus but a worldly one.
Trump is not a "reprieve" from evil, he is one more cog in the wheel of the antichrist system. He is promoting things that seem much better than what we had and will have some positive effects, however, everything he is promoting, even though it looks good, is another step in the direction of the antichrist rule. He doesn't know it but he is doing things that will ultimately end up allowing the antichrist to rule the world from Jerusalem.
Trump is backing a "Stargate" system that will place satellites all over the world with the capability of monitoring everything about every human on the planet. He has rejected the World Health Organization, which is a good thing, but in its place will be a worse invader of human privacy.
There is an ancient proverb that says; "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." The World Health Organization has been villainized and rightly so, however, the thing that is supposed to replace it will be capable of far worse than the entity we thought was far too invasive.
Trump is supporting Israel but he is not a Christian, he is playing a role right now for the sake of winning Christians and may even believe he is one, but his thrust is not about evangelism, it is about a better culture including all religions as he sees goodness and righteousness. He has hitched his wagon to the Pentecostal movement which placed prosperity above righteousness and is inclusive of all pagan religions.
We have not had a "pause" in evil in our country with a new president, we have one who is fast-tracking the road to the antichrist even if he doesn't know it.
Those who believe Trump and Netanyahu are Christians will be those who will be fooled by the antichrist when he emerges and claims to be the Christ.
The focus of American Christians has not been on Christ but on their own personal comfort and because of this they have been lulled into a false sense of safety that will lead to the culmination of the antichrist system.
I find it interesting that our culture likes to pretend the things they want are happening, based solely on their own good feelings. Pretending is a huge part of this fantasy culture.
The idea that we were "delaying the decay" of America by electing a new leader, or that we can somehow delay the antichrist rule is not only unbiblical but seriously lacking in faith. Nowhere in Scripture does God tell believers to do anything to stop the last day's tribulation events or the antichrist.
Our faith ought never to be in a leader of any kind. As born-again believers our faith is in Jesus Christ, therefore we read His word to believe Him and we are able to discern the movement toward the end times events.
Our focus in these last days ought to be to preach the gospel to the lost and edify the saints as they endure the evils of the times in which we live.
Those who measure "Christianity" in someone by what they "say" are making a huge mistake based on "feelings" without rational thinking.
God said, "you shall know them by their fruit." This fruit is Spiritual and in every born-again believer. It is not about what someone tells us, it is about the Spirit of Christ Who lives in them. Only those who are born-again can discern another believer who has the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23
"22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."
1 John 4:1
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."
Those who rely on appearances and words will be deceived. They will evaluate everything according to their desired feelings and not on the truth.
We should not be looking for "revival" in this country, which says that something was lost and comes back again. We are looking for the transformation of lost souls who were never born again and are changed into new creations by Christ. We should be motivated to speak even more about Christ and His principles than ever before because the time is short before the church is taken out and the tribulation becomes full-blown.
One way we have of discerning truth tellers from pretenders is whether or not they love the Word and follow it or if they say they love the Word and fight against the truth when confronted with it.
Pretenders will always pick and choose passages based on their desired beliefs but born-again believers will seek the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures to obey what God tells them.
Placing our trust in any man or leader is foolishness, because we know no man can have a better answer or greater wisdom than the Holy Spirit of Christ.
Many "churches" today are interpreting their Bible in terms of the cultural bents and not in terms of what God actually said. This causes fighting among the Christians, between those who want to obey the Scriptures and those who love their culture more than they love God.
God said in John 14:15; "15If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
Seems very simple but there are many who will claim they obey Him but they do not.
The closer we become to the rapture of the church and the tribulation the more "Christians" we will meet who hate those who follow Christ authentically. These haters will claim we are the evil ones for expecting Christians to obey the Word of God.
The haters will send their flying monkeys to torment us hoping to diminish our influence and make us doubt our resolve to follow Christ. They are so shallow they think being rude and mean to us will cause us to be timid, but the opposite is true, we learn to become stronger and less affected by the haters, they do not matter, only obedience to Christ matters to those who love Him.
Praise God that the attempts of the devil to diminish our walk are thwarted by the One Who is more powerful than he, that is Jesus Christ.

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