Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Rebellious People Hate the Truth

All the rebellious people I know will mock whatever we say no matter how reasoned or true because their purpose is to discredit what we say or to invoke a reaction from us that they can hold against us.
The tricks and manipulations of the devil are legion but if we have been paying attention he has only a few battle tactics that he uses with everyone.
He rages, lies, provokes for a reaction, removes our support system through gossip, attempts to disarm us through physical and emotional illness and repeats and rinses over and over again to break down the one who serves Christ.
The good news is that we can ignore our emotions about what he is doing and proceed to follow Christ anyway, speaking truth anyway and remain determined to walk through everything with Christ.
So many Christians lean into their physical and emotional misery that they forget Christ is more powerful than the devil and that our God goes through with us in everything.
Not only that but everything we go through has a purpose that we may not always understand but can trust Christ in it.
We may have tears, mourning, and feelings of helplessness but those are only feelings, our Spirit knows it will pass and we need not allow those feelings to dominate or control our choices.
The Bible is the instruction book for us, it does not change merely because our feelings influence us. We must allow the Bible to be our influence, not our feelings.
So many people operate from feelings and because of this they make many unnecessary mistakes because feelings lie to us. Feelings say things are bad when they are good, they say things are good when they are bad. We must admit our feelings but never allow them to dictate our actions.
Admitting our feelings is a sort of cleansing, when we face them and evaluate them according to the Bible we can actually expunge them through the truth of God's Light.
Many times my feelings were strong about something, but when I began to pray and recall God's Word the feelings dissipated and rational reasonable thinking replaced those feelings.
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
When we do this the devil has no power over us and we become stronger than he while Christ fights our battles for us.

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